The AIMS Group is engaged in Multi- disciplinary R&D programmes in the domain of the areas:
Area of R&D
- Innovative construction technologies including prefabrication and improved traditional practices.
- Mechanization in construction including development of machinery, equipment & processes and handling of building materials and components.
Infrastructure & Testing Facilities
The division has various types of facilities for testing of performance evaluation of construction equipment as per relevant IS Codes. There is a Universal Testing Machine of 100 tonne capacity and a Compression Testing Machine of 200 tonne capacity.
The Division also has Institute’s Computer Centre for the Institute equipped with a number of computers for various R&D work and has a Linux based server which provides internet connectivity to the Institute through LAN. The Computer Centre has specialized engineering software packages such as AutoCAD, 3D Studio Max for development of engineering and architectural models. GIS packages ARCINFO and ARCVIEW are also in use for R&D and other work related to data compilation, mapping and other information on PC platform.
Highlights of R&D
The following innovative construction technologies, product, software, databases, mathematical modeling, artificial intelligence methods etc. have been developed in the division and have been successful field application.
Construction Technologies
- Pre cast stone-blocks and solid concrete blocks for masonry.
- Pre cast concrete cored units and channel units for flooring and roofing
Computer Software
- FL-BRASM Software for assessment of physical properties of flyash lime and clay fly ash building bricks.
- Artificial Neural Network software for the problem of system identification, structural response of multi-storey structure subject to earthquake forces and other engineering problems.
- Software for structural damage identification using optimization techniques such as Genetic Algorithm and fault classification using support vector machines.
- Vibration problems in Plates and System Identification of Structures.
- Expert system related to corrosion distressed buildings – its diagnosis and remedial measures.
- Assessment and identification of physical properties of building components.
- Brick Extrusion machine for clay bricks. (Indian Patent no 118570)
- Energy efficient gypsum calcinatory for making plaster of Paris. (NRDC REPUBLIC DAY AWARD 1989)
- Mini climbing crane for material handling for construction of muli-tistoreyed buildings (Indian Patent no. 172047, NRDC Republic Day Award-1994)
- Concrete block making machines (Indian Patent No. 2266/DEL/97)
- Automatic free fall hammer for sub soil investigations (Indian Patent no. 172108)
- CBRICK machine for production of fly ash bricks.
- Boring and skirting machine for making bored piles and skirted granular pile foundation. (Indian Patent no. 159540)
- Plant for production of coir-cement board as wood substitute
- Accelerated electrical curing for precast RCC and prestressed concrete components.
- Underground Horizontal Boring Machine for making bores under the ground.
Specialization & Areas of Consultancy
- Design and fabrication of machinery and the process for production of components for building construction.
- Development of 3D models of mechanical and architectural projects using AutoCAD and 3D Studio Max.
Some external funded projects sponsored by DST, TIFAC, Indo-South African collaborative project, NTPC-Dadri & Badarpur Thermal Power Station etc. completed / in hand.
The Division has a strength of five scientists / technical officers supported by qualified technical personnel and other trained artisans.