Countries visited in connection with higher studies, research training, employment and other scientific assignments:
Name | Dr. NEERAJ JAIN |
Date of Birth | 24.11.1969 |, | |
Present Designation | Principal Scientist |
Division | Building Materials and Environmental Sustainibility Group |

Educational Attainments
Degree / Diploma | Main Subject | University/Institution with Distinction | Country | Year of Passing |
B.Sc. | Zoology. Botany, Chemistry | Meerut University | India | 1988 |
M.Sc. | Bioscience | University of Roorkee | India | 1990 |
Ph.D. | Chemistry | University of Roorkee | India | 1995 |
a) Main Area of Specialization | Environmental Chemistry/gypsum and gypsum products |
b) Sub-area of Specialization | Utilization of industrial solid waste like fly ash, slag, gypsum, sludge etc and air & water pollution mitigation |
Country visited | Purpose | From | To |
- | - | - | - |
Neeraj Jain, S.K. Srivastava and A.K. Shrivastava
Optimization of Culture Parameters for Degradation of Black Liquor by Pseudomonas
Putida. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2, 705-710, (1993).
- Neeraj Jain, S.K. Srivastava and A.K. Shrivastava
Effect of Culture Parameters for Degradation of Black Liquor by Acinetobacter calcoaceticus. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 3, 499-504, (1994).
- S.K. Srivastava, A.K. Shrivastava and Neeraj Jain
Degradation of Black Liquor, a Pulp Mill Effluent by Bacterial Strain Pseudomonas Putida. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 33, 962-966, (1995).
- N. Jain, A.K. Shrivastava and S.K. Srivastava
Treatment of Black Liquor by Pseudomonas putida and Acinetobacter calcoaceticus in a Continuous Reactor. Environmental Technology, 17, 903-907, (1996).
- Neeraj Jain, A.K. Shrivastava and S.K. Srivastava
Optimization of Culture Parameters for Degradation of Black Liquor by Aeromonas formicans. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 5, 213-220, (1996).
- Neeraj Jain, S.K. Srivastava and A.K Shrivastava
Degradation of Black Liquor, a Pulp Mill Effluent by Bacterial Strain Acinetobactor calcoaceticus. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 35, 139-143, (1997).
- Neeraj Jain, S.K. Srivastava and A.K Shrivastava
Degradation of Black Liquor, a Pulp Mill Effluent in Batch and Continuous Process by Aeromonas formicans. IPPTA Journal, 9, 33-39 (1997).
- A.K. Handa, H.B.D. Pasrija, A.K. Shrivastava and Neeraj Jain
Ecological Studies on Sukhana Lake. Indian J. Environmental and Ecology, 15, 370-373, (1997).
- A.K. Shrivastava, H.S. Dhull and Neeraj Jain
Physico-chemical Treatment of Reclaimed Rubber Plant Wastewater. Chemical &
Environmental Research, 6, 21-27, (1997).
- A.K. Shrivastava, Deepak Rastogi and Neeraj Jain
Coagulation Studies on Wastewater from Vanaspati Manufacturing Plant. Indian J. Environmental Protection, 17, 189-192, (1997).
- N. Jain, S.N. Rai and A.K. Shrivastava
Development of Portable Filters for Forward Areas. Indian J. Env. Prot., 18, 189-193, (1998).
- Nanjunda Swami, Neeraj Jain, Pradeep Kumar and A.K. Shrivastava
Effect of Culture Parameters on Degradation of Distillery Wastewater by Activated Sludge Microorganisms. Advances in Food Science, 20, 59-63, (1998).
- Nanjunda Swami, Neeraj Jain, Pradeep Kumar and A.K. Shrivastava
Degradation of Predigested Distillery Wastewater by Aerobic Microbial Strains. Indian J. Env. Prot., 18, 658-661, (1998).
- A.K. Shrivastava, H.J. Ningaraju and Neeraj Jain
Coagulation Studies on Ossein Wastewater Treatment. Ind. J. Env, Hlth. 41, 90-97, (1999).
- A.K. Shrivastava, Jyoti Swaroop and Neeraj Jain
Effect of Seed on BOD Exertion. Ind. J. Hlth., 42, 75-78, (2000).
- A.K. Shrivastava and Neeraj Jain
Energy Production from Municipal Solid Waste. Scitech, 5, 51-56, (2000).
- Neeraj Jain, A.K. Minocha and C.L. Verma
Biochemical Methane Potential of Municipal Solid Waste. J. Environmental Study and Policy (TERI), 3, 21-32, (2000).
- V.K. Gupta, A.K. Minocha and Neeraj Jain
Batch and Continuous Studies on Treatment of Pulp Mill Wastewater by Bacterial Strain Aeromonas formicans. Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 76, 547-552, (2001).
- Neeraj Jain, A.K. Shrivastava and V.K. Gupta
Biosorption of Chromium (VI) from Aqueous Solutions by Green Algae Spirogyra Species. Water Research, 35, 4079-4085, (2001).
- Neeraj Jain, A.K. Shrivastava, A.K. Minocha and C.L. Verma
Air Quality Assessment Near Brick Kiln Industry. J. Ind. Association for Environmental management, 28, 38-42, (2001).
- Neeraj Jain, A.K. Shrivastava, A.K. Minocha and C.L. Verma
Isolation, Screening and Identification of Bacterial Strains for Degradation of Predigested Distillery Wastewater. Ind. J. Experimental Biology, 39, 490-492, (2001).
- A.K. Minocha, C.L. Verma, Jaswinder Singh and Neeraj Jain
Environmental Aspects of Brick Industry in India. J. Ins. Public Health Engineers, Vol. 2001, No.2 (April-June), 52-64, (2001).
- A.K. Minocha, Jaswinder Singh, Neeraj Jain and C.L. Verma
Ent Bhatto Se Paryavaran Pradushan Avam Niyantran (in Hindi). Paryavaran Patrika, NEERI, Nagpur, 1, 29-34, (2001).
- Neeraj Jain, S. K. Prajapati, A.K. Minocha, and C.L.Verma
Batch Studies on the Degradation of Spent Wash from Distilleries. Ind. J. Env. Prot., 21, 122-126, (2001).
- Neeraj Jain, A.K. Minocha and C.L. Verma
Degradation of Predigested Distillery Effluent by Isolated Bacterial Strains. Ind. J. Experimental Biology. 40, 101-105, (2002).
- A.K. Minocha, Neeraj Jain and C.L. Verma
Effect of Organic Materials on the Solidification of Heavy Metal Sludge. Construction and Building Materials. 17, 77-81, (2003).
- A.K. Minocha, Neeraj Jain and C.L. Verma
Effect of Inorganic Materials on the Solidification of Heavy Metal Sludge. Cement and Concrete Research, 33, 1695-1701 (2003).
- C.L. Verma, A.K. Minocha and Neeraj Jain
Bhawan Nirman Samagri Udyogon Se Utpan Pradhuasan Aivam Niyantran Prodyogiki (In Hindi). NCHF Bulletin, 21-24 (July 2003).
- V. K. Gupta, Neeraj Jain and Vipin Saini
Adsorption of As (III) from Aqueous Solutions by Iron-Oxide Coated Sand. Colloid
and Interface Science, 288, 55-60, (2005).
- V. K. Gupta, V. K. Saini and Neeraj Jain
Biosorption of Copper (II) from Aqueous Solutions by Spirogyra species, In: Journal
of Colloid and Interfcae Science, 296, 50-63, (2006).
- Neeraj Jain and Mridul Garg
Effect of Cr (VI) on the Hydration Behavior of Marble Dust Blended Cement:
Solidification, Leachability and XRD Analyses, construction and Building Materials, 22 (8), 1851-1856, 2008.
- 32. Neeraj Jain and Mridul Garg
Solidification and Hydration Studies of Marble Dust Blended Cement Containing
hazardous Cr (VI), New Building Materials and Construction World, 14 (6), 240-
248, 2008.
- 33. Mridul Garg, Neeraj Jain and Manjit Singh
Development of Alpha Plaster from Phosphogypsum for Cementitious Binder
Construction & Building Materials, 23 (10), 3138-3143, 2009.
- 34. Mridul Garg and Neeraj Jain
Utilization of Industrial Waste for Making Value Added Building Materials, Civil Engineering and Construction Review, Feb issue, 56-64, 2010.
- Mridul Garg and Neeraj Jain
Waste gypsum from intermediate dye industries for production of building materials
Construction & Building Materials, 24 (9), 1632-1637, 2010.
- Mridul Garg and Neeraj Jain
Development of Masonry Cement from Waste Chalk and Phosphogypsum, New
Building Materials and Construction World, 260-264, OCT. 2010.
- Mridul Garg, A. K. Minocha and Neeraj Jain
Environmental Hazard Mitigation of Waste Gypsum and Chalk: Use in Construction Materials, Construction & Building Materials , 25(2), 944-949, 2011
- Neeraj Jain
Solidification and Leachability of Cr(VI) in Rice Husk Ash Blended Cement ISRN Civil Engineering, 1-6, 2011, doi:10.5402/2011/183158.
- Neeraj Jain
Effect of Non pozzolanic and Pozzolanic Mineral Admixtures on the Hydration Behavior of Ordinary Portland Cement, Construction & Building Materials, 27(1), 39-44, 2012.
- Neeraj Jain, J. Singh, A. K. Minocha, A.B. Akolkar and M. K. Choudhury
Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management-a Case Study, Indian . J. Environmental Protection, 31(11), 907-915, 2011.
- Neeraj Jain, A. K. Minocha and J. Singh
Air Dispersion Modeling of Brick Kilns: Sitting Criteria and Good House Keeping Practices for Brick Industry in Uttar Pradesh, , Indian . J. Environmental Protection, 32(4), 276-282, 2012.
- Neeraj Jain and Jaswinder Singh
Mass Balancing and Life Cycle Assessment of Municipal Solid Waste, J. Chemistry and Environment, 17(5), 13-18, 2013.
- Neeraj jain
Immobilization of Hazardous Cr(VI) in Blended Cement: XRD and Leaching Studies, J. Chemistry and Environment, 17(10), 28-34, 2013.
- Mithalesh Kumar Dwivedi, Suresh Jain and Neeraj Jain
A PVC-Based Crown Ether Membrane Sensor for Cu2+, J. Chemistry and Environment, 17(9), 13-18, 2013.
- Neeraj Jain, Mridul Garg, and A. K. Minocha,
Green Concrete from Sustainable Recycled Coarse Aggregates: Mechanical and
Durability Properties, Journal of Waste Management, Volume 2015, Article ID
281043, 1-8, Jan 2015.
- Neeraj Jain
Fixation of Hazardous Metallurgical Sludge Containing Cr(VI) in Cementitious Binder, International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research, Vol. 3 (7), 164-169, July 2015
- Neeraj Jain
Effect of Chemical Admixtures on the properties of Gypsum Hemihydrate Plaster Used as Building Materials, International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 8(5)310, May 2016.
- Neeraj Jain and A. K. Minocha
Municipal Solid Waste Utilization for Development of Value Added Building Components. Nirman Sarika, Published by BMTPC, New Delhi, Vol. 7 (3), July-Sep. 13-17, 2018.
- Soumitra Maiti, Neeraj Jain, A. K. Minocha and N. Gopalkrishnan
Challenges and Opportunities of Municipal Solid Waste Management in India. NCHF
Bulletin Vol. 31(5), Nov. 2018, 21-24.
- Neeraj Jain, Soumitra Maiti and R. K. Verma
Characterization and Utilization of ETP Sludge of an Automibile Industry for Development of Construction Product, NCHF , Bulletin Vol. 32(3-4), Sep.-Oct. 2019, 230-35.
- Prachi Tyagi, R. K. Verma & Neeraj Jain
Fungal Degradation of Cultural Heritages and Options for Management, Current
Science, 121(12), 153-156, Doi: 10.18520/cs/v121/i12/1553-1560, Oct. 2021, IISC,
- V. Malviya , M. K. Dwivedi and Neeraj Jain
Kinetic, Equilibrium and Thermodynamic Studies of Malachite Green Dye Removal
Using Activated Combined Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) Sludge as a Low-Cost
Adsorbent, Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, 26(4) 2022, 124-134
- Vibha Malviya1, Priyanka Shrivastava1, Mithalesh Kumar Dwivedi & Neeraj
Removal of Crystal Violet Dye From Wastewater Using Sludge From Treatment Plant:
Equilibrium and Kinetics Studies, Environmental Engineering and Management
Journal 21(12) 2022, 2073-2084, Romania
- Vibha Malviya1, Priyanka Shrivastava1, Mithalesh Kumar Dwivedi & Neeraj Jain
Regression Analysis on Sorption of Crystal Violet Dye from Wastewater by Sewage
Treatment Sludge, Desalination and Water Treatment, 283, (2023), 222-236
- Soumitra Maiti, Neeraj Jain, Jaideep Malik and Aakriti, Light Weight Plasters
Containing Vermiculite and FGD Gypsum Wastes for Sustainable and Energy Efficient Building Construction Material, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, 2023, 00736-7
- Aakriti, Soumitra Maiti, Neeraj Jain, and Jaideep Malik, A Compre-hensive Review of Flue Gas Desulphurized (FGD) Gypsum: Production, Properties, and Applications, 2023, Construction and Building Materials, 393,131918
- Treatment of Black Liquor by Immobilized Cell Technology. In: Proceeding of the International Seminar on Civil Engineering Practices in the Twenty First Century, Feb 26-28, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Roorkee, Roorkee, Vol. 3, 1487-1497 (1995).
- Biotechnology in Pollution Control. In: International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development, Feb 13-15, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Roorkee, Roorkee, Vol. 2 649-656 (1997).
- Bacterial Treatment of Pulp Mill Effluent by P. putida in Free and immobilized Forms. In: International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development, Feb 13-15, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Roorkee, Roorkee, Vol. 2, 663-670 (1997).
- Isolation and Screening of Bacterial Strains for Distillery Wastewater Degradation. In: International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development, Feb 13-15, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Roorkee, Roorkee, Vol. 2, 657-662 (1997).
- Coagulation studies on Kattha Mill Wastewater with Natural Poly Electrolytes. In National Seminar : Environment-2025 AD, Nov. 12-14, Institution of Engineers, Orissa State Centre, Bhubaneshwar (1997).
- Treatment of Distillery Wastewater by Pseudomonas cruciviae in Free and Immobilized Forms. In National Seminar : Environment-2025 AD, 12-14, Institution of Engineers, Orissa State Centre, Bhubaneshwar (1997).
- Treatment of Anaerobically Digested Distillery wastewater by Immobilized Cell Technology. In: International Conference on Industrial Pollution and Control Technologies. Nov. 17-19, Jawahar Lal Nehru Technical University, Hyderabad (1997).
- Public Participation in EIA Studies. In: 14th National Convention of Environmental Engineers, Aug. 7-9, The Institute of Engineers, Andhra Pradesh State Centre, Hyderabad, A.P. (1998).
- Batch Studies on the Treatment of Pulp Mill Wastewater by Bacterial Strain Aeromonas formicans. In: IPC-2000-Natioanl Seminar on Industrial Pollution Control, Feb. 18-19, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (2000).
- Bacterial Degradation of Black Liquor from Small Scale Pulp and Paper Mills. In:International Conferences on Construction Industry, Challenges for Sustainable development, Nov. 18-20, The Institute of Engineers, India, Chandigarh (2000).
- Batch Studies on the Degradation of Predigested Distillery Effluent by Isolated Bacterial Strains. In: National Seminar on Management and Utilization of Clinical and Urban Wastes, July 27-28, The Institute of Energy, environment and Waste Management, Calcutta, W.B. (2001).
- Effect of Inorganic and Organic Materials on the Solidification of Heavy Metal Sludge. In: National Conference on Pollution Prevention and Control In India, March 2-3, VRCE and IAEM, Nagpur, M.S. (2002).
- Bhawan Nirman Samagri Udyogon Se Utpan Pradhuashan Aivam Niyantran Prodyogiki (In Hindi). In: CSIR Diomond Jublee Seminar on Bhawan Nirman Samagri Udyogon Se Paryavaran Pradushan Aivam Niyantran, Organized by CBRI, Roorkee, April 24, (2003).
- Swachch Jal Ka Vikas Aivam Prabandhan (In Hindi). In: Hindi Sangoshthi on Bhawan Nirman Udhyog Aivam Jal Sanrakshan, Organized by CBRI, Roorkee, 23 Sep. 2004.
- Aerobic Treatment of Pulp Mill Effluent in Batch and Continuous Reactors. In: National Seminar on Water Quality In India, Organized by NIH, Roorkee, 18-19 Nov. 2004.
- Spirogyra Duara Jaliay Gholon Se Cr (VI) Ka Jaiv Avchushan. In: International Seminar in Hindi “HIMAVAIS-2005”on Paryavaran, Swasthaya, Jaiv Aivam Suchna Prodhyogiki: Nutan Sopaan, Organised by ITRC, Lucknow 28 Feb-2 March 2005.
- Hydration Behaviour of Marble Dust Blended Cement: Solidification Studies with Chrome Plating Waste. In: International Conference “ICME-2005”, Organised by RRL, Bhubaneswar, June 13th-14th , 2005.
- Effect of Admixtures on the Solidification of Toxic Wastes Using Cementitious binder. In : Proceeding of the Seminar on “Environmental Degradation”, Organised by Depp of Chemical & Alcohol Technbology, S. D. College of Egineering and Technology, Muzaffarnagar, !7th Sep. 2005.
- Treatment of Predigested Distillery Wastewater by Free and Immobilized bacterial Stains. In : Annual Conference on “ Zero Waste for Sustainable Development” Organised by Indian Association for Environmental Management (IAEM), Ankleshwar Industries Association (AIA), Ankleshwar, Gujarat, 30th Nov. 2007 to 1st Dec. 2007.
- Solidification anad Stabilization of Cr (VI) in the marble Dust Blended Cement In: CBRI Diamond Jubilee Year Conference on “Challenges and Applications of Mathematical Modeling Techniques in Building Science and Technology” Organised by CBRI Roorkee, 7th Feb 2008 to 8th Feb 2008.
- Cost Effective Building Materials from Industrial and Agricultural Wastes In: “National Workshop on Appropriate Technologies for Hills” (ATH-2008), Organised by College of Technology, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, 16th Oct to 18th 2008.
- Microbial Treatment of pulp and Paper Mill Wastewater In: International Convention on “Water Resources Development and management” organized by BITS Pilani, 23rd-26th Oct. 2008.
- Low cost Building Materials from Waste Gypsum In: National workshop on “New Technologies for Rural Development Having Potential of Commercialization” Organised by The Institute of Engineers, MP and Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Bhopal, 9th May 2009.
- Immobilization of Hazardous Metallurgical Sludge Containing Cr(VI) in Cementitious Binder In: International Congress on “Recent Advances in Environmental Science and Technology” Organised by Banarus Hindu University, Varanasi 2nd -4th 2009.
- Environmental Friendly Construction Materials from Waste Gypsum In: “International Seminar on Waste to Wealth –Green Building Materials and Construction Technologies Using Agricultural and Industrial Wastes” Organised by Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council and Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, GOI, New Delhi, Nov. 12-13 , 2009.
- Batch Studies on Adsorption of As(III) from Drinking Water by Iron-Oxide Coated Sand In: “97th Indian Science Congress” Organised by The Indian Science Congress Association, at University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, 3rd– 7th 2010.
- Jaswinder Singh, Neeraj Jain, A. K. Minicha and Deepmala
Bhawan Nirman Samugri Udyogon se Pradushan tatha unka Nivaran
In: “Rashtriya Sangosthi-2010 on Nirman Samagriya: Vision 2030” (In Hindi)
Organized by CRRI, New Delhi, CBRI, Roorkee, AMPRI, Bhopal at CRRI, New
Delhi, 12th -13th May 2010.
- Mridul Garg , Neeraj Jain and Shilpi Agarwal
Flourogypsum Dwara farshi Tilo ka Nirman In: “Rashtriya Sangosthi-2010 on
Nirman Samagriya: Vision 2030” (In Hindi) Organized by CRRI, New Delhi,
CBRI, Roorkee, AMPRI, Bhopal at CRRII, New Delhi, 12th -13th May 2010.
- Neeraj Jain, A. K. Minocha and Jaswinder Singh
Ent Bhatto Se Utpan Paryavaraniya Pradushan, Dushprabhav avam Niyantran
Prodyyogiki In: “Rashtriya Sangosthi-2010 on Nirman Samagriya: Vision 2030”
(In Hindi) Organized by CRRI, New Delhi, CBRI, Roorkee, AMPRI, Bhopal at CRRI,
New Delhi, 12th -13th May 2010.
- 32. Neeraj Jain,. Mridul Garg, A. K. Minocha and Jaswinder Singh
Soliodification and Leachability of Cr(VI)_in Rice Husk Ash Blended Cement. In:
98th Indian Science Congress Organised by The Indian Science Congress Association, at SRM University, Kattankulathur, Chennnai, 3rd– 7th Jan. 2011.
- Mridul Garg, A. K. Minocha, J. Singh, Neeraj Jain and S. Maiti ,
Recycling and reuse of Construction and Demolition Waste in Tiles. In: “International Conference on Advanced Materials for Energy Efficient Buildings (AMEE2B-2013), Page No. 74, Organised by CBRI, Roorkee, at Indian Habitat Centre, Delhi, Feb. 13-15, 2013.
- Neeraj Jain and Jaswinder Singh
Utilization of Municipal Inert Waste for Development of Value Added Building Components” In: “International Conference on Advanced Materials for Energy Efficient Buildings (AMEE2B-2013), Page No. 78, Organised by CBRI, Roorkee, at Indian Habitat Centre, Delhi, Feb. 13-15, 2013.
- Neeraj Jain, Soumitra Maiti and A. K. Minocha
Bacterial Tretament of Pulp And paper Mill Wastewater In Batch And Continuous Reactors In: International Conference on Water Resource Management, Page No. Tech 1/1-1/7, Organised by Academy of Water Technology and Environmental Management and CSIR-CGCRI, Kolkata, 11-12 Jan 2018.
- Soumitra Maiti, Neeraj Jain and A. K. Minocha
Response Surface Methodology for Optimization of Copper Removal from Waste- water by Fly Ash In “ International Conference on Water Resource Management, Page No. Tech 4/1-4/11, Organised by Academy of Water Technology and Environmental Management and CSIR-CGCRI, Kolkata, 11-12 Jan 2018.
- Neeraj Jain, Soumitra Maiti and A. K. Minocha
Fabrication of road Paving Blocks Using Recycled aggregates, In: National Seminar on Emerging Materials and Construction Technologies- Building Materials and Housing Technologies for Sustainable Development, PP 61-71, Organised by BMTPC, New Delhi, 22-23 Feb 2018.
- 38. Neeraj Jain, and A. K. Minocha
Management of Municipal Solid Waste in Integrated Processing Plant-A Case Study, In: National Seminar on Emerging Materials and Construction Technologies- Building Materials and Housing Technologies for Sustainable Development, PP 156-163, Organised by BMTPC, New Delhi, 22-23 Feb 2018.
- Neeraj Jain, Soumitra Maiti and A. K. Minocha
Inert Waste Utilization for Development of Building Components, In: International Conference on Utkarsh 2018-Empowering & Enabling Women in Science, Organised by NEERI Nagpur in association with OWSD, New Delhi, 30-31 Oct. 2018.
- Neeraj Jain
Alternatives to Clay from Top Soil: Development of Building Products Using Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) Sludge, In : Workshop on National Brick Mission: Roadmap for the Brick Sector, Organised by CSE, Delhi, 24-25 June 2019, at Pune.
- Neeraj Jain and Soumitra Maiti
Development of light weight building components using flue gas desulfurization gypsum, In: Indo-German workshop on Sustainable Buildings, Organised by CSIR-CBRI , July 29-30, 2019, at, Roorkee.
- Neeraj Jain
Recycling of silt from storm water drain in to value added building components, In: Indo-UK workshop on Waste to Wealth- Sustainable Utilization, organized by CSIR-CBRI, August 07, 2019 at, Roorkee
- Neeraj Jain, Soumitra Maiti and R. K. Verma
Fluorogypsum dwara pharshi Tilo Avam Bhawan Nirman Samagriyon Ka Vikas, In : Hindi Workshop on Paryavaran avam Climate Change, Organised by NEERI 17th Sep. 2-019 at Nagpur.
- Neeraj Jain
Alternatives Brick Manufacturing Technologies With Low Emission & Reduced Energy Consumption, In : Training Programme on Inspection & Monitoring of Brick Kilns, organized by CSE, 13-14 Feb 2020 at Delhi.
- Neeraj Jain
Experiences from Monitoring of Brick Kilns in Punjab, In : Training Programme on Inspection & Monitoring of Brick Kilns, organized by CSE, 13-14 Feb 2020 at Delhi.
- Neeraj Jain
Development of High Strength Plaster Using FGD Gypsum and Fly Ash in Webinar
on Ash Utilization organized by NETRA-NTPC, Noida, 16th Oct. 2021.
- Neeraj Jain
Potential of Waste Gypsum in Development of Value Added Building Components, In: FGD Gypsum Utilization” Organised by NTPC Ltd, on 21-22 November 2020 at RLI Vindhyachal.
- Neeraj Jain & Soumitra Maiti
Utilization of Waste Gypsum for Development of Sulphate Resistant, In: “11th
International Conference on Environmental Engineering anmanagement” (ICEEM)
: Environmental Engineerig for a Clean and Healthy Planet, Organised by Muttenz
Switzerland, Sep. 8-10, 2021.
- Neeraj Jain
Attended a webinar on “International webinar on “Heritage Management and
Sustainable Habitat” Organised by Centre for Sustainable Habitat, Organised by
Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab, 18th April 2021.
- Neeraj Jain
Attended webinar on “Self healing oncrete: Promising New Deveopment in Concrete
Technology” Organised by Ultra tech Cement, Organised by ICI Ghaziabad, 8th Jan
- Neeraj Jain
Attended a conference online on Conference on “Cllimate Change & Water Connect:
Moving from Risks to Resilience for a Water Secure Future” Organised by CII, Delhi,
25th March 2022.
- Neeraj Jain and Soumitra Maiti
Development of Low Carbon Foot Print Composite Plaster Using High Volume Fly Ash in a conference “Valorization of Fly Ash and Steel Slag: Challenges, innovations and Future Trends” organized by Tata Steel, Indian Ceramic Society and CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur, 22-23 Sep. 2022.
- Neeraj Jain, Soumitra Maiti, Jaideep Malik and Aakriti
Development of Sustainable Water Resistant Composite Binder from FGD Gypsum in: 17th NCB International Conference on Cement, Concrete and Building Materials, “Moving Towards Net Zero Carbon Emissions” 06-09 December 2022, Manekshaw Centre, Parade Road, Delhi Cant., New Delhi, India
- Neeraj Jain, Soumitra Maiti & R. K. Verma
Development of Light Weight Plaster Using Flue Gas Desulfurization Gypsum for Internal Application In: Innovative and Sustainable Construction Materials & Technologies (ISCMT2023), organized by CSIR-Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee 6th January 2023, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
- Aakriti, Soumitra Maiti and Neeraj Jain
Perlite: A Sustainable Building Construction Material Advances In Sustainable Materials:
Fundamentals, Modelling And Characterization” Published By Elsevier (Accepted).
- Pollution Monitoring Studies of Brick Kilns Constructed With Dust settling Chamber (CNP 5418) – As Team Member.
- Pollution Control/Monitoring of Existing Brick Kilns through Gravitational settling Chamber in Haryana (CNP-2129) – As Team Member.
- Comprehensive Industrial Document on Hot Mix Plants (CNP-2639)- As Team Member
- Environmental Studies of Ash Pond Area of Thermal Power Plants (MLP 0003)- As Team Member.
- Pollution Monitoring Studies of Brick Kilns Constructed With Dust Settling Chamber (CNP-2641) – As Team Member.
- Review of Environmental Statements Submitted by Cements Plants (CNP-2640) – As Team Member.
- Development of Certified Reference Materials (GAP-2650) – As Team Member.
- Pollution Monitoring on Individual Brick Kilns (CNP-2621)- As Team Member.
- Pollution Monitoring Studies of Fixed Chimney Brick Kilns Constructed with Dust Settling Chamber (CNP 2661)-As Team Member.
- Evaluation of Superplasticizer, Sponsored by THDC Ltd.(CNP 3033)-as Team Member
- Evaluation of Cement Grout/NDT, Sponsored by BHEL Ltd., (CNP 3063)- as Team Member
- Feasibility Studies of Fly Ash Content in PPC sponsored by Gujrat Ambuja
Cements (CNP 3073)-as Team Member
- Development of High Volume Fly Ash Concrete, Sponsored by CANMET,
Canada (SSP 3014)-as Team Member
- Effect of Inorganic Waste on the Hydration Behavior of Blended Cement under
Network Project Developing New Building Materials and Technologies (CMM
0019)- as Project Leader
- Studies on Dehydrating Agents and Strength Enhancers in Making Gypsum Plaster for Use In weather Resistant Binders, Boards and Blocks (OPL 0299)-as CO-PI
- Value added Building Materials from Fluorogypsum, Sponsored by Tanfac Pvt. Ltd, Cuddalore, TN (SSP 0349)-as Team Member
- Formulation of Supersulphated Cement from fluorogypsum, Sponsored by Meta Dynamics, South Africa (SSP 0929)-as Team Member
- Development of Siting Criteria for New Brick Kilns Sponsored by UP PCB, Lucknow (CNP 0170)-as CO-PI
- Development of alpha plaster and cementitious binders from non-traditional materials for use in building bricks/blocks/composites under supra institutional project “High performance and construction technologies for sustainable built space (SIP 029)-as CO-PI
- Utilization of industrial waste materials as inexpensive adsorbents having applications in building materials (GAP 0518) sponsored by BMTPC, Delhi –as Team Member
- Utilization and Tangible Solution for Management of Municipal Solids Waste
(including Inert)-towards ‘Zero Garbage sponsored by CPCB, Delhi (GAP 0210)-
as PI
- Uilization of construction and demolition wastes as secondary resource materials for developing value added building components (OLP 0329)-as Team Member
- Demolition Waste as Raw Material for Sustainable Construction Products (SINP, Task 3.1, ESC 301)-as Team member
- Green Retrofit Strategies for Office Buildings (SINP, Task 3.2 ESC 301) as Team member
- Demolition Waste as Raw Material for Low Cost Construction Products )-Guidelines for Use of Recycled Aggregate for Making Products (GAP 072, sponsored by DST, Delhi- as Team member
- Feasibility studies on Use of ETP sludge for development of value added building materials, Sponsored by Tata Motors, Pune.-SSP 755-as PI
- Recycling of Silt from Storm Water Drains, Sludge from Water Treatment Plant/Sewage Treatment Plant and Ash from Waste to Energy Plant for Building Products (SSP 0047), sponsored by Department of Environment, NCT, Delhi-as PI
- Identification of Fungi on Select Heritage Structures and Development of Suitable Anti-Fungal Chemical from Medicinal Plant under Mission Mode Project of CSIR on Construction and Restoration of Heritage Structures (OLP 298)-as CO-PI
- Development of Building Components Using Locally Available Agro-Materials and Development of portable energy efficient domestic waste water management system under S&T Intervention for Safe & Sustainable Building Infrastructure in NE Region (OLP 412)-as CO-PI
- Development of Design of Air Pollution Control Device (wet scrubber) for High Draught Brick Kilns, Sponsored by FTML Pvt. Ltd. Dehradun & Team Energy Systems, Panchkula (SSP 0450)-PI
- Physical Verification and Issue of Adequacy Certificate to High Draft Brick Kiln as Per CBRI Design in Punjab State (15 projects: SSSP 0647, 0718, CNP 0858, 0868, 0938, 0369, 0709, 0839, 0849, 0889, 0639, 1009, 0959, 0190, 0740)-PI
- Development of High Strength Plaster Using FGD Gypsum –a waste from Thermal Power Plants, Sponsored by VSTPS-NTPC, Singrauli (SSP 1109).-PI
- Development Gypsum Vermiculite Plaster Using FGD Gypsum from Thermal Power Plants, Sponsored by VSTPS-NTPC, Singrauli (SSP 1099) –Co-PI
- Development of Technology for High Strength Binder Using Flue Gas Desulphuriz- ation (FGD) Gypsum-a By-Product of Coal Based Thermal Power Plants, (FTT project, MLP 120002)-Co-PI
- Stack Monitoring of High Draught Brick Kilns and Determination of Pollution Load in Distt. Jhajjar, Haryana, sponsored by Brick Kiln Owner’s Association, Distt. Jhajjar, Haryana (SSP 0162)-PI
- Development of High Volume Fly Ash-Gypsum Composite Binder For Interior Applications, sponsored by MSP Steel & Power, Raigarh (SSP 0093)-PI
- Physio-chemical Characterization of OPC (43G) and PPC cement, sponsored by Manglam Cement Ltd., Kota (TSP 0642)-PI
- Commercialization of Technology on Manufacturing of Internal Fuels Based Eco-Friendly and Energy Efficient Burnt Clay Bricks (MPL 022204)-PI
(1) Technology of Rectangular High Draft Zig-Zag Brick Kiln
CSIR-CBRI has developed low pollution technology for brick manufacturing. Recently in Feb. 2022, the technology has been recommended by CPCB, Delhi for implementation in all states of India by Dec. 2023. The maximum stack emission of SPM from this technology is 250 mg/Nm3 as compared to 750 mg/Nm3 in FCBTK technology and coal consumption is reduced 25 %.
Design of pollution free high draft brick kiln with zig-zag setting of bricks has been transferred to three private entrepreneurs (Aug. 2017-August 2022) for commercialization in field:
- M/S Team Energy Systems, Panchkula transferred on 08.8.2017
- M/S Pollution Consultants & Engineers, Faridabad transferred on 15.12.2017
- M/S Amit J Kumar & Associates, Ghaziabad transferred on 29.1.2018
- M/s. Techno Solutions, Hoogly, WB transferred on 21.7.2022
- M/S Team Energy Systems, Panchkula transferred (renewed) on 16.8.2022
(2) Technology of Pavers Blocks Using Recycled Aggregate
The pavers blocks were developed using recycled aggregates, fabricated on a pilot plant and used about 20,000 of pavers in mass housing park of CBRI premises. The technology was also transferred to M/s. Disha Ecoloc Pavers Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur for commercialization (Dec. 2018).
(3) Technology of Manufacturing of Internal Fuels Based Eco-friendly and
Energy Efficient Burnt Clay Bricks
The technology has been transferred to three brick kilns as under:
- M/s. Surya Bhata Co., Sonipat, Haryana transferred on 30.12.2021
- M/s. Karma Bhatta Co., Badaut, Uttar Pradesh transferred on 30.12.2021
- Technology on High volume fly ash-gypsum composite plaster transferred to
- M/s. Sakarni plaster India Pvt. Ltd. transferred on 3.2.2023Technology on
- Gypsum-vermiculite-fly ash light weight plaster transferred to
- M/s. Sakarni plaster India Pvt. Ltd. transferred on 3.2.2023
- Technology of Manufacturing of Internal Fuels Based Eco-friendly and Energy
Efficient Burnt Clay Bricks with Criss-Cross Brick Setting transferred to
- M/s. Om Prakash & Sons Auto Fired Clay Bricks, Sonipat, Haryana, transferred on 16.3.2023
- Technology of Wet Scrubber Based Retrofitting Emission Control Device for Generator Sets transferred to
- M/s. Upcharge Energy Solutions, Delhi, transferred on 22.5.2023
- Member of Bureau of Indian Standards, (BIS CED 2:1/P1/A-1): Panel for Harmonization of Indian Standards on Cements and European Standards.
- Member of Bureau of Indian Standards, (BIS CED 4): Building Lime and Lime Products.
- Member of Bureau of Indian Standards, (BIS CED 4/P1): Ad-hoc Panel for Lime Fly Ash Bricks.
- Member of Bureau of Indian Standards, (BIS CED 21): Gypsum and Gypsum Based Products for Buildings.
- Member of Bureau of Indian Standards, (BIS CED 46:P3): Building Materials.
- Member of Bureau of Indian Standards: Solid Waste Management Sectional Committee, CHD 33
- Member of Bureau of Indian Standards: Panel for Environmental Resource Efficiency, SSD 07/P5
- Member of Bureau of Indian Standards: Public Health Engineering Sectional
- Committee, CED 24/A-2.16
- Panel for revision of IS 10153:1982 “Guidelines for Utilization and Disposal of Fly Ash, CHD 33: P1.
- Life Membership, Indian Association of Environmental Management, Nagpur (IAEM), No. LM -1624
- Life Membership, Indian Concrete Institute, Chennai (ICI), No. LM -7180
- Expert Member in NGT-CBCB Committee on “Suggest ways and means if any, by which sustenance of brick kilns activities may be viable in Delhi-NCR”, nominated by CPCB, Delhi in Dec. 2020.
- Expert member in NGT-CPCB on “Suggest ways and means if any, by which sustenance of brick kilns activities may be viable in Rajasthan”, nominated by Regional Division, CPCB, Bhopal in June 2021.
- Expert Member of Technical Committee “Evaluation of the Use of Biomass as Fuel in Brick Kiln” nominated by CPCB, Delhi in Jan. 2023.
- Expert member in NGT-CPCB on “Suggest ways and means if any, by which sustenance of brick kilns activities may be viable in Rajasthan”, nominated by Regional Division, CPCB, Bhopal in June 2023.
- Diamond Jubilee Director’s Technology Award on “Design of High Draft Brick Kiln with Zig-Zag Setting” for the Technology” Having Maximum Societal Impact for the Year 2017.
- Diamond Jubilee Director’s Technology Award on “Development of Technology Process Know How of Manufacturing of Building Components I.e. Paver Blocks, Tiles and bricks Using Construction & Demolition Waste Having Maximum Societal Impact in the Year 2018.
- Received Cash Prize under CSIR-CBRI in Hindi Prohatsan Yojna 2018-19, 2019-2020 and 2021-22 for Writing Technical Articles Published in Nirmanika-an Annual Magzine of CSIR-CBRI, Roorkee.
- Received IIIrd prize in Grand Ash Contest-2021 Organized by NTPC at National Level on the Technology Concept entitled “Manufacturing of High Volume Fly Ash-Gypsum Composite Binder”. Cash Prize of Rs. 2.0 Lakhs Received Deposited in Lab Reserve.
- Alternatives Brick Manufacturing Technologies With Low Emission & Reduced Energy Consumption, In : Training Programme on Inspection & Monitoring of Brick Kilns, organized by CSE, 13-14 Feb 2020 at Delhi.
- Experiences from Monitoring of Brick Kilns in Punjab, In : Training Programme on Inspection & Monitoring of Brick Kilns, organized by CSE, 13-14 Feb 2020 at Delhi.
- Development of High Strength Binder Using FGD Gypsum and Fly Ash, In: Webinar on Ash Utilization, organised by NTPC, Noida, 16th Oct. 2020
- Environmental Aspects of Brick Kilns, Pollution and Remedial Measures in skill Upgradation Training Programme on “Efficient Firing System and Emission Control for the Brick Sector” of West Bengal organised by West Bengal Pollution Control Board (“WBPCB”) & Bengal Brick-Field Owners’ Association (“BBFOA”) in Nov. 2021
- Management of Municipal Solid Waste: Towards Zero Garbage Achievement in online certificate course on : “Analytical Aspects of Chemistry for Industries” Organised by Govt. Holkar Science College, Indore, MP, 07.12.2021-23.12.2021.
- Low Carbon Foot Print Technologies for Manufacturing of Burnt Clay Bricks-an invited lecture by brick kiln Association, Delhi-NCR at Sonipat in Oct. 2022.
- Internal Fuel Based Manufacturing of Burnt Clay Bricks-an invited lecture by All India Bricks & Tiles Manufacturing Federation, Delhi in Dec. 2022.
- Key note speaker on Manufacturing of Burnt Clay Bricks Using Low Carbon Foot Print Technologies-In a Brick Workshop on “Roadmap for Environmentally Sustainable Brick Industry of India- a Unique Initiative by iBaRTExpo-2023 organised by India Ceramics Asia 2023, 15-17th Feb. 2023.
Awards and Distinctions (including fellowships of the learned societies):.
Name of Award | Awarded by | Awarded for | Year |
Dr. R. B. Hajela Memorial Award | CBRI, Roorkee | Best Research Paper in Materials | 2005 |
Professional Experience: | ||
28 Years |