Building Engineering and Disaster Mitigation (BEDM) 

MTech Course Structure

Course Code Course Title L-T-P-C Course Code Course Title L-T-P-C
ENG-CBRI 1-1101 Numerical Methods 3-0-0-3 ENG-CBRI 1-1102 Design of Building Structures 3-0-0-3
ENG-CBRI 1-1103 Advanced Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering 3-0-0-3 ENG-CBRI 1-1104

Disaster Resistant Building System-I


ENG-CBRI 1-1105 Engineering  Materials for Infrastructure 3-0-0-3 Elective I 3-0-0-3
ENG-CBRI 1-1107 Analysis of Building Structure 3-0-0-3 Elective II 3-0-0-3
PHY/ENG-CBRI 1-0001 Research Methodology 1-0-0-1 Elective III                               3-0-0-3
ENG-CBRI 1-1111 Laboratory – I (Geotechnical Engineering, Materials and Environmental Science & Technology) 0-0-4-2
ENG-CBRI 1-1106 Laboratory-II (Structural Engineering & Fire Engineering) 0-0-4-2
ENG-CBRI 1-1113 Seminar-I 0-0-2-1 ENG-CBRI 1-1108 Seminar-II 0-0-2-1
Total Credits 16 Total Credits 18
Course Code Course Title L-T-P-C Course Code Course Title L-T-P-C
ENG-CBRI 1-1115 Disaster Resistant Building System–II 3-0-0-3 ENG-CBRI 1-1110

Dissertation-II including

Viva Voce

ENG-CBRI 1-1117 Dissertation-I 0-4-16-12
Total Credits 15 Total credits 20
Total Credit : 69


For details of the PhD programme refer to the PhD brochure.



Course Code Course Title
ENG-CBRI- 1-1120 Concrete Technology
ENG-CBRI- 1-1124 Industrialized Building Systems
ENG-CBRI- 1-1126 Repair, Rehabilitation & Retrofitting of Building Structures
ENG-CBRI- 1-1128 Environmental Impact Assessment
ENG-CBRI- 1-1130 Sustainable Design & Energy Efficient Building Systems
ENG-CBRI- 1-1132 Construction, Planning & Management
ENG-CBRI- 1-1134 Fire Protection Engineering
ENG-CBRI- 1-1136 Environmental Engineering & Management
PHY/ENG-CBRI- 1-1138 Rock Mechanics
ENG-CBRI- 1-1140 Ground Improvement Techniques
ENG-CBRI- 1-1142 Optimization Techniques
ENG-CBRI- 1-1144 Deep Excavation
PHY/ENG-CBRI- 2-1102 Advanced Seismology
ENG-CBRI- 2-1104 Health Monitoring of Building Structures
ENG-CBRI- 2-1106 Tall Buildings & Structures
ENG-CBRI- 2-1108 Behaviour of Metal Structures
PHY/ENG-CBRI- 2-1110 Landslide Disaster Mitigation


Note: The electives will be selected by the students depending on their broad areas of research.

Core Courses                             SEMESTER I

ENG-CBRI-1-1101                                    Numerical Methods                                   L-T-P-C





Interpolation, errors, divided differences, polynomial approximation, numerical differentiation and integration, matrices: Eigen values and Eigen vectors, numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations and their convergence, initial and boundary value problem, Laplace and Poisson equations, special functions: Lagendre’s function, Rodrigue’s formula, Bessel’s function and recurrence formula, finite element method and applications, fuzzy logic, artificial neural network and genetic algorithms.


Introduction to the software- like Ms-Excel, SPSS and MATLAB

Reference Books


1.     S. R. K. Iyengar, R. K. Jain & M. K. Jain, Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering Computations, New Age International Publishers, 2003.

2.     B. S. Grewal, Numerical Methods in Engineering & Sciences, Khanna Publishers, 2010.

3.     E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wiley Publishers, 2008.

4.     S. Chakraborty & R. B. Bhatt, Numerical Methods in Engineering, Narosa Publ. House, 2004.

5.     S. S. Sastry, Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis, Prentice Hall, 2012.

6.     J. Mathew & K. Fink, Numerical Methods with MATLAB, Pearson Education, 2006.

7.     C. F. Gerald & O. Patrick, Wheatley Applied Numerical Analysis, Addison Wesley, 1994.

8.     O. C. Zienkiewicz, The Finite Element Methods, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., 1971.

9.     C. S. Desai & J. F. Abel, Introduction to Finite Element Method, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1972.

Faculty  Abha Mittal, P.K. Yadav and, Manojit Samanta


ENG-CBRI-1-1103                      Advanced Foundation Engineering                     L-T-P-C





Shallow Foundation: Limit equilibrium analysis, Prandtl, Terzaghi, Vesic and Meyerhof’s methods of analysis, safe and allowable bearing pressures, contact pressure distribution, rigid and flexible foundation, analysis of combined footings, elastic analysis of raft foundation, floating raft, foundation on slope, settlement calculations, elastic and consolidation settlement, Skempton-Bjerrum modification, bearing capacity and settlement calculation from penetration data, settlement tolerance, foundation model, soil-structure interaction studies.

Deep foundation: Load transfer mechanism, critical length, comparison of different methods of analysis of pile foundation, group capacity, group efficiency, vertical capacity from pile-pile interaction factor, analysis of pile foundation subjected to moment, settlement under vertical load, lateral capacity of short and long piles, group lateral capacity, p-y and beam on elastic foundation approach, P-multiplier concept, single and group tensile capacity of pile foundation. Piled-Raft Foundation: Load transfer mechanism, estimation of vertical capacity from different approaches, estimation of settlement from different methods, lateral capacity, case studies.

Reference Books


1.    K. Terzaghi, R. B. Peck & G. Mesri, Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practices, Wiley Interscience Publication, 1996.

2.    J. E. Bowles, Foundation Analysis and Design (4 ed.), McGraw Hill, New York, 1996.

3.    H. G. Poulos & E.H. Davis, Pile foundation Analysis and Design, John-Wiley & Sons, New York, 1980.

4.    M. J. Tomlinson, Foundation Design and Construction, Pitman Publishing Limited, London, 1975.

5.    S. K. Gulhati & M. Datta, Geotechnical Engineering, Tata McGrawHill, 2005.

6.    M. R. Hausmann, Engineering Principles of Ground Modification, McGraw Hill, 1990.


Faculty  Pradeep Kumar, Anindya Pain, Piyush Mohanty



ENG-CBRI-1-1105           Engineering Materials for Infrastructure                    L-T-P-C





Evolutionary trends in construction materials: Traditional and innovation, Properties and functional requirements of materials, The choice of materials., New and alternate cements, Supplementary cementitious materials, Utilization of industrial wastes in cementitious binders, Wood substitutes: Development, Raw materials, Current production processes, properties and end use. Composites: Reinforcement, matrices, processing techniques and use in infrastructures. Polymers and plastics in buildings: Plastic products, Sandwich composites, Coatings & Sealants, and Polymer concrete, Construction chemicals: Water reducing agents, Consistency improvers, Accelerating admixtures, Set retarders, Corrosion inhibitors, permeability reducers, water repellents etc., Roofing, walling and flooring materials, Steel and non-ferrous materials.


Performance and durability: Strength and deformation of materials, Fire behavior of building materials, Life cycle cost, Effect of environmental agents such as weathering, moisture, chemical attack, frost action and efflorescence. Performance and durability: Strength and deformation of materials, Fire behavior of building materials, Life cycle cost, Effect of environmental agents such as weathering, moisture, chemical attack, frost action and efflorescence.


Reference Books




1.      K. S. Jagadish, B. V. V. Reddy & K. S. N. Rao, Alternative Building Materials and Technologies, New Age International, 2006.

2.      R. Rixom & N. Mailvaganam, Chemical Admixtures for Concrete, 3rd Edition, E & FN Spon, 1999.

3.      H. F. W. Taylor, Cement Chemistry, Thomson Telford, 1997.

4.      C. A. Wilkie & A. B. Morgan, Fire retardency of polymeric materials, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Groups, Boca Raton, USA, 2010.


Faculty Rajni Lakhani, S.K.Singh and Harpal Singh


ENG-CBRI -1-1107            Analysis of Building Structures                                      L-T-P-C





Static analysis: Fundamentals of elasticity, Static and kinematic indeterminacy, stiffness and flexibility methods, Finite element formulation of 1D, 2D and 3D problems and applications, Analysis of plane stress, plane strain, axi-symmetric and plate bending problems, Introduction to non-linear analysis.


Dynamic analysis: Free and forced vibration of damped and undamped Single Degree Freedom systems (SDF), Harmonic excitations, vibration isolation, force transmissibility and support excitations, short duration impulse, Duhamel integral, time history analysis, Response spectra. Multiple degree of freedom systems, Orthogonality and normalization of modes, Solution methods for eigen values and eigen vectors, mode -superposition method, Computational programs for dynamic analysis.

Reference Books


1.  S. P. Timoshenko & J. N. Goodier, Theory of Elasticity, McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt ltd, 1970.

2.  J. M. Gere & W. Weaver, Matrix analysis of framed structures, Springer US, 1990.

3.  H. C. Martin, Introduction to Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1966.

4.  R. W. Clough & J. Penzien, Dynamics of Structures, McGraw-Hili, 1993.

5.  Mario Paz, Structural Dynamics Structural Dynamics: Theory and Computation, Kluwer

Academics Publisher, 2004.

6.  K. J. Bathe & E. L. Wilson, Numerical methods in finite element analysis, Prentice-Hall, 1976.

7.  R. D. Cook, D. S. Malkus, M. E. Plesha & R.J. Witt, Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, Wiley Publisher, 1989.

8.  C.S. Krishnamoorthy, Finite Element Analysis-Theory & Programming, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1994.

9.  Anil K Chopra, Dynamics of Structures, Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engg, 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, 2004.

Faculty Achal Mittal,,S.K. Panigrahi and Micky Dalbehera


PHY/ENG-CBRI-1-0001                  Research Methodology                                     L-T-P-C





Introduction, Research terminology and the scientific methods; Designing and implementing a research project, Types of research; Measurements in research, Communicating research results, Case studies, Professional ethics, Ethics in Research, Plagiarism, Nuremberg code etc. Communication Skills, presentation, Inter-personal communication.


Primary and secondary data, Statistical methods of data analysis.

Reference Books

1.    C. R. Kothari, Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques, New Age Publications, 201l.

2.    Ranjit Kumar, Research Methodology: A Step-By-Step Guide for Beginners, SAGE publication, 4th edition, 2014

3.    D K Bhattacharyya, Research Methodology, Excel Books India, 2009.


Faculty Abha Mittal & S.R. Karade


ENG-CBRI- 1-1111                                  Laboratory – I                                             L-T-P-C

                                               Geotechnical Engineering, Materials                                 0-0-4-2

and Environmental Laboratory





Geotechnical Laboratory: Physical properties and compressibility characteristics of soils, Drained and Undrained shear strength parameters and hydraulic properties of soil, Dynamic properties of soil, Field test: SPT, DCPT, Plate load, Vane shear test.


Materials and Environmental laboratory: Testing of plastics building products: Plastic pipes (dimensions, hydrostatic pressure test, reversion etc.), Water storage tanks (dimensions, impact, tensile strength, resistance to deformation etc.), Door shutters (dimensions, edge loading test, buckling test, misuse, slamming etc.), Waterproofing membrane (sticking test, heat resistance test, water penetration test etc.).

Instrumental methods for analysis: Scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, Thermal analysis, Inductive coupled plasma, X-ray florescence, surface area analyser etc. Air pollution test, water quality test, testing of cernentitious materials, Micological and Termite Resistance Test.


Faculty B. Singh, , L.P. Singh and  Manojit Samanta


Core Courses
                             SEMESTER II

ENG-CBRI-1-1102                        Design of Building Structures                            L-T-P-C





Design loads: earthquake and wind, load combinations, Design requirement. Concept and philosophy of earthquake resistant design of buildings: linear analysis, Codal provisions and methods, Masonry Concepts and Design, Advances in masonry modeling and simulation.

Wind effects on buildings: Codal provisions Criteria for wind resistant design of buildings – Concept of wind engineering with reference to aerodynamics of bluff bodies, vortex shedding, Design of glass facades for buildings.

Introduction to plastic analysis in steel structures: Concepts of LRFD design, Codal provisions, Design concepts of tall building system. Introduction to light gauge steel sections. Design of Industrial Buildings.

Computer aided structural design.

Introduction to Impact in RCC – Behaviour of Reinforced concrete element under low velocity impact loading.

Reference Books

1.  S. U. Pillai & D. Menon, Reinforced Concrete Design, Tata McGraw-Hili Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2003.

2.  A. K. Jain, Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design, Nem Chand & Bras, Roorkee, 2002.

3.  P. C. Varghese, Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 200l.

4.  A. S. Arya & Ajmani, Design of Steel Structures, 1989.

5.  J. D. Holmes, Wind Loading of Structures, CRC Press, 2007.

6.  N. Subramanian, Design of Steel Structures, Oxford University, 201l.

7.  D. Dubina, V. Ungureanu & R. Landolfo, Design of Cold formed Steel Structures, Wiley VCH, 2012.


Faculty A.K. Mittal,  Ajay Chaurasia, Siddharth Behera, and  Micky Dalbehera


ENG-CBRI-1-1104             Disaster Resistant Building System – I                        L-T-P-C





Earthquake Resistant Foundation System: earthquake induced foundations failure, Propagation of elastic waves in soils, waves in layered and saturated soils, Dynamic properties of soils and its evaluation, Liquefaction hazard and remedial measures, Seismic bearing capacity of shallow foundations: design requirements, seismic settlement, Seismic analysis of pile foundation under vertical and lateral vibration, Theory of pile failure in seismic liquefaction, Method of analysis, Codal provision, Case studies, Introduction to earthquake resistant building.

Fire safety system in buildings: Fundamentals of fire, Fire Growth, Stages of fire development, Spread of fire, Reaction to fire characteristics: Combustibility, Ignitability, Surface spread of flame, Smoke generation etc., Fire retardancy, Fire severity & Controlling factors, Fire resistance of building elements: Heating conditions, Performance criteria for load bearing capacity, integrity, thermal insulation, Smoke movement and control, Fire dynamics and modelling, Fire detection, Fire extinguishment.


Reference Books 1.     S. Bhattacharya, Design of foundation in seismic areas: Principles and some applications,
Published by NICEE [National Centre for Earthquake Engineering (India)), , 2007.2.     R. W. Day, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Handbook, McGraw – Hill, New York, 2002.3.     G. Madabhushi, J. Knappett & S. Haigh, Design of Pile Foundations in Liquefiable Soils, Imperial College Press, London, 2010.4.     S. Prakash, Soil dynamics, McGraw Hill, New York, 1981.5.     S. L. Kramer, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 1996.6.     D. D. Drysdale, Introduction to Fire Dynamics, 2011.
Faculty  Suvir Singh,  Shorab Jain, Piyush Mohanty  and  Anindya Pain

Elective Courses  


ENG-CBRI-1-1120                        Concrete Technology                                           L-T-P-C





Developments of concrete, Concrete mix proportioning: Principles and methods, Concrete manufacturing and its placement, Ready mixed concrete, Concrete with admixtures, Rheological properties, Short and long term engineering properties, Microstructural evolutions, Statistical analysis of results, High strength and high performance concretes: Proportioning, Behavior, Applications and Codal aspects, Concrete at elevated temperatures and under cryogenic conditions, Durability of concrete under various exposure condition, Alkali-silica reactions, Corrosion of steel in concrete, Protective measures

High volume fly ash concrete, Fibre reinforced concrete, Self compacting concrete, Pervious concrete, Geo-polymer concrete, Recycled aggregate concrete, Light weight aggregate concrete, Sustainable & durable construction, Quality control and quality assurance during production/construction.

Reference Books


1.     A. M. Neville, Properties of concrete, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 5th Edition, 2012.

2.     P. K. Mehta & P. J. M. Monteiro, Concrete: Microstructure, properties and Materials,
McGraw- Hi”, 2005.

3.     A. M. Neville & J. J. Brooks, Concrete Technology, 4th Impression, Pearsons Education Ltd, 2009.

4.     J. P. Broomfield, Corrosion of steel in concrete: Understanding, investigation and repair,
Taylor Francis, London, UK, 2007.


Faculty S.K. Singh & S.R. Karade



ENG-CBRI- 1-1124                      Industrialized Building Systems                           L-T-P-C





Classification of prefabricated and industrialized building systems, Advantages and disadvantages of IBS, Industrialization for sustainable construction; Modular Coordination, standardization, rationalization, systematization and codal provisions. Building Systems: criteria of selection, sub structural systems, horizontal, vertical, open and closed systems. Strategies for Industrialization: user-friendly building components, production strategies and emerging concepts of prefabrication, generic forms of construction, facade technologies and jointing techniques, Case studies.
Reference Books

1.  F. S. Merritt & J. Ambrose, Building Engineering and Systems Design, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1990.

2.  A. S. G. Bruggeling & G. F. Huyghe, Prefabrication with Concrete, A A Balkema, 1991.

3.  F. (Eph.) BUUGER, Design of Precast Concrete Structures, John Wiley & Sons, 1988.

4.  K. S. Elliott, Multi Storey Precast Concrete Framed Structures, Blackwell Science Ltd, 1996.

5.  Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI), Chicago, Manual on Design and Typical Details of Connections for Precast and Prestressed Concrete, second edition, (1988).

6.  National Building Code – 2005.

1.   7.  IS Codes on Modular Coordination.

Faculty Ashok Kumar  & Ajay Chaurasia



ENG-CBRI- 1-1126      Repair, Rehabilitation & Retrofitting of Structures            L-T-P-C





Condition Assessment: Appraisal of structures, Types of distresses- causes & effects, Distress diagnosis, Irregularities & inconsistencies in construction, In-place strength assessment, Evaluation of buildings based on demand-capacity method.

Innovative Repair Materials: Selection criteria, salient properties, Testing & evaluation of repair materials & systems.

Rehabilitation and strengthening techniques: Strategies, Philosophy and design of strengthening, Surface preparation, Grouting, Sprayed concrete, Steel jacketing, Micro- concreting, FRP wrapping etc., Introduction to performance based strengthening strategies, Seismic retrofitting.

Codal provisions, Quality Assurance and Control, Case studies of buildings and heritage structures

Reference Books

1.   H.V.S. GangaRao, Navendra Taly & P.V. Vijay “Reinforced Concrete Design with FRP composites”, 1st edition, 2007, CRC Press, Tylor & Francis group, USA.

2.   A. Chakrabarti, D. Menon & A Sengupta, “Hand book on Retrofitting of Structures-Principles & Applications, 1st edition,2010, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi

3.   J.H. Bungey, S. G. Millard & M. G. Grantham, Testing of concrete in Structures, 4th edition, Taylor & Francis, London & New York, 2006.

4.   Gajanan M. Sabnis, Avanti C. Shroff & Lawrence F. Kahn “Seismic Rehabilitation of Concrete Structure”, 1996, SP-160, American Concrete Institute, Michigan, USA.

5.    “Repair and strengthening of concrete structure”, FIP ,Thomas Telford, London

6.   R.Holland “Appraisal & Repair of Reinforced Concrete”, ,The Gromwell Press, Thomas Telford Ltd., London

7.   Nader Ghafoori “Innovation in Repair Techniques in Concrete Structures”, ASCE publication.

Faculty  S.K. Singh & Ajay Chaurasia



ENG- CBRI- 1-1128                    Environmental Impact Assessment                  L-T-P-C





Introduction, Sustainable development, Environmental impact of infrastructural projects, Planning and Management of impacts studies.

Impact assessment of infrastructural development on air, surface & sub-surface water, soil, noise, etc., Assessment methods and techniques, Prediction technique for quality of environment attributes. Control measures, Preparation of environmental management plan: carrying capacity and assimilation capacity studies for sustainable development

Environmental quality standards: Regulations, Legislations, Environmental Clearance Process, Salient features of EIA notification. Case studies.

Reference Books


1.  David C.Wooten  & J.G.Ran Environmental Impact Analysis Hand Books Pub. McGraw – Hill (1979).

2.  Canter L.W., Environmental Impact Assessment, McGraw-Hill, 1997

3.  Betty Bowers Marriott, Environmental Impact Assessment A Practical Guide McGraw-Hill Professional, 1997

4.  Peter Morris & Riki Therivel, Methods of Environmental Impact Assessment, Routtedge, 2001.

5.  Denver Tolliver, Highway Impact Assessment, Greenwood Publishing Group, 1993

6.  R.K.Jain, L.V.G.S. Stacey, H.E. Balbach, Environmental Assessment McGrew-Hill Professional, 2001.

7.  Relevant IRC & CPCB Code of Practices / Guidelines

8.  CPCB (2006) Pollution Control Acts, Rules and Notifications issued there under Pollution Control Law Series’ PCLS/02/2006 Central Pollution Control Board, Delhi.

Faculty A.K. Minocha & Ibrahim Sohel


ENG- CBRI- 1-1130                    Sustainable Design and                                      L-T-P-C

                                           Energy Efficient Building Systems                              3-0-0-3




Introduction to sustainable and energy efficient building systems, Sustainable design principles, Low carbon building technologies, Climate factors for buildings design, Thermal comfort and insulation, Passive energy building design, Green building rating systems, Energy Conservation Building Code, Application of performance assessment tools, Low energy building materials, Heat repellent, Insulating materials, Heat transfer through building elements.

Case Studies: Integrated design process, Green design projects.

Reference Books

1.  Godfrey Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press, 2004, Reprint 2010.

2.  Sharma I C, The Climatic Data Handbook, Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub. Co. Ltd., 1993.

3.  Givoni B, Man Climate & Architecture, Elsevier, 1969

4.  Arvind Krishnan & et al., Climate Responsive Architecture – A Design Handbook for Energy Efficient Buildings, Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub. Co. Ltd.

5.  Gupta C P, Prakesh Rajendra, Engineering Heat Transfer, Nem Chand & Brothers-Roorkee, 1979

Faculty Ashok Kumar & B.M. Suman



ENG-CBRI- 1-1132          Construction, Planning & Management                    L-T-P-C





Introduction to Building Projects, Modes of public: private participation, Innovative approaches for fiscal mobilization and financing. Project formulation, appraisal & evaluation, Feasibility studies and preparation of detailed project reports (DPRs). Planning – Fundamentals for construction planning, project life cycle. Project Management Issues: planning, monitoring, scheduling, application of Information technology tools, project proposal, project completion, compliance and closure. Tender documents & selection process, contract correspondence, formulation of claims, variations & extensions, dispute resolution, reconciliation and arbitration. Case studies: Urban housing and other building projects.

Construction project management: Network scheduling, critical path method (CPM), project evaluation and review technique (PERT), planning and scheduling of activity network, cost – time trade off, linear programming, PERT / Cost accounting. Scheduling with limited resources, resource planning, resource allocation, project schedule compression, generalized activity network.

Estimation of project cost, earned value analysis, monitoring project progress, project appraisal and selection, recent trends in project management.

Reference Books

1.     R. Barry, The Construction of Buildings: Parts 1-4, Orient Longman lid.

2.     H. Roy & B. Sengupta, Construction Management.

3.     A. B. Badiru, STEP Project Management: Guide for science, technology and engineering  projects, CPC press, Taylor and Francis Group, USA, 2009.

4.    World Bank, Procurement documents related infrastructure projects,


Faculty Ashok Kumar



ENG- CBRI- 1-1134                       Fire Protection Engineering                         L-T-P-C





Introduction to fire safety engineering, Heat transfer mechanisms in fire and built up of untenability conditions, Flames / fire plumes, Burning behavior of materials, Active fire protection: Portable fire extinguishers, Water mist fire extinguishment system, Fire hydrant and hose reel systems, Automatic sprinkler system, Fixed fire suppression flooding system, Detection and automatic alarm system, Passive fire protection: Structural fire protection, Compartmentation of building’ & fire spread, Containment of fire spread, Regulations of fire safety measures and techniques, Case studies.


Reference Books

1.    J. W. Lyone, The chemistry & uses of fire retardants, Wiley Inter science, 1970.

2.    T. H. Harmathy, Fire Resistant Designs.

3.    J. L. Bryan & Macmillan, Fire Suppression & Detection System, 1993.

4.    G. Cox, Combustion Fundamentals of Fire, Academic Press, 1995.

5.    D. D. Drysdale, Introduction to Fire Dynamics, Wiley Publications, 2011.

6.    C. A. Wilkie & A. B. Morgan, Fire retardency of polymeric materials, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Groups, Boca Raton, USA, 2010.

Faculty Suvir Singh, RS Chimote and Rajiv Kumar


ENG- CBRI- 1-1136         Environmental Engineering & Management            L-T-P-C





Water and wastewater: Quality Parameters and Standards, Wastewater treatment plant:

Industrial wastewater: characteristics, treatment levels and available technologies, Reactor Tanks: Mixed Tanks, Plug Flow, Dispersed Flow, Tanks-In-Series, Residence Time Distribution, Sedimentation-Flocculation, Filtration, Chemical Treatment, Biological treatment, Activated Sludge Treatment, Sanitation infrastructures: sanitation and hygiene-related diseases, Decentralized & Centralized household water treatment

Air Quality and Modelling: Sources and classification of air pollutants, indoor and outdoor air pollutants, Characteristics of various air pollutant particulates, Meteorology: influence of solar radiation and wind fields, lapse rate and stability conditions, characteristics of stack plumes, Dispersion and deposition modeling of atmospheric pollutants: Eddy and Gaussian diffusion models, techniques, health and nuisance/aesthetic, Monitoring, Control of particulates: collection mechanisms and efficiencies

Reference Books

1.    H. S. Peavy & D. R. Rowe, Environmental Engineering, McGraw Hill, 1985.

2.    S. K. Garg, Environmental Engineering, Khanna Publishers, 2005.

3.    Metcalf & Eddy, Wastewater engineering, treatment, disposal and reuse, McGraw Hill, 1979.

4.    A. C. Stern, Air Pollution, Vol I to VIII, Academic Press, 1986.

5.    M. N. Rao & H. V. N. Rao, Air pollution, Tata McGraw hill, 1989.

6.     A. D. Bhide & B. B. Sudresan, Solid waste management in developing countries, New Delhi: Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, 1983.

Faculty Ibrahim Sohel & Soumitra Maiti



ENG-CBRI- 2-1102                       Advanced Seismology                              L-T-P-C                                                                                                                           3-0-0-3




Science of Earthquakes, Types and causes, Earthquake Parameters, Seismic Waves, Magnitude & Intensity, Earthquake Source Mechanism, Seismic Instrumentation, Seismicity & Seismic Zoning Map, Indian Earthquake Scenario, Strong Motion Seismology, Strong Motion

Parameters, Site Response Studies, Seismic Attenuation, Source and Path effect, Seismic Hazard Analysis, Seismic Risk and its estimation, Post earthquake Investigations, Seismic Micro-zonation, Earthquake Prediction Studies, Seismic Alert Systems

Reference Books

1.    P. N. Agrawal, Engineering Seismology, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,  1993.

2.    B. A. Bolt, Earthquakes, W.H. Freeman & Company, ISBN – 978-0716722366,2003.

3.    K. Aki & P. G. Richards, Quantitative Seismology; Theory & Methods, W.H. Freeman &  Company, San Fransisco, Vol. 1 & 2, 2009.

4.      I. Towhata, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN-978-3-540-35782-7.69,2008 .

Faculty P K S Chauhan & Abha Mittal



ENG- CBRI- 1-1140          Ground Improvement Techniques                            L-T-P-C





Soft, expansive, loose cohesion less & organic soils, need of ground improvement, engineering properties, principles of treatments, Improvement techniques: preloading, vertical drain, stone column, compaction, chemical stabilization, ground freezing, electro osmosis, blasting, vibrofloatation, clay mineralogy of expansive soil, determination of swell pressure, consequence of swelling, improvement of expansive soils, foundation techniques on expansive soil, soil reinforcement theory, type of soil reinforcements, mechanism of reinforced soil, Soil- reinforcement interactions, different types of soil reinforcements, application of reinforced soil, soil nailing, soil anchors, design of reinforced earth wall, reinforced soil for foundation, quality control in expansive soil, Contaminated soil: effect of contamination, contamination transportation, detection of polluted zone, remediation. Case studies.
Reference Books

1.    P. P. Raj, Ground Improvement Techniques, Laxmi publication (p) Ltd., New Delhi, 2005.

2.    R. K. Katti, Behavior of Saturated Expansive Soil & Control Methods, A.A. Balkema publishers, 2002.

3.    M. P. Moseley & K. Krisch, Ground Improvement, Spon Press, Taylor and Francis Group, 1992.

4.    E. W. Brand & R. P. Brener, Soft Clay Engineering, Elesevier Scientific Publishing Company, 1981.

5.    K. Terzaghi, R. B. Peck & Mesri, Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practices, A Wiley Inter science Publication, 1996.


Faculty Pradeep Kumar, Manojit Samanta and Piyush Mohanty




ENG- CBRI- 1-1142                              Optimization Techniques                        L-T-P-C





Different types of optimization problems, General form of linear programming problem graphical solution – Cannonical form of LPP, Simplex method, basic feasible solution, Big M method, degeneracy, revised Simplex Method – Duality in linear programming, application of duality theory, post optimality or sensitivity analysis – Lagrangian function and saddle point, Kuhn Tucker conditions, primal and dual problem – Integer LPP, cutting plane method, branch and bound method, integer non-linear programming – Pseudo-random numbers, random variables, Univariate and Multivariate analysis, Regression analysis, Poisson, Gaussain and point process, uses of simulations – Introduction to neural network and genetic algorithm etc. – Stochastic Programming
Reference Books

1.   H. Gupta, Operations Research, S. Chand & Company, 1987.

2.   C. Mohan & K. Deep, Optimization Technique, New Age International, 2009.

3.   J. K. Sharma, Operation Research -Theory and Applications, Mcmillan Publishers India, 2008.

4.   H. A. Taha, Operations Research, PHI, New Delhi, 2010.

5.   S. S. Rao, Optimization Techniques, New Age International, New Delhi, 1996.

6.   Gillett, Introduction to operations Research, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1979.

7.   M. P. Mccord, Methods of Operational Research, Dover Pub., 2003.

1.  D. P. Heyman & J. S. Methew, Stochastic Optimization, Dover Pub., 2004.

Faculty Abha Mittal & PK Yadav



ENG- CBRI- 1-1144                              Deep Excavation                                     L-T-P-C





Introduction to the analysis and design of excavation, Excavation methods and lateral supporting systems: retaining walls, strutting systems, factors influencing on the selection of the retaining strut system, case history. Lateral earth pressure: Rankine’s and Coulomb’s earth pressure theory, earth pressure for design of excavation. Stability analysis: free and fixed earth support method, shear failure of strutted walls, push in, basal heave, upheaval, sand boiling.

Stress and deformation analysis of excavation: simplified method, beam on elastic foundation method, finite element method. Design of excavation supporting systems: design methods and factor of safety, structural components in braced excavations, strut systems, anchor systems, tests of anchors.

Reference Books

1.    Y. O. Chang, Deep Excavation Theory and Practice, Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK, 2006.

2.    R. D. Holtz & W. D. Kovaces, An Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering, Prentice -Hall,  Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1981.

3.    Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1967.

4.    R. B. Peck, W. E. Hanson & T. H. Thornburn, Foundation Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, New York,1977.

5.    M. R. Hausman, Engineering Principles of Ground Modification, McGraw – Hill Publishing  Company, New York, 1990.

6.    J. E. Bowles, Foundation Analysis and Design, 4th Ed., McGraw – Hill Book Company, New York, USA, 1988.


Faculty Manojit Samanta



ENG-CBRI-2-1104              Health Monitoring of Building Structures                    L-T-P-C





Introduction to health monitoring systems of buildings, Use of sensors, Data acquisition techniques, Data Processing, Fast Fourier Transform and Inverse Fourier transform, Diagnostic techniques, Damage detection techniques – Modal curvature, Cumulative Damage Factor, Wavelet Transform, Wireless sensor network, Numerical modeling, Rehabilitation techniques, Case histories.
Reference Books 1.    V. Giurgiutiu, Structural health monitoring with piezoelectric wafer active sensors, Elsevier
publications, 2008.2.    D. E. Adams, Health monitoring of structural materials and components, Wiley, 2007.3.    F.Kuochang, Structural health monitoring from system interpretation to autonomous
systems, Technomic publication, 2000.
Faculty  Ajay Chaurasia and S.K. Panigrahi


ENG-CBRI-2-1106                           Tall Buildings & Structures                               L-T-P-C





Introduction to Tall building systems, Analysis Methodology of tall building frames, Different types of loads, Lateral load analysis, multi bay frames; Shear walls, types, analysis, Coupled frames, Frame with shear wall; Principles of 3-D analysis of tall buildings; Perforated cores, types, Analysis ,Pure torsion, bending and warping of cores; Floor systems: Analysis; Elastic and inelastic stability of frames and shear walls; Analysis for Thermal Stresses; Other Tall structures.

Creep & Shrinkage effects on tall buildings, P – Delta analysis.

Reference Books

1.    Daniel Schodek & Martin Bechthold, Structures, Prentice Hall; 7 edition,2013

2.    B. S. Taranath, Tall Buildings – Steel, Concrete, and Composite Design of Tall Buildings, TMH publications, 1997.

3.    S.N. Manohar, Tall Chimneys: Design and Construction, Tata McGraw-Hili Pub. Co.1985

4.    Timoshangeo & Gere, Theory of Elastic Stability, TMH publications, 1961.

5.    B. S. Smith & A. Coull, Tall Building Structure, Analysis & Design, John Wiley & Sons, 1991.

6.    M. Fintal, Handbook of Concrete Structures, CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2004.

7.    Advances in Tall Buildings, CBS Publisher & Distributors, Delhi, 1986.

Faculty A.K. Mittal & Siddarth Behera


ENG-CBRI- 2-1108                         Behaviour of Metal Structures                           L-T-P-C





Introduction – Stability of frames, plates – Lateral buckling of beam – Compression Members – Combined bending and axial-combined bending & torsion; Buckling of thin elements – Torsional buckling of thin walled structures and open sections – Column – Strength curves – Buckling and post-buckling strength of plate elements with special reference to Codal provisions – Behaviour of light gauge steel structures; Prestressing in steel structures, Types of Connections- Welded, Bolted, Screwed, Rupture Failure of Connections.  Introduction to Impact in metal structures- Behaviour of materials (steel, CFST) subjected to low velocity impact.
Reference Books

1.    C. G. Salmon, J. E. Johnson & F. A. Malhas, Behaviour of Steel Structures, Prentice Hall,, 2008.

2.    S. P. Timoshenko & J. M. Gere, Theory of Elastic Stability, Dover Publications, 2009.

3.    A. Kumar, Elastic Stability.

4.    Yu, Design of Light gauge Structures.

5.    K. Mukhanov, Design of Metal Structures, University Press of the Pacific, 2002.

6.    D.E. Blodgeth, Design of Welded Structures,The James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation, 1996.

7.    D. Dubina, V. Ungureanum & R. Landolfo, Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structures, Pub:

European Convention for Constructional Steelwork, 2013.

8.W. W. Yu & R. A. LaBoube, Cold-formed Steel Design, Wiley Publishers, 2010.

Faculty A.K. Mittal, Siddharth Behera and Mickey Dalbehera


PHY/ENG- CBRI- 1-1138               Rock Mechanics                                         L-T-P-C





Rocks, rock structures and their importance: Rocks (Igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic) & rock masses; Joints & discontinuities; Folds & faults; Effect of discontinuities on stability using stereographic approach. Surface and subsurface investigations: Geological and geophysical investigations, Engineering rock mass classifications and their application:

Terzaghi’s rock load concept; RMR; Q; GSI. Physico-mechanical properties of rocks: Important physico-mechanical properties; Effect of temperature on rock strength. Dynamic properties. Stresses in elastic and plastic ground conditions: In situ stresses; Induced stresses after excavation; Stress variation around horizontal circular opening in elastic and plastic ground conditions. Excavation Methods: Drill & blast methods for surface and underground; Tunnel boring machine (TBM). Support design and instrumentation in tunnels: Analytical and empirical approaches in brief; GRC and SRC; NATM; Support types; Design considerations under dynamic conditions; Instrumentation.

Problems and their remedies in rock engineering: Stress problems (Squeezing and rock-burst); Swelling and water pressure. Application of rock mechanics: Traffic tunnels; Hydro-electric tunnels; Building/ dam foundations on rock; Underground civic facilities; Underground defence shelters, storage of petroleum and nuclear waste repository etc.

Reference Books

1.   B. Singh & R. K. Goel, Engineering Rock Mass Classification – Tunneling, Foundations and Landslides, Elsevier Science Ltd., U.K., 2011.

2.   B. Singh & R. K. Goel, Software for Engineering Control of Landslide and Tunnelling Hazards, Balkema/ Swets & Zeitlinger, Netherlands, CRC press, 2002.

3.   J. C. Jaeger, N. G. W. Cook & R. W. Zimmerman, Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics, Fourth Edition, Blackwell Publishing, USA, 2007.

4.   B. P. Verma, Rock Mechanics for Engineers, Khanna Publishers, Delhi.

5.    T. Ramamurthy, Engineering in Rocks for Slopes, Foundations and Tunnels, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2010.

Faculty R.K. Goel  R.D. Dwivedi


PHY/ENG-CBRI-2-1110          Landslide Disaster Mitigation                         L-T-P-C





Introduction;  Landslide Types and processes; Landslide Causes; Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Landslide studies: Spatial data acquisition and operations, Digital Elevation Modeling & Surface analysis, Thematic mapping, Spatial analysis; Landslide Hazard and Risk Assessment: Concept & Techniques, Case Studies; Landslide Investigations: Geological, geophysical & geotechnical; Landslide Instrumentation: Surface & sub-surface monitoring; Slope Stability Analysis: Rock & soil slopes, SMR & Slope Stability Assessment; Landslide control measures:  Types & design
Reference Books

1.   Sassa, Landslides – Risk Analysis and Sustainable Disaster Management, Springer Publishers, 2005.

2.    Turner & Schuster, Landslides – Investigation and Mitigation, 1996.

3.    Hoek & Bray, Rock Slope Engineering.

4.    R. Chowdhury, P. Flentje & G. Bhattacharya, Geotechnical Slope Analysis, Taylor & Francis, 2009.

5.    P. A. Burrough & R. A. McDonnell, Principles of Geographic Information System, Oxford University Press, 2006.

6.    C. P. Lo & A. K. W. Yeung, Concepts and Techniques of Geographic Information Systems, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2002.


Faculty S. Sarkar & D.P. Kanungo


ENG-CBRI- 1-1106                                   Laboratory – II                                            L-T-P-C

                                               Structural Engineering & Fire Engineering                      0-0-4-2




Structural Engineering: Characterisation of raw materials of concrete, Concrete mix proportioning of grade M30 & M60, casting & testing of cubes, cylinders and prisms, non- destructive tests such as rebound hammer, ultrasonic pulse velocity, rebar locator, impact echo, corrosion tests, vibration monitoring etc; casting and testing of reinforced concrete beams under static & dynamic loading conditions, testing of FRP strengthened beams.

Fire Engineering: Fire propagation index, Surface spread of flame test, Ignitability test at various irradiances levels, Non-combustibility test, Specific optical density of smoke, Toxicity index, Limiting oxygen index test, Cone calorimeter test: Rate of burning of polymeric building materials.

Faculty S.K. Singh, Harpal Singh and Subash Gurram


Core Courses
                             SEMESTER III

ENG-CBRI- 1-1115              Disaster Resistant Building System II                          L-T-P-C





Landslide Disaster Mitigation: Introduction, Landslide nomenclature & processes, Inherent &  external processes for landslide phenomena, Landslide susceptibility & vulnerability assessment, Geo-investigation & failure mechanism, Real time landslide monitoring for early warning system, Landslide control measures: types & design.

Earthquake resistant building structure: Characteristics of earthquakes, analysis of structures for earthquake loading, Linear Analysis, Codal Method, Dynamic analysis of RC structures, codal method and comparison with Eurocode 8, Earthquake resistant design of reinforced brick masonry, Ductility and detailing of RC members, Demand Capacity Ratio Method; Non-linear Pushover Analysis, Rapid visual screening and seismic evaluation of buildings, Strengthening of existing buildings:RC, Steel and Introduction to Performance based Engineering Strategies.

Introduction to Tsunami Disaster.

Reference Books

1.   Sassa, Landslides – Risk Analysis and Sustainable Disaster Management, Springer Publishers, 2005.

2.   Turner and Schuster, Landslides – Investigation and Mitigation, 1996.

3.   Hoek & Bray, Rock Slope Engineering.

4.   R. Chowdhury, P. Flentje & G. Bhattacharya, Geotechnical Slope Analysis, Taylor & Francis, 2009.

5.   K. Chopra, Dynamics of Structures: Theory and application to Earthquake Engineering, Prentice Hall, 200l.

6.   T. Pauley & M. J. N. Priestley, Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Buildings, John Wiley and Sons Inc. New York, Australia, 1992.

7.   D. J. Dowrick, Earthquake Risk Reduction, John Wiley & Sons Limited, 2003.

8.     ACI 440.2R-08, Guide for the design & construction of externally bonded FRP systems for Strengthening of Concrete Structures.

9.     Seismic evaluation of retrofit of concrete buildings, ATC-40.


Faculty S. Sarkar, D.P. Kanungo, A.K. Mittal and Siddharth Behera