About KRC
- Library now known as Knowledge Resource Centre (KRC) caters to the information requirement of S&T community of buildings science and technology and is a hub of research activities of the Institute.
- Our Centre has both e-learning facilities and reading through hard copies of rich collection of books, journals, technical reports, conference proceedings, standards, manuals, patents, theses etc.
- KRC activities are automated and all modern services like Web OPAC, Smart card & RFID system have been successfully implemented.
- Further enriching its texture, KRC is maintaining network with the institutions at national and international level in building science and technology and is member of number of National & International organizations and Institutions like CIB, RILEM, FIB, IBC, IGC and so on.
- Beyond the print sources now more than 4000 full text of e-journals, e-databases, standards, patents are available on line under National Knowledge Resource Consortium (NKRC) (CSIR-DST).