3C. Structural restoration and retrofitting techniques for heritage structures

Task 3C: Structural restoration and retrofitting techniques for heritage structures. Task Leader(s): Hina Gupta Objective: Development of Restoration and Retrofitting technologies for different types of Heritage Structures, without disturbing the architecture of the building. Performance evaluation of retrofitted structure under different loading condition simulated in laboratory. Monitoring of heritage structures Description of Task Structural restoration…

3B. Geotechnical investigation of foundation systems

Task 3B: Geotechnical investigation of foundation systems. Task Leader(s): Aswathy Objective: To study the subsoil profile and foundation details from available database. Analyse the effect of construction activities adjacent to heritage structures on the foundation settlement and to study the requirement of retrofitting measures for foundations. Suitable strengthening/ improvement measures will be developed for foundations…

Task 1A. Classification of important heritage structures and extracting superior features of Indian traditional knowledge of building science.

Task 1A: Classification of important heritage structures and extracting superior features of Indian traditional knowledge of building science. Task Leader(s): Dr. Achal Kumar Mittal Objective: Classification and characterization of important heritage structures of India based on their architecture, structural systems and materials compositions. Extracting the superior features of Indian traditional knowledge base in building sciences,…