Countries visited in connection with higher studies, research training, employment and other scientific assignments:
Name | Rajeeva Kumar Sharma |
Date of Birth | 30.10.1965 |
rks_rke [at] cbri [dot] res [dot] in | |
Present Designation | Principal Technical Officer |
Division | Planning and Business Development |

Educational Attainments
Degree / Diploma | Main Subject | University/Institution with Distinction | Country | Year of Passing |
Three Years Diploma | Civil Engineering | U.P. Board of Technical Education | India | 1985 |
AMIE | Civil Engineering | The Institution of Engineers, Kolkata | India | 1989 |
M.Tech. | Civil Engineering | Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee | Civil Engineering | M.Tech. |
a) Main Area of Specialization | Building Science and Technology, Business Development |
b) Sub-area of Specialization | Health assessment and repair measures of distressed RC structures, TPQA, Vetting of structural design of building structures etc., Technology Transfer, R&D Management and other business development activities |
Country visited | Purpose | From | To |
Nepal | For project work on reconstruction of school buildings in Nepal | 14.04.2019 | 23.04.2019 |
- Chakrabarti, S.C. and Sharma, Rajeeva Kr., “A Software package for design and draughting of beams”, The Indian Concrete Journal, March 1994, pp. 159-164.
- Agrawal, S.K. and Sharma, R.K., “Provision of an Additional Floor on the Administrative Block of R&D Centre at Faridabad – A Case Study”, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India), Civil Engineering Division, Vol. 76, February 1996, pp 189-192.
- Singh, S.P., Sofat, G.C., Singh Ajay and Sharma, Rajeeva Kr., “Database software for production planning of semi-mechanised precast building components” Indian Concrete Journal, Vol. 76, March 2002, No.3, pp. 175-179.
- Sharma, R.K. and Bhandari, N.M.., ‘CAD package for design and drafting of RC cantilever retaining walls’, Indian Concrete Journal, Vol. 76, July 2002, No. 7, pp.421-425.
- Sharma, Rajeeva Kumar and Bhandari, N.M., ‘Design and detailing of RC counterfort retaining walls – A CAD approach’, Indian Concrete Journal, Vol. 77, No.10, October 2003, pp. 1391-1397.
- Bhandari, N.M., Sharma, R.K. and Rama Prasad, A.V., ‘Cadd of Inclined Retaining Walls’, New Building Material & Construction World, Vol. 11, Issue 4, October 2005, pp. 138-143.
- Kumar, Rajiv, Sharma, R.K., Yadav, P.K., and Gupta, A.K., entitled “Use of Fire Models on Post Fire Investigations – A Case Study” published in the International Journal of Applied Fire Science (USA) Baywood Publications, Vol. 22, No. 3, 2012-13.
Seminar / Conference Proceeding
- Singh, Ajay, Chakraverty, S. and Sharma, Rajeeva Kr., “Development of data and software for production planning of precast cement concrete blocks”, Proc. All India Seminar on ‘Infrastructure Development in Uttaranchal – Problems and Prospects’, Oct.11-13, 2001, Roorkee.
- Gupta, A.K., Yadav, P.K. and Sharma, Rajeeva Kumar, “Efficient evacuation of a building during emergency”, Conference on ‘Indian Habitat and Infrastructure – Need for Innovative Approach (HCON-2003)’, Sept. 25, 2003, CBRI, Roorkee.
- Paper entitled ‘Evacuation Management in High Rise Buildings’ authored by A.K. Gupta, P.K.Yadav and R.K. Sharma, presented in national seminar on High Rise Buildings: Material and Practices Organised by Indian Society for Construction Material and Structures, IIT Campus, Roorkee, held at Hotel Meridian, Delhi, pp. 473-482, October, 2006.
- Sharma, R.K and Yadav, P.K., ”Parametric study of retaining walls using a developed CAD package”, Proc. of conference on “Challenges and Applications of Mathematical Modeling Techniques in building Science & Technology (CAM2TBST) held at CBRI, Roorkee, during February 7-8 2008, pp 49-57.
- Yadav, P.K., Sharma, R.K. and Gupta A.K., “ A mathematical model for optimal utilization of paths during emergent evacuation of a building”, Proc. of conference on “Challenges & Applications of Mathematical Modeling Techniques in Building Science & Technology (CAM2TBST) “, held at CBRI, Roorkee, during February 7-8, 2008, pp 563-576.
- Yadav, P.K. and Sharma, R.K., “A Mathematical Model for Optimal Evacuation Plan of Building during Emergency”, Proc. of national conference on “Applications of Mathematics in Science, Technology & Management“, held at Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering & Technology, Bareilly, UP, during September 6-7, 2008, page 38.
- Yadav, P.K., Sharma, Rajeev K and Ahamad, N., ”Optimization of Building Construction Management Process”, Proc. of national conference on “Trends and Challenges in Structural Engineering and Construction Management” held at CBRI, Roorkee, during February 11-12, 2009, pp 523-533.
- Mittal, A.K., Sharma, Rajeev Kumar and Dharamshaktu, D.S., “Structural Evaluation of Newly Constructed RCC Slabs” Proc. of National Conference on Repair and Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures” held at Power Management Institute, Noida during May 6-7, 2011.
- Yadav, P.K., Sharma, R.K. and Kumar, Rajiv, entitled “A Model for Determining Optimal Required Safe Evacuation Time of a Building during Fire” published in the proceedings of “National Conference on Fire Science and Technology Research & its Implementations” held at CBRI, Roorkee during Nov., 2011.
- Siddiqui, I.A., Sharma, Rajeev Kumar and Dharamshaktu, D.S., entitled “Planning and Fabrication of Model for Wind Tunnel Study – A Technical Approach” published in the proceedings of “6th National Conference on Wind Engineering” organized by Indian Society for Wind Engineering, India and CSIR-Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee during Dec. 14-15, 2012.
- Mittal, A.K., Sharma, Rajeev Kumar, Siddiqui, I.A., and Dharamshaktu, D.S., entitled “State-of-the-art Wind Tunnel Facility – A Review for Upgradation” published in the proceedings of “6th National Conference on Wind Engineering” organized by Indian Society for Wind Engineering, India and CSIR-Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee during Dec. 14-15, 2012.
- Kumar, Rajiv, Sharma, R.K., Yadav, P.K., and Gupta, A.K., entitled “Use of Fire Models in Post Fire Investigations – A Case Study” published in the International Journal of Applied Fire Science (USA) Baywood Publications, Vol. 22, No. 3, 2012-13.
- Sharma, R.K. et al. entitled “A Network Flow Model for Determining the Safe Evacuation Plan of a Public Building” published in International Organization of Scientific Research (IOSR) Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 10, Issue 5, Sep-Oct.2014.
Technical Reports
- A Monograph on “CSIR-CBRI Research & Business Profile – Process Know-how & Technologies” under CSIR Platinum Jubilee Publication Series, 2017
- Reports for externally funded projects
Scientific Books / Book Chapters
- “Precautions during Brick Masonry Construction” published a chapter in a book for the Workshop cum training programme on “Achieving Quality in Building Construction” held at CBRI, Roorkee, during Aug. 19-20, 2011
Awards and Distinctions (including fellowships of the learned societies):.
Name of Award | Awarded by | Awarded for | Year |
. |
Professional Experience:.
More than 30 years’ experience in the various areas like software development, health assessment of distressed buildings/structures, project management, technology transfer, vetting of MoUs and agreements etc.
Association in R&D Projects
- Computer Facility in CBRI Computer Centre
- Software Development for design and draughting of RC members / Computer aided optimal design and draughting
- Fire Resistance of RC Structures in Pre and Post Fire investigation, DST, New Delhi
- Study of load carrying capacity and Structural Performance of Reinforced Hollow Concrete Block Masonry
- Neural network based optimum design of RCC members
- Design of Dust Settling Chamber and Pollution Emission Studies of Existing Fixed Chimney brick kilns in Haryana
- Upgradation of CALFIRE software
- Study on Wind Induced Interference on Tall Buildings
- Upgradation of FIREMAP software
Association in Sponsored & Consultancy Projects
- Study of Leakage in Basement of National Physical Laboratory, NPL, New Delhi.
- Development of data and computer software for production planning of precast building components, BMTPC, New Delhi.
- Fire spread modeling software for NPC, Mumbai.
- Compartment Fire : Effect of cross ventilation and window/duct on fire growth and temperature distribution.
- Feasibility study of Providing an Additional Floor of the Administrative Block of R&D Centre of IOCL, Faridabad.
- Stability Assessment and Recommendation for Building No. P/6 at Ordnance Parachute Factory, Kanpur.
- Investigations of Distress Concrete Shell of CO-Boiler stack at HPCL, Visakhapatnam.
- Design Guidelines and Recommendation for Design of Industrial Building and R.C. Control Building at IOCL, Virangam.
- Repair and Strengthening of Earthquake Damaged Houses in Maharashtra.
- Investigation of Distressed Inter-stage Cooler Foundation at N.F.L., Naya Nangal.
- Design of Foundation Block for Mainline Pumping Units sponsored by IOCL, New Delhi.
- Licensing of Software (SFP, Beam, Slab and Footing) to IOCL, New Delhi.
- Investigations and Recommendations for the Distressed Sheds of LPG Bottling Plant at Tikri Kalan, Delhi
- Modifications to Existing Foundation of Second Stage Intercooler of Air Compressor, sponsored by National Fertilizers Limited, Naya Nangal.
- Structural stability of Building No. P/49 at Ordnance Parachute Factory, Kanpur.
- Non-destructive testing of RCC Structure at “C“ Power Station at Sabarmati, Ahemadabad.
- Diagnosing soundness and suggestions for rehabilitation of structure in the 600 bedded ESIC hospital at Basaidarapur, Delhi.
- Quality assessment of Concrete of TG Foundations of Units I and II at Guru Hargovind Thermal Project, Lehra Mohabbat, Bhatinda.
- Health Monitoring of Ammonia Storage Tanks at Chambel Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited, Kota.
- Implementation of CBRI Designed Gravitational Settling Chamber, Haryana.
- Research, Planning and Business Development in CBRI.
- Investigation of fire damaged PU Foam building, Raj PU Foam Pvt. Ltd., Ghaziabad.
- Advice on possible loss of combustibles due to fire, M/s Kohinoor Footwear, Ghaziabad.
- Assessment of Structural Health and Safety of ONGC Residential Colony at Agartala.
- Health Assessment of Cooling Towers and RCC Chimney at KBUNL, Muzaffarpur.
- Health Assessment of Coal Handling Plant and DM Plant structures at KBUNL, Muzaffarpur.
- Architectural planning and structural design of the three models of KGBVs and quality inspection of the above school sites.
- Proof checking of design drawings and quality inspection of SIEMAT building.
- Proof checking of structural design and drawings of MES structures.
- Advice on Structural Design & Drawings of Nagar Palika Parishad Building in Haldwani.
- Third Party Quality Assurance C/o 760 LIG Houses of DDA, New Delhi.
- Third party quality inspection of civil construction work of CGEWHO housing project at Meerut.
- Structural investigation of Pant Sadan, r/o Hon’ble Chief Justice, Uttarakhand, Nainital.
- Structural evaluation of civil works of Matsaya Bhawan and other residential/non-residential buildings.
- Structural conditional assessment of Digesters and Gas Holding Tanks in existing sewage treatment plant at Delhi.
- Third party evaluation and quality inspection of school buildings under construction during 2007-08 and 2008-09 under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.
- Advice on construction of various civil works and vetting of technical specifications sponsored by MDDA, Dehradun.
- Comprehensive study for rehabilitation consideration the scenario of rising reservoir water level (1104m~1108m) at Joshiyara, Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand.
- Health Assessment and remedial measures for the repair of cooling towers of NTPC Simhadri (AP).
- Design and Construction Monitoring of School Buildings under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan sponsored by State Project Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Dehradun, Uttarakhand.
- Structural Checking of AWHO Group Housing project at Panchkula.
- Investigation at the Sun Temple, Konark (Phase-I)
- Comprehensive geotechnical and structural investigation of the Taj Mahal.
- Investigation of the Kashi Viswanath Mandir, Varanasi.
- Health Assessment of the Drift Structures for Natural Draft Cooling Tower at NCPS, Dadri (Co-PI)
- Advise on Retrofitting Measures of Distressed Building and Strengthening Measures for Slopes at Grand Hotel, Shimla
- Health Assessment of Product Handling Plant (Bagging Plant) and allied Structures of KRIBHCO, Surat
- Rehabilitation and Retrofitting of National Gallery of Modern Art (Jaipur House), New Delhi (CO-PI)
- Technical Examination of the Extension Building to Parliament House Annexe, New Delhi
- Health Assessment and Suggesting Strengthening Measures for Residential Quarters of Presidential Estate at G-Point, New Delhi (Co-PI)
- Health Assessment of the Amber Palace, Jaipur
- Assessment of Work and Rendering of Technical Advice for Works at Bikaner Military Station, Bikaner (Co-PI)
- Comprehensive Study of Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi, etc.
- Technical Examination of the LSS Quarter Complex, Sector-2, R.K. Puram, New Delhi
- Investigation at the Sun Temple Konark (Phase-II)
- Structural Health Assessment and Suggesting Remedial Measures for Civil Hospital, Gurgaon
- Structural Investigations for the Heritage Building of National Archives of India, New Delhi
- Structural Proof Consultancy of Sports Stadium, Udhampur
- Technical Examination & Quality Inspection of Modernization and Up-gradation at ALIMCO, Kanpur & Ujjain
- Technical Examination & Quality Inspection of Government School Building at Mazra Mahadev
- Structural Health Assessment and Suggesting Remedial Measures for Buildings of PTPS Colony, Panipat
- Technical Assessment and Quality Inspection of Construction Works of Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar
- Structural Assessment of Regional Office & Staff Quarters of Employees State Insurance Corporation, Dehradun
- Feasibility study for adding one storey above existing single storey office building of Special Bureau, Lucknow
- Evaluation of methodology used for strengthening of RC Components for OTM ACCN (PH-II) for MH Suratgarh
- Evaluation of methodology used for strengthening of RC Components for OTM ACCN (PH-II) for MH Bikaner
- Distress diagnosis and suggesting of rehabilitation measures for buildings of CSIO, Chandigarh
- To study the feasibility for adding one floor on existing CPMB building at NBRI, Lucknow
- Design and Project Management Consultancy Services for Reconstruction/ Retrofitting of Educational Facilities & Libraries in Earthquake Affected Areas of Nepal
- Structural Stability and Feasibility for Additional Floor on Existing ESIC Hospital Building at Bareilly
- Health Assessment and Suggesting Remedial Measures for Building of NIEPVD Dehradun
- Distress diagnosis and suggestions of rehabilitation measures for old hospital block and Type-I quarters of Sanjay Gandhi Memorial Hospital (SGMH), Delhi
- Geo technical & Structural Investigations and remedial measures at SJVN DAV Public School, Rampur, Himachal Pradesh, SJVN – DAV Public School, Rampur (HP)
- Technical examination and quality audit of construction of 14 room Meerut district court building14 Court Building, Meerut
- Structural Audit of Buildings of Army Public School No.2 Roorkee
- Distress diagnosis and suggestions for rehabilitation measures of Dwarka Court Building, Delhi
- Structural Assessment of Partly Constructed Sutradhara building, at Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, New Delhi
- Health Assessment of Cooling Tower at RGTPP, HPGCL, Khedar, Hissar
- Structural Assessment of Mahakaleshwar Temple, Ujjain
- Structural Health Assessment of BEG&C Residential Quarters at Roorkee
- Structual Audit of CSIR Complex Building at New Delhi
- Structural Audit of MAP Building at Karan Singh Vihar, Lalgarh Jattan Military Station, Rajasthan
Any other:
M.Tech. Thesis Supervised
Topic: CAAD of Retaining Walls using Visual Basic, Submitted by a student of M.Tech. (Building Science and Technology) in the Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, in the month of June 2004.
Research Papers Reviewed for “The Indian Concrete Journal”
Membership of Professional Bodies
- Life Member of the Institution of Engineers (India)
- Life Member of Indian Society of Wind Engineering
- Life Member of Indian Concrete Institute