Countries visited in connection with higher studies, research training, employment and other scientific assignments:
Name | Dr. R. Siva Chidambaram |
Date of Birth | 30.06.1986 |
schidambaram [at] | |
Present Designation | Senior Scientist |
Division | Advanced Concrete, Steel and Composites (ACSC) |

Educational Attainments
Degree / Diploma | Main Subject | University/Institution with Distinction | Country | Year of Passing |
B.E | Civil Engineering | Anna University | India | 2007 |
M.E | Structural Engineering | Institute of Road and Transport Technology | India | 2010 |
Ph.D | Earthquake Engieering | Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee | India | 2016 |
a) Main Area of Specialization | Civil & Structural Engineering |
b) Sub-area of Specialization | Pre-cast Joints, Pre-fab Structural Joints, Pre-cast Housings, Temp. Make Shift Structure, Foldable Structure, Digital Concrete for 3D Printing, Earthquake Resistant Design, Structural Dynamics, Repair, Retrofitting and Strengthening of Structure, Corrosion Engineering, High Performance Materials ,High Performance Fiber Reinforced Composites, Textile reinforced Mortar, Advanced Strengthening Measures, Structural Engg & Earthquake Engg. |
Country visited | Purpose | From | To |
Srilanka | Int. Conference | Dec 2013 | Dec 2013 |
Nepal | Project Visit | 2018 | 2018 |
Nepal | Project Visit | 2019 | 2019 |
Nepal | Project Visit | 2019 | 2019 |
Nepal | Project Visit | 2022 | 2022 |
Nepal | Project Visit | 2023 | 2023 |
Malaysia | Conference | Dec 2024 | Dec 2024 |
Publications and Patents | ||
- International Journals
- Prashant Kumar , HC Arora, R Siva Chidambaram, Aman Kumar (2024) “Prediction of confined compressive strength of concrete column strengthened with FRCM composites”Structural Concrete (1-30),
- Pushpender Kumar, Rajesh Kumar, Nikhil Sanjay Nighot, Surabhi Sharma, Mohd Reyazur Rahman, R Siva Chidambaram, Shahnawaz Khan (2024) “Improving sustainability of precast concrete sandwich wall panels through stone waste aggregates and supplementary” Vol.3(2), Applied Engineering and Technology.
- M Shewale, P Murthi, R. Siva Chidambaram and R Gopinath (2024) “Performance Evaluation of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Inorganic Mortar for Textile Reinforced Mortar Applications” Journal of Advances in Civil Engineering, Willey (Accepted)
- Abhilasha Prajapati Shubham Semwal, Rajesh Kumar, Sachin Kumar, Shahnavaz Khan, R. Siva Chidambaram, Gunjan Joshi, Rajni Lakhani (2024) “Thermo-Mechanical Behaviour of Lightweight Precast Sandwich Panels Incorporating Solid Waste—An Experimental Investigation” Vol.528, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer.
- M Shewale, A Bahrami, P Murthi, Siva Chidambaram R (2024) “Enhancing Load-Carrying Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Columns with High Aspect Ratio Using Textile-Reinforced Mortar Systems”, 14(7) Buildings.,10.3390/buildings14072050.
- Siva Chidambaram, R., Kothapalli, N.K., Agarwal, P. (2024). Seismic Strengthening and Retrofitting of RC Structures Using Fibre Reinforced Composites. In: Singh, S.B., Murty, C.V.R. (eds) RC Structures Strengthened with FRP for Earthquake Resistance. Composites Science and Technology. Springer, Singapore.
- M V Tarun Kumar, Chidambaram, R.S. (2024) “Cyclic Behaviour of Precast Beam-Column Connections with Shear Key and Hybrid Rebar Coupler: An Experimental Study” Structures Journal,
- R Siva Chidambaram, Deekshitha M K, M V Tarun Kumar, Mohan Lal & Ajay Kumar Anurag 2023 “Diagonal Shear Behavior of Masonry Walls Strengthened with Textiles” ING-IABSE “Bridge and Structural Engineer”, Vol.53 No.4, December 2023 issue with focus on “New Materials and Technology”.
- Moka, V. T. K., & Siva Chidambaram, R. (2022, November). Experimental Investigation on Flexural Behavior of Precast Beam–Beam Connections Using Mechanical Connectors. In Symposium in Earthquake Engineering (pp. 627-637). Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering.,Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
- Kothapalli, Naveen Kumar, R. Siva Chidambaram, and Pankaj Agarwal. “Hysteresis Evaluation of Discrete Damper with Adaptive Shear Links for Extensively Damaged RC Frame.” ACI Structural Journal (2023):
- Kumar, K. N., Chidambaram, R. S., & Agrawal, P. (2022, November). Cyclic Performance Evaluation of Interlinked Coupler-Box Confinement as a Local Retrofitting Technique. In Symposium in Earthquake Engineering (pp. 749-760). Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
- Nitin Shinde, R Gobinath, Siva Chidambaram, Manisha Shewale, An experimental investigation on concrete blocks using Ferrock as a green binding material, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2023,
- Kothapalli, Naveen Kumar, R. Siva Chidambaram, and Pankaj Agarwal. “Hysteretic Model of Coupler Box Assembly for Seismic Retrofitting of Severely Damaged RC Buildings.” ACI Structural Journal (2023):
- M V Tarun Kumar and R. Siva Chidambaram “Precast Connections and its Influence on Structural Integrity” CECR Magazine, April 2023.
- Kothapalli, Naveen Kumar, R. Siva Chidambaram, and Pankaj Agarwal. “Experimental Evaluation of Steel Bracings and Metallic Yield Damper as Retrofit Techniques for Severely Damaged RC Building Frames.” Journal of Earthquake Engineering (2022): 1-24.
- K.V.Naveen Kumar, Chidambaram, R. S and Pankaj Agarwal, (2022), Cyclic Evaluation of Severely Damaged RC Frames Repaired and Strengthened through an FRP-Wrapped Coupler-Box Confinement, ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction.
- Waseem, S.A., Roy, A.B., R. Siva Chidambaram and Ghangas, G.,(2022)Feasibility of Geo-Grid as confining Reinforcement in RC Columns: An Experimental Investigation, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A
- Kelvin Baariu, M V Tarun Kumar, R Siva Chidambaram, S R Karade (2022), “A Critical Review of the Performances of Precast Structure under Different Types of Loading”, Structural Engineering Digest Journal, 12(1),102-112, Indian Association of Structural Engineers
- Siva Chidambaram (2022)”The Diverse Techniques of Precast Connections”, Civil Engineering & Construction Review. March 2022
- Satyanarayana K & R. Siva Chidambaram, K V Naveen Kumar (2022), “Influence of FRP on the Shear Behaviour of RC Rectangular Beam Elements “ (Best Paper Award – Recipient) Materials Today Proceedings, Elsevier
- Tarun Kumar V M & R. Siva Chidambaram (2022) “Role of Coupler in Structural Behaviour of RC Elements – A Review” (Best Paper Award – Recipient) Materials Today Proceedings, Elsevier
- Tamjeed N A & R. Siva Chidambaram (2022) “Shear Strength of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Beam– A Review”Materials Today Proceedings, Elsevier
- Charu Gupta, R. Siva Chidambaram and A.B. Danie Roy (2022) Shear Resistance Behavior of Exterior Beam-Column Joint with Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Structural Integrity Book Series , Chapter ,Springer Proceedings.
- Hitesh gaur, Tarun Kumar M, R. Siva Chidambaram and Naveen Kwatra (2022) Hysteretic Performance of Precast Beam-Column Joint with Improved Energy Dissipation Capacity Structural Integrity Book Series , Chapter ,Springer Proceedings.
- Rakshana Ponniah, R. Siva Chidambaram (2022) Flexural Behavior of RC Beams Strengthened with Textile Reinforced Concrete, Structural Integrity Book Series , Chapter ,Springer Proceedings.(Best Paper Award – Recipient)
- Nikhil Jadav, R. Siva Chidambaram (2022) Damage Tolerance Capacity of Exterior Beam Column Joint with HPFRCC, Structural Integrity Book Series , Chapter ,Springer Proceedings.
- Yogesh Yadhav, R. Siva Chidambaram (2022) Performance Evaluation of Retrofitted Exterior Beam Column Joint under Cyclic Loading, Structural Integrity Book Series , Chapter ,Springer Proceedings.
- Chidambaram, R. S., & Agarwal, P. (2020) Seismic Resistant Behaviour of Exterior beam-column joint with Fiber Hybridization. The Indian Concrete Journal , 94(10),20-30.
- Chidambaram, R. S., & Agarwal, P. (2019) Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams with High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites. Journal of South Central University,26(9),2609-2622
- Chidambaram, R. S., & Agarwal, P. (2019) Shear Resistance Behavior of Geo-grid Confined RC Elements under Static and Cyclic Loading Structural Concrete. Current Science,Vol.117(2),260-271.
- Chidambaram, R. S., & Agarwal, P. (2018) Performance Evaluation of Metallic and Synthetic Fiber Hybridization on the Cyclic Behavior of Exterior Beam-Column Joint, ASTM Advances in Civil Engineering Materials, Vol. 7 (1).
- Chidambaram, R. S., Dadi, V. V. S. S. K., & Agarwal, P (2017) Seismic Retrofitting of Damaged Column of Buildings by using External Bolted Mechanical Couplers with and without FRP Confinement, The Master Builder, Vol.19,No.11, pp-32-36
- Singh, B., Chidambaram, R. S., Sharma, S. & Kwatra, N. (2017) Behavior of FRP strengthened RC Brick In-filled Frames Subjected to Cyclic Loading. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 16, No.5, pp-557-566.
- Chidambaram, R. S., & Agarwal, P.(2017) Performance evaluation of innovative hybrid rebar coupler in reinforced concrete beams subjected to monotonic loading. Structural Concrete. DOI: 10.1002/suco.201700083
Raman Bharati, R.Siva Chidambaram and Naveen Kwatra, (2017), “Influence of Fiber Reinforced Concrete on Plastic Behavior on Exterior Beam Column Joint under Cyclic Loading”’ Procedia Engineering (Elsevier); Vol.173,No.3, 1122 – 1129.
- Siva Chidambaram and Pankaj Agarwal, (2016) “Performance Evaluation of Geo-grid-Confined Beam-Column Joints with Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete under Cyclic Loading”, Journal of Testing and Evaluation (ASTM); Vol.44, No.1, pp.1-17.
- Siva Chidambaram and Pankaj Agarwal, (2015) “Seismic Behavior of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composite Beam Column Joints”, Journal of Materials and Design (Elsevier); Materials and Design 86 (2015) 771–781
- Siva Chidambaram and Pankaj Agarwal, (2015) “Flexural and Shear Behavior of Geo-Grid Confined RC Beams With Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete” Construction and Building Materials (Elsevier); Vol. 78,pp-271-280.
- Siva Chidambaram and Pankaj Agarwal, (2015) “Inelastic Behavior of R.C Beams with Steel Fiber and Polymer Grid Confinement” The Indian Concrete Journal, Vol.89: pp-1-8
- Siva Chidambaram R and Pankaj Agarwal, (2014) “The Confining Effect of Geo-grid on the Mechanical Properties of Concrete Specimens with Steel Fiber under Compression and Flexure” Construction and Building Materials (Elsevier); Vol.71: pp-628-637.
- Siva Chidambaram. K.R and Thirugnanam.G.S, (2012) “Comparative Study on Behaviour of Reinforced Beam-Column Joints with Reference to Anchorage Detailing”, Journal of Civil Engineering Research (Sci.acd.) Vol.2, Issue 4, pp 12-17.
Siva Chidambaram, R and Thirugnanam G.S, (2010) “Protective Coating on Corrosion Resistance in Transmission Line Tower Foundations”, Int. Journal of Applied Engineering Research Dindigul, Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 1-16.
- International / National Conferences
- Kothapalli, N.K., Chidambaram, R.S. and Agarwal, P., 2023. Hysteresis performance evaluation of FRP strengthening Technique for a critically damaged RC model frame International Conference on Condition Assessment, Rehabilitation & Retrofitting of Structures (CARRS 2023), Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Hyderabad, 10-13 December 2023.
- M V Tarun Kumar, Chidambaram, R.S. 2023. “Influence of Coupler and Interface Bond Behavior between Old and New Concrete in Retrofitting of RC Beams” International Conference on Condition Assessment, Rehabilitation & Retrofitting of Structures (CARRS 2023), Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Hyderabad, 10-13 December 2023.
- Mohan Lal., Chidambaram, R.S. “Behaviour of Retrofitted RC Beams using Hybrid Textile Reinforced Composite under Flexural Loading”. International Conference on Condition Assessment, Rehabilitation & Retrofitting of Structures (CARRS 2023), Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Hyderabad, 10-13 December 2023.
- Nitin SHinde, R. Gopinath, R. SIva Chidambaram, Manisha Shewale (2023) “An Experimental Investigation on COncrete Blocks using Ferrock as a Green Binding Materials” Int. Confenrece on Advanced Tech. in Chemical, Construction and Mechanical Sciences, 2023, KPR Inst. of Engg & Tech. Coimbatore. (Best Paper Award – Recipient)
- Mohan Lal, Chidambaram, R. S and S.R. Karade (2023) “Bond and Cracking Behaviour of Textile Reinforced Concrete (TRC) Under Uniaxial Tensile Loading” National Conference on Recent Advances in Construction Materials and Structures (RCMS’2023), Coimbatore, India (Paper ID: RCMS23000045)
- Moka Vijay Tarun Kumar, Chidambaram, R. S (2023) “Influence of Slip and Cyclic Loading on the Tensile Behavior of Rebar Couplers”, National Conference on Recent Advances in Construction Materials and Structures (RCMS’2023), Coimbatore, India (Paper ID: RCMS23000050)
- Ashokh Raj, Chidambaram, R. S and Shanmuga Priya T (2023) “Influence of Old and New Concrete Interface Treatment on the Flexural Behavior Under Bending”, National Conference on Recent Advances in Construction Materials and Structures (RCMS’2023), Coimbatore, India (Paper ID: RCMS23000048)
- Moka Vijay Tarun Kumar, Chidambaram, R. S (2022) “Experimental Investigation on Flexural Behavior of Precast Beam-beam Connections Using Mechanical Connectors”, 17th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering (17SEE), Department of Earthquake Engineering, IIT Roorkee & Indian Society of earthquake Technology (ISET), Roorkee, India (Paper ID: 497)
- Kushal Chauhan, Amit Goyal, Chidambaram, R. S (2022), “Mechanical Properties of Friction Damper Using Different Layer of Interface, 17th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering (17SEE), Department of Earthquake Engineering, IIT Roorkee & Indian Society of earthquake Technology (ISET), Roorkee, India (Paper ID: 516)
- Abdul Nashith, Amit Goyal, Chidambaram, R. S , (2022) “Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Friction-viscoelastic Damping, 17th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering (17SEE), Department of Earthquake Engineering, IIT Roorkee & Indian Society of earthquake Technology (ISET), Roorkee, India (Paper ID: 521)
- Mohan Lal, Chidambaram, R. S , Sukhdeo Karade, (2022) “Critical Review of the Rehabilitation Techniques of Corrosion-Damaged Reinforced Concrete (RC) Beams using Composites, 28th International Conference & Expo on Corrosion, CORCON2022, Udaipur AMPP NACE @ Udaipur, India (Paper No. RCC27)
- Chidambaram, R. S and Pankaj Agarwal, (2019),”Cyclic Behavior of Retrofitted Exterior Beam – Column Joint using Innovative Technique,” International Conference of Rehabilitation and Retrofitting of structures, BARC Mumbai.
- K.V.Naveen Kumar, Chidambaram, R. S and Pankaj Agarwal, (2019), “Shear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with Different FRP under Static Loading,” International Conference of Rehabilitation and Retrofitting of structures, BARC Mumbai.
- Tamilselvan, N., Chidambaram R.S and Karade, S. R. (2018) “Research on Failures of Precast Structures and Some Innovative Solutions”, National Seminar on Emerging Building Materials and Construction Technologies, New Delhi, pg.230-240.
- Chidambaram, R. S and Karade, S. R. (2018) “Precast Concrete Element Connections, Issues and Innovative Solutions”, International Conference on Advances in Construction Materials and Structures, Roorkee, A-156.
Raman Bharati, R.Siva Chidambaram and Naveen Kwatra, (2016), Influence of Fiber Reinforced Concrete on Plastic Behavior on Exterior Beam Column Joint under Cyclic Loading, IMPLAST (2016), IIT Delhi, New Delhi
- R.Siva Chidambaram and Pankaj Agarwal, (2016), Effectiveness of Mechanical Rebar Coupler in R.C Beams under Monotonic Loading, International Seminar on “Emerging Building Materials and Construction Technologies, BMPTC, New Delhi.
- K.V.Naveen Kumar, R.Siva Chidambaram and Pankaj Agarwal, (2015), Performance Evaluation of RC Beam Strengthened with Different FRP, The 7th Asia Pacific Young Researchers and Graduates Symposium, University of Malaya, Malaysia.
- R.Siva Chidambaram and Pankaj Agarwal, (2015) “Innovative Application of Rebar Couplers in RC Structural Members under Static and Cyclic loading”, The 7th Asia Pacific Young Researchers and Graduates Symposium, University of Malaya ,Malaysia.
- R.Siva Chidambaram and Pankaj Agarwal, (2014) “Hysteresis Behaviour of Exterior Beam-Column Joint with High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites “The 6th International Conference of Asian Concrete Federation, Seoul, Korea.
- R.Siva Chidambaram and Pankaj Agarwal, (2014) “Inelastic Behavior of R.C Beams with Steel Fiber and Polymer Grid Confinement” Structural Engineering Convention 2014,New Delhi, India.
- R.Siva Chidambaram and Pankaj Agarwal, (2014) “Cyclic Behavior of Column Retrofitted using Coupler with and without External CFRP Confinement” 15th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India
- R.Siva Chidambaram and Pankaj Agarwal, (2014) “Influence of High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites on Cyclic Behavior of Beam Column Joint” 15th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India.
- R.Siva Chidambaram and Pankaj Agarwal, (2013) “Cyclic Behaviour Of RC Beams Confined with Geo-grid and Steel Fiber”, 4th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management, SECM/13/178, Kandy, Srilanka.
- R.Siva Chidambaram and Pankaj Agarwal, (2014), “Static Behavior of Geogrid Confined RC Beam with Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete”, National Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure Development(NCSID), NITTTR, Chandigarh.
Siva Chidambaram, R and Thirugnanam G.S, (2010) “Influence of Protective Coating on Corrosion Resistance in Transmission Line Tower Foundations”, Proceedings of National Conference on Modern Trends in Civil Engineering, organized by AC College of Engg & Tech, Karaikudi, Tamilnadu.
- Publications previous to 2009: NIL
- Tech. Reports: NIL
- Scientific Books / Book Chapters: 5
- Articles: 19
- Patents filed / granted: 01
- Processes Developed: 02
- Process Under Utilization: NIL
- Technology Transferred – 3 Nos
- Technologies Developed (Hybrid Rebar Coupler, Mechanical Lap, Vertical Collapsible Structure, Lateral Collapsible Structure, Collapsible Shelter with Wheels, Hybrid Precast Beam-Column Connection, Hybrid CFST Beam-Column Connection, Bamboo Composite Reinforcement, Hybrid Textile Reinforcement Strengthening Technique)
Awards and Distinctions (including fellowships of the learned societies):.
Name of Award | Awarded by | Awarded for | Year |
Best Technology Award | CSIR-CBRI | Rebar Coupler | 2020 |
Best Technology Award | CSIR-CBRI | Make Shift Structure | 2020 |
Best Paper Award | NIT Silchar | ASMA- Article | 2021 |
Best Paper Award | VIT | ICON Article | 2021 |
Best Paper Award | VIT | ICON Article | 2021 |
Gold Award | CII | Affordable Damper | 2022 |
Silver Award | CII | PET Strengthening Masonry Wall | 2022 |
First Prize | IIT Kanpur | Student (Kelvin Baariu) Project for ML | 2022 |
Best Paper Award | ICATCHCOME 2023 | Conference Article | 2023 |
Emerging Researcher Award | ACASSD 2024 | Research Work, JECRC University | 2024 |
Outstanding Retrofitting of Structure | CECR 2024 | Textile Reinforcement in Masonry Structure | 2024 |
Assistant Engineer – East Coast Construction and Industries Ltd | ||
Assistant Professor – AcSIR (Ongoing) | ||
External Examiner for various P.G & Ph.D Research Works Reviewer for Various International Journals Expert Member in Various BIS Committee |
Technology Transferred (Rebar Coupler) Technology Transferred ( Collapsible Structure) |