3C. Structural restoration and retrofitting techniques for heritage structures

Task 3C: Structural restoration and retrofitting techniques for heritage structures. Task Leader(s): Hina Gupta Objective: Development of Restoration and Retrofitting technologies for different types of Heritage Structures, without disturbing the architecture of the building. Performance evaluation of retrofitted structure under different loading condition simulated in laboratory. Monitoring of heritage structures Description of Task Structural restoration…

3B. Geotechnical investigation of foundation systems

Task 3B: Geotechnical investigation of foundation systems. Task Leader(s): Aswathy Objective: To study the subsoil profile and foundation details from available database. Analyse the effect of construction activities adjacent to heritage structures on the foundation settlement and to study the requirement of retrofitting measures for foundations. Suitable strengthening/ improvement measures will be developed for foundations…

Task 1A. Classification of important heritage structures and extracting superior features of Indian traditional knowledge of building science.

Task 1A: Classification of important heritage structures and extracting superior features of Indian traditional knowledge of building science. Task Leader(s): Dr. Achal Kumar Mittal Objective: Classification and characterization of important heritage structures of India based on their architecture, structural systems and materials compositions. Extracting the superior features of Indian traditional knowledge base in building sciences,…

Task 10.3: Demonstration of developed technology/know-how(s)

Task 10.3: Demonstration of developed technology/know-how(s) Task Leader(s): Dr. J. Prabakar (SERC), Dr. Shermi C Objective: Demonstration of developed technology/ know-how(s) for mass housing schemes Description of Task: A demo building will be constructed at CSIR-SERC including other services to exhibit the developed prefab technologies. The project is aimed at developing and disseminating the expertise…

Task 10.2: Organization of skill development programmes

Task 10.2: Organization of skill development programmes Task Leader(s): Dr. G. S. Palani(SERC), Ajay Chourasia Objective: Organisation of skill development programmes to dissemination of knowledge/ technology Description of Task: It is emphasised that besides targeting cutting edge cost effective technologies/ products, this mission should also focus on skill development as housing sector provides mass employment…

Task 10.1: Formulation of guidelines for constructing mass housing including the cost analysis

Task 10.1: Formulation of guidelines for constructing mass housing including the cost analysis Task Leader(s): Dr.B.H. Bharatkumar (SERC), Dr. N. Gopalakrishnan Objective: Formulation of guidelines for constructing mass housing including the cost analysis Description of Task: Formulation of easy to use guidelines for construction of mass housing using precast elements will be extremely useful to…

Task 6.4: Design and strengthening measures for building foundation systems in hilly regions

Task 6.4: Design and strengthening measures for building foundation systems in hilly regions Task Leader(s): Koushik Pandit Objective: Design guidelines for foundation systems in different geological conditions for housing in hilly region Description of Task: The construction of building on mountain soil found in hilly regions seems to be a serious issue. Hence there is…

Task 6.3: Development of modified static and seismic design methodology of piled-raft foundation

Task 6.3: Development of modified static and seismic design methodology of piled-raft foundation Task Leader(s): M Samanta Objective: Development of design methodology of pile-raft foundation for tall building under axial, lateral and combined loading considering the amplifications and nonlinear soil response in static and dynamic conditions for different soil conditions Description of Task: Rapid growth…

Task 6.2: Ground improvement using granular pile anchor foundation (GPAF) system

Task 6.2: Ground improvement using granular pile anchor foundation (GPAF) system Task Leader(s): Dr. Pradeep Kumar / Mr. KaushikPandit Objective: Development of a holistic scheme for design, fabrication and construction of a granular pile anchor foundation system Description of Task: The construction of building on weak soils like plain alluvial soil found in the Indo-Gangetic…