Expression of Interest
CSIR-CBRI invites sealed Expression of Interest (EOI) from PMC Agency for Project Mangement & Construction Supervision of 147 Health Buildings in earthquake affected districts of Nepal. [Download Full Document]
14 March 2025 | 10:33 AM
CSIR-CBRI invites sealed Expression of Interest (EOI) from PMC Agency for Project Mangement & Construction Supervision of 147 Health Buildings in earthquake affected districts of Nepal. [Download Full Document]
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The Efficiency of Building (EB) Group is directed towards ensuring comfortable environment through proper orientation, thermal insulation, window design, noise isolation as well as energy conservation in buildings. The energy conservation aspect includes maximum utilization of natural ventilation, daylight and solar energy for satisfying energy needs in buildings and providing comfortable environmental conditions indoors. Special…
CSIR CBRI Roorkee and NETRA, NTPC had a meeting on 2nd September 2019 to explore possible futuristic collaboration.
“CSIR-Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee organized a Three-Day State-Level Student Workshop for KV Students during July 18-20, 2018 under the Jigyasa Student-Scientist Connect Programme to inculcate scientific temper by introducing them to the innovative techniques of building materials, health monitoring and rehabilitation of the structures, disaster mitigation, fire safety, energy efficient rural and urban housing etc. Shri Somit Shrivastav, Deputy Commissioner, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan,…
PhD (Sciences) | PhD (Engg) | IDDP (Engg Sc)
3rd Monitoring Committee Meeting for CSIR Mission Project on “Development of Fast, Durable and Energy Efficient Mass Housing Scheme” held at CSIR – Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee on 21-22, October 2019.