Task-2.2 : Bio-Concrete as self Healing Material

Task-2.2 : Bio-Concrete as self Healing Material Task Leader:-  Dr.(Mrs) Leena Chaurasia Objective: Development of self healing bio concrete using biological based techniques Scope of the work: The suitability of very specific extremophiles calcifying bacteria & their ability to repair cracks in building structure using sustainable and bio-based self healing agent Setting of laboratory for Bio-concrete…

Task-2.1 : Geopolymer Concrete

Task – 2.1 : Geopolymer Concrete Task Leader:-  Dr. B. Singh Objective: • To develop two components / single component geopolymer concrete and reinforced concrete for making building components • Durability studies of geopolymer in chemical environments Scope of the Work: Characterization of fly ash and other sources of aluminosilicate Synthesis and characterization of geopolymers Preparation…

Task-1.4 : Phase Change Materials (PCM) for Energy Efficiency in Buildings

Task – 1.4 : Phase Change Materials (PCM) for Energy Efficiency in Buildings Task Leader:-  Srinivasarao Naik B Objective: To prepare Phase Change Materials, its encapsulation and use in building components for enhancing energy efficiency Scope of the Work: Preparation of Phase Change Materials and Characterisation DTA/TGA and DSC studies to evaluate heat storage capacity of…

Task-1.3 : Enhancing the Fire Retardancy of Polymeric Materials using Nanocomposites:

Task – 1.3: Enhancing the Fire Retardancy of Polymeric Materials using Nanocomposites Task Leader:-  Mr. Subham Dastidar Objective: Enhancement of the fire retardant property of polymers using Clay Nanocomposite Scope of the Work: Experimental study of the preparation of nanocomposite Characterization of the developed material Designing of the batch reactor (BR) Installation of the BR Process…

Task-1.2 :Multifunctional Coatings Using Nanotechnology

Task – 1.2: Multifunctional Coatings Using Nanotechnology Task Leader:-  Dr. P.C. Thapliyal Objective: To develop multifunctional (water resistant, energy efficient, anticorrosive) coatings for concrete Scope of the Work: Development of fluoro/epoxy/acrylic resin/s &/or nano pigments including precursors for nano materials Characterization & process development Development of nanotechnology based multifunctional coating Formulation & characterization of multifunctional coating…

Task-1.1 : Nano-engineered Cementitious Materials

Task – 1.1 : Nano-engineered Cementitious Materials Task Leader:-  Dr.L. P. Singh Objective: To develop nano-engineered concrete exhibiting ultra high performance and durability using nanotechnology Scope of the Work: Upgradation of laboratory facilities with FESEM and nano-indenter Cost-effective preparation of nanomaterials through sol-gel method Characterisation of nano particles through XRD, SEM, EDX, TEM, BET, NMR etc.…

Task-6.8:Communication Network architecture for intelligent buildings

Task – 6.8: Communication Network architecture for intelligent buildings Task Leader:-  Kota Solomon Raju Objective: Design and development of a communication, safety & security system with RTOS support for Intelligent   Buildings. It includes Design of FPGA and /or ARM processor based communication system for the   entire building using wireless technology. WSN System with sister labs developed…

Task-6.7:Design & Implementation of Robot for automatic floor cleaner using wireless technologies

Task – 6.7: Design & Implementation of Robot for automatic floor cleaner using wireless technologies Task Leader:-  Kota Solomon Raju Objective: Design & Implementation of Robot for automatic floor cleaner using wireless technologies. Scope of Work: Study & exploration of Robotic Arm for Floor Cleaning purpose Design & Development of Object detection algorithm for Robotic path…

Task-6.5:Remote control of home appliances using Mobile or Web connectivity

Task – 6.5: Remote control of home appliances using Mobile or Web connectivity Task Leader:-  Joydeb Roy Chowdhury,  Avilasa Saxena Objective: Development of Suitable infrastructure for real time monitoring and control of various house hold equipments, gadgets using wireless sensor network or mobile telephony or internet. Development of Remote home Controller to integrate the residence’s various home…