This is an initiative launched by the Ministry of Home Affairs that requires all government organizations to create an action plan to spread cybersecurity awareness. It is observed on first Wednesday of every month. The purpose is to create awareness and sensitize the Internet users on safeguarding against cyber frauds and cyber crimes.
Cyberspace is a complex and dynamic environment of interactions among people, software and services supported by world-wide distribution of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) devices and networks. On the one hand, cyber space, which cuts across global boundaries has brought in latest innovative technologies and modern gadgets, while on the other hand, it has inevitably led to increased dependencies on computer resources and internet-based professional, business and social networking. The exponential increase in the number of internet users in India and the rapidly evolving technologies have also brought in its own unique challenges, besides aggravating the existing problems of cyber crimes, which is one of the fastest growing forms of transnational and insidious crimes. These technological developments have also led to the proliferation of cyber crimes, which is one of the fastest growing forms of transnational and invisible crimes. The border-less nature of cyber crimes poses challenges in responding effectively due to the limits of cross-border investigation, legal and jurisdictional challenges and diversity in the technological capabilities to combat this virtual crime space spread across the globe.
Cyber crimes are generally understood as malware. attack (use of malicious software like ransomware, viruses, trojans, spyware, bots etc.), phishing (capturing sensitive information like username, password, credit/debit card details using fake websites, emails etc.), attacks on critical infrastructure, unauthorized data access (data breach), online financial frauds, crimes against women and children like cyber stalking, child pornography etc. It is also seen that around 60% of the cyber crimes reported on National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal (https://www.cybercrime.gov.in) relate to online financial frauds.
Cyber crimes can be prevented through ‘Cyber Hygiene’ by inculcating habits of taking basic care of lCT devices at regular intervals such as, properly shutting down the computer, changing passwords at regular intervals, being cautious against opening of phishing websites along with other websites, precautions to be taken while handling social media platforms, protection against data theft, collection and disposable of e-waste etc.
As a part of ‘Cyber Jagrookta Diwas’ basic protocols of Cyber Hygiene should follow , some of which are mentioned here, to name a few: shut down the computer, Install and maintain up to date anti-virus software on your computer or device, keep your internet browser up-to-date, be alert to unusual computer activity or problems, use a modern browser with features such as a pop-up blocker, change your passwords often, beware of links sent via instant messaging and e mail attachments, don’t open emails or attachments from people you don’t know, don’t become online ‘friends’ with people you don’t know, be very careful about sharing content online, use the strongest privacy setting when you set up your profile, avoid joining unknown Wi-Fi networks and using unsecured Wi-Fi hotspots, do not share any information related to sensitive and financial aspects in social networks.
In addition to above, A National Cyber crime Reporting Portal(https://www.cybercrime.gov.in) and a toll-free helpline number 1930 (earlier helpline number was 155260) to assist citizens for registration of complaints pertaining to cyber crimes on the portal. Further, Please follow Twitter handle, Instagram handle, Facebook handle and Linkedln handle, which provide regular safety tips relating to prevention of cyber crimes.