Skill Development Group aimed to enhance the knowledge and skills of the implementing archives to incorporate disaster resistant techniques and building bye-laws in building design, environmental friendly housing construction and to mitigate the risk in existing buildings. And also, it will provide better opportunity to develop trained and certified skilled human resource like engineers, masons, architects, artisans and contractors for generation of employment and promote entrepreneurs etc across the country.
The group has provided training and skill upgradation to more than 2500 persons since last couple of years. The major participating agencies in this are state PWD’s, State Disaster Management Authorities, MoRD, MDoNER, Panchayati Raj Deptt. of state Govt., NGO’s, Red Cross Societies, Nirmithi Kendra, District Administrations and Himachal Pradesh ST&E department. In addition, the group has actively participating in the CSIR Integrated Skill Initiatives (under National Skill Mission) to regularize its skill development trainings to develop skill human resources for the construction sector to fulfil the scientific social responsibility of the nation.
It offers the skill development training programmes on the following areas:
- Multi-Hazard Resistant Construction Systems
- Rehabilitation/Retrofitting of Buildings
- Heritage Buildings
- Sustainable Buildings & Future Technologies
- Environmental Friendly New Building Materials
- Fire safety in Buildings
- Utilization of Bamboo as Building Materials
- Partially Precast Building Construction
- Improved Rural Housing & Sanitation
- Disaster Safe Building Construction Practices
- Low Cost Housing & Sanitation Systems
- Mechanization and Automation in Building Construction and Services
- Protection of Buildings from Termites
- Landslide Control Measures