Print (up to 31st March 2015)
- 44087 documents including text books, reference books, hindi books, technical reports, manuals, conference proceedings, standards, theses , maps etc.
- 20448 bound volumes of journals collection since 1950
- Full text reprints of research publications of S&T members of CBRI
- Collection of Annual Reports of CSIR labs.
Current Print Journals Subscription (2015)
- Foreign Journals – 40 (click here for list)
- Indian Journals – 43 (click here for list)
E – Collection (online)
- Above 4000, through NKRC/Direct subscription.
- Journals of all S&T Publishers like: ASCE, Wiley, RSC, Nature, Emearld, ICE, Elsevier, OUP, T&F, ACI.
- Science database: Web of Science; ICONDA-CIB.
- ASTM, BS-Euro Standards on Civil/Structural Engineering, Indian Standards (CD)
Institutional Membership
- Indian: ISCA, IBC, IGBC, IE(India), IGS, INSDAG
- International: CIB, FIB, RILEM