Countries visited in connection with higher studies, research training, employment and other scientific assignments:
Name | Dr. Nawal Kishor Banjara |
Date of Birth | 07.10.1985 |
nawalkishor [at] cbri [dot] res [dot] in | |
Contact No | 01332-283276 |
Present Designation | Principal Scientist & Associate Professor (AcSIR) |
Division | Fire Safety Engineering |

Educational Attainments
Degree / Diploma | Main Subject | University/Institution with Distinction | Country | Year of Passing |
B.Tech. | Civil Engg. | Dr. MGR University, Chennai | India | 2009 |
M.Tech. | Engg. of Structures | AcSIR, New Delhi | India | 2011 |
PhD. | Engg. Sciences (Structural Engg.) | AcSIR, New Delhi | India | Feb. 2020 |
a) Main Area of Specialization | Structural Engineering |
b) Sub-area of Specialization | Fire damage assessment, Fire and Thermal Behaviour of Concrete, Structural health monitoring, Full scale bridge testing, Acoustic emission tech., Fatigue and fracture behaviour of concrete, Repair and retrofit of structures |
Country visited | Purpose | From | To |
South Korea | To present a paper in ASEM11+ conference | 18th Sep., 2011 | 22th Sep., 2011 |
Journal Publications
SCI Journals:
- Bhawani Antarvedi, Nawal Kishor Banjara & Suvir Singh, (2024) “Enhancing concrete performance at high temperatures through polypropylene fiber geometry optimization”, Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences, Vol. 31, December 2024, pp. DOI: 10.56042/ijems.v31i6.10959. (IF.-0.7)
- Nawal Kishor Banjara, Saptarshi Sasmal and Santosh Kapuria, (2024), “Fatigue and leakage-type damage detection in metallic plates and pipelines using piezoelectric patch acoustic sensors”, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 209, 105162. (IF.-3.0)
- Bhawani Antarvedi, Nawal Kishor Banjara, Suvir Singh, (2023), “Optimisation of polypropylene and steel fibres for the enhancement of mechanical properties of fibre-reinforced concrete”, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, 24, pages1055–1075.
- Nawal Kishor Banjara, Saptarshi Sasmal and V. Srinivas, (2020), “Machine learning supported acoustic emission technique for leakage detection in pipelines” IJ of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 188, 104243. (IF.-2.56)
- Nawal Kishor Banjara, K.Ramanjaneyulu, (2020), “Effect of Deficiencies on Fatigue Life of Reinforced Concrete Beams”, ACI Structural Journal, 117(3), 31-44. (IF.-1.74)
- Nawal Kishor Banjara, K.Ramanjaneyulu, (2019), “Experimental and numerical study on behaviour of HSFRC overlay strip strengthened flexural deficient RC beams”, J. of Engineering Structures, 198, 109561. (IF.-5.69).
- Nawal Kishor Banjara, K. Ramanjaneyulu, (2019), “Investigations on behaviour of flexural deficient and CFRP strengthened reinforced concrete beams under static and fatigue loading”, Construction and Building Materials, 201, 746-762. (IF-7.69).
- Nawal Kishor Banjara, K. Ramanjaneyulu, (2019), “Effective CFRP Retrofit Strategy for Flexural Deficient RC Beams”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 69(2), 163-175. (IF-2.99).
- Nawal Kishor Banjara, Saptarshi Sasmal and V. Srinivas, (2019), Damage Progression Study in Fibre Reinforced Concrete using Acoustic Emission Technique, Smart Structures and Systems, 23(2), 173-184. (IF-4.58).
- Nawal Kishor Banjara, Saptarshi Sasmal and V. Srinivas, (2019), “Investigations on Acoustic Emission Parameters during Damage Progression in Shear Deficient and GFRP Strengthened Reinforced Concrete Components”, J. of Measurement, 137, 501-514. (IF-5.131).
- Nawal Kishor Banjara and K. Ramanjaneyulu, (2018), “Experimental Investigations and Numerical Simulations on the Flexural Fatigue Behaviour of Plain and Fibre Reinforced Concrete”, ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 30(8): 04018151-15. (IF-3.651).
- Nawal Kishor Banjara and K. Ramanjaneyulu, (2017), “Experimental and numerical investigations on the performance evaluation of shear deficient and GFRP strengthened reinforced concrete beams”, Construction and Building Materials, 137, 520-534. (IF-7.69)
- Nawal Kishor Banjara, K. Ramanjaneyulu, Saptarshi Sasmal and V. Srinivas, (2016) “Flexural Fatigue Performance of Plain and Fibre Reinforced Concrete”, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 69(2), 373-377. (IF-1.391)
- Nawal Kishor Banjara & Saptarshi Sasmal, (2014), “Remaining fatigue life of steel railway bridges under enhanced axle loads”, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 10(2), 213-224. (IF-3.659)
- Srinivas V., Saptarshi Sasmal, Nawal Kishor Banjara, Ramanjaneyulu K., and Nagesh R. Iyer, (2013),”Health Assessment of a Plate Girder Railway Bridge under Increased Axle Loads”, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 18(10), 969-979. (IF-3.066)
Non-SCI Journals:
- Bhawani Antarvedi, Nawal Kishor Banjara, (2023), “Response of concrete structures to fire”, Materials Today:Proceedings,
- Srinivas Voggu, Saptarshi Sasmal, Nawal Kishor Banjara, BS Sindu, K Ramanjaneyulu, (2023), “Failure investigation and retrofitting of a long-span rail-cum-road bridge through field response measurements”, Journal of Structural Engineering, 50(2), 93-102.
- A Kanchanadevi, Nawal Kishor Banjara, K Ramanjaneyulu, (2023), “Investigation on effectiveness of reinforced HSFRC overlay in flexural strengthening of RC beams”, Journal of Structural Engineering, 500(4-5), 295-309.
- Nawal Kishor Banjara, Saptarshi Sasmal and V. Srinivas, (2021), “Detection of Leakage in Pipelines using Passive Acoustic Emission Technique”, NDT.Net, 3, 1-8.
- V Srinivas, Saptarshi Sasmal, Nawal Kishor Banjara, A Kanchana Devi, BS Sindu, K Ramanjaneyulu, (2015), “Full scale field testing for performance evaluation and retrofitting of open web girder type road cum railway bridge”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308.
- Nawal Kishor Banjara & Saptarshi Sasmal, (2013), “Evaluation of fatigue remaining life of typical steel plate girder bridges under railway loading”, Structural Longevity, 10(3), 155-166.
- Bharathi Priya, M. Keerthana, Mohit Verma and Nawal Kishor Banjara, (2011), “Design of steel channel tension members-proposal to IS 800:2007”, Journal of Structural Engineering, 38(2), 122–130.
National/International Conference Proceedings
- Nawal Kishor Banjara, Ajay Chourasia , R Pradeep Kumar (2024), “Thermal Behaviour of Different Types of Concrete Subjected to Elevated Temperature”, National Conference on Futuristic Structural Engineering StructE NatCon 2024, 8-10 November, 2024 | PHD House, New Delhi
- A. Bhawani, Nawal Kishor Banjara, Suvir Singh “A Review of properties of PP Fibres when exposed to fire”. National Conference on “International Conference on Future Road of Multidisciplinary Streams” held at Roorkee on 21st Dec – 22nd Dec 2022.
- A. Bhawani, Nawal Kishor Banjara, Suvir Singh “Response of concrete structures to fire”. National Conference on “Recent advances in Construction materials and structures” Coimbatore on 2nd – 3rd Feb 2023.
- Nawal Kishor Banjara, Saptarshi Sasmal and V. Srinivas, “Detection of Leakage in Pipelines using Passive Acoustic Emission Technique”, Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE19) during 5th to 7th December 2019, Bangalore, India. (In CD formate).
- Nawal Kishor Banjara and K. Ramanjaneyulu, “Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Flexural Deficient and CFRP Strengthened RC Beams”, Structural Engineering Convention 2016, pp. 1548-1553, CSIR-SERC, Dec. 21-23, 2016.
- Nawal Kishor Banjara, K. Ramanjaneyulu, Saptarshi Sasmal and V. Srinivas, “Flexural Fatigue Performance of Plain and Fibre Reinforced Concrete”, 7th International Conference on Creep, Fatigue and Creep-Fatigue Interaction, 19-22 January 2016, IGCAR, Kalpakkam, India.
- Nawal Kishor Banjara, K.Ramanjaneyulu, Saptarshi Sasmal and V. Srinivas, “Flexural Fatigue Behaviour of Plain Concrete”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Built Environment, VIT-Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India, 12-13 March 2015, pp. 419-423.
- Nawal Kishor Banjara, K.Ramanjaneyulu, Saptarshi Sasmal and V. Srinivas, “experimental Investigations on Behaviour of Shear Deficient Reinforced Concrete Beams under Monotonic and Fatigue Loading”, 9th Biennial Event, Structural Engineering Convention, IIT Delhi, India, 22-24 December 2014, pp. 2299-2307.
- Nawal Kishor Banjara, K.Ramanjaneyulu, Saptarshi Sasmal and V. Srinivas, “Simulation of Fatigue Characteristics of Reinforced Concrete Beams”, Proc. Of 5th International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation, CSIR-SERC, Chennai, India, 10-13 December 2014, pp. 812-819.
- Deepika Balan, G. Mohan Ganesh, Nawal Kishor Banjara, (2014), “Non-linear FE modeling of Shear deficient RC beams strengthened with GFRP Fabric”, International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering and Chemistry of Innovative Materials (ACECIM’14), SRM college, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, 13th-14th March 2014.
- Nawal Kishor Banjara, Saptarshi Sasmal, V. Srinivas and K. Ramanjaneyulu (2012), “Studies on evaluation of impact factor of a steel plate girder railway bridge”, International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS), IIT Hyderabad, 10-12 December 2012, pp. 1- 8.
- Nawal Kishor Banjara and Saptarshi Sasmal., (2012), “Fatigue Life Evaluation of Steel Railway Bridges”, Proc. of 6th International conference on Creep-Fatigue and Creep fatigue Interaction (CF-6), IGCAR, Mamallapuram, India, 22-25 January 2012, pp. 426-434.
- Nawal Kishor Banjara and Saptarshi Sasmal., (2011), “Evaluation of Remaining Service Life of a Typical Steel Bridge under Train Loading”, Proc. of The 2011 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM11+), Seoul, Korea, 18-22 September 2011, pp. 5606-5621.
- Nawal Kishor Banjara, Saptarshi Sasmal and K. Ramanjaneyulu., (2010), “Cumulative Fatigue Damage Models towards Remaining Service Life Assessment: An Overview”, Proc. of Struct. Eng. Convention (SEC-2010), Vol-(2), pp. 735-749.
Technical Reports
- K. Saravana Kumar, Saptarshi Sasmal, V. Srinivas, Nawal Kishor Banjara, B.S. Sindu, M. Kannusamy and A. Thirumalaiselvi, “Assessment of structural adequacy of RDSO’s standards composite bridge girder BR95 and recommendations for retrofitting of superstructure”, Technical report No. R&D-05–SSP279– ECR(Renukut)-03 (BR95), December 2021.
- K. Saravana Kumar, Saptarshi Sasmal, V. Srinivas; Nawal Kishor Banjara, B.S. Sindu, M. Kannusamy and A. Thirumalaiselvi, “Assessment of structural adequacy of RDSO’s standards composite bridge girder BR78 and recommendations for retrofitting of superstructure”, Technical report No. R&D-05–SSP279– ECR(Renukut)-02 (BR78), December 2021.
- K. Saravana Kumar, B.S. Sindu, Saptarshi Sasmal, V. Srinivas, Nawal Kishor Banjara, A. Thirumalaiselvi, ‘Numerical simulations for evaluation of longitudinal force in bridge No. 1584’, Technical report No. R&D-02–SSP202–RDSO-SR-R16-N, November 2021.
- K. Saravana Kumar, A. Thirumalaiselvi, Saptarshi Sasmal, Nawal Kishor Banjara, V. Srinivas, B.S. Sindu, “Numerical Simulations for Evaluation of Longitudinal Force in Bridge No. 145”, Technical report No. R&D-02–SSP20241–RDSO-SR-R14-N, October 2021.
- K. Saravana Kumar, Nawal Kishor Banjara, Saptarshi Sasmal, V. Srinivas, B.S. Sindu, A. Thirumalaiselvi, “Numerical Simulations for Evaluation of Longitudinal Force in Bridge No. 514 (Span-7)”, Technical report No. R&D-02–SSP20241–RDSO-SR-R09-N, August 2021.
- V. Srinivas, Saptarshi Sasmal, Nawal Kishor Banjara, K. Saravana Kumar, M. Kannusamy and A. Thirumalaiselvi, “Structural healthiness/adequacy of Juari Bridge and Semra Baba bridge for the movement of Loaded Ash
Bulkers/Hyewa at NTPC Vindhayachal”, Technical report No. R&D-05–SSP281–NTPC(Vin)-01, August 2021. - K. Saravana Kumar, Saptarshi Sasmal, V. Srinivas; Nawal Kishor Banjara, B.S. Sindu, M. Kannusamy and A. Thirumalaiselvi, “Assessment of structural adequacy of RDSO’s standards composite bridge girder BR134 and recommendations for retrofitting of superstructure”, Technical report No. R&D-05–SSP279– ECR(Renukut)-01 (BR134), June 2021.
- K. Saravana Kumar, Nawal Kishor Banjara, Saptarshi Sasmal, V. Srinivas, B.S. Sindu, A. Thirumalaiselvi, “Methodology for Numerical Simulations of Track-Bridge Interaction and Finite Element Analysis for Evaluation of Longitudinal Force in Bridge No. 514 (Span 9)”, Technical report No. R&D-02–SSP20241–RDSO-SR-R08-N, June 2021.
- Saptarshi Sasmal; V. Srinivas; Nawal Kishor Banjara; B. S. Sindu and M. Kannusamy, “Evaluation of Capacity and Performance of Rock Anchor Bolt for an Underground Defence Project”, Technical report No. R&D 05 – SSP264–L&T-02, March 2021, CSIR-SERC.
- Saptarshi Sasmal; V. Srinivas; Nawal Kishor Banjara; B. S. Sindu and M. Kannusamy, “Evaluation of Capacity and Performance of Rock Anchor Bolt for an Underground Defence Project”, Technical report No. R&D 05 – SSP264–L&T-01, March 2021, CSIR-SERC.
- Saptarshi Sasmal; V. Srinivas; Nawal Kishor Banjara; K. Saravana Kumar and M. Kannusamy, “Condition assessment and retrofitting of masonry arch bridge at Kamaraj Salai, Puducherry”, Technical report No. R&D-05–SSP268–PWD(P)-01, November 2020.
- V. Srinivas; Saptarshi Sasmal; Nawal Kishor Banjara; A. Thirumalaiselvi, “Evaluating the structural adequacy of substructure of bridge No-262 between Renukut-Jogidiht under ECR for 25T axle load”, Technical report No. R&D 05 – SSP254–ECR(Chopan), May 2020, CSIR-SERC.
- Saptarshi Sasmal; V. Srinivas; Nawal Kishor Banjara; K. Saravana Kumar and M. Kannusamy, “Condition assessment and retrofitting of masonry arch bridge at Kamaraj Salai, Puducherry”, Technical report No. R&D-05–SSP268–PWD(P)-01, October 2020.
- V. Srinivas; Saptarshi Sasmal; Nawal Kishor Banjara; A. Thirumalaiselvi, “Evaluating the structural adequacy of substructure of bridge No-262 between Renukut-Jogidiht under ECR for 25T axle load”, Technical report No. R&D 05 – SSP254–ECR(Chopan), May 2020, CSIR-SERC.
- S.Parivallal, K.Lakshmi, V.Srinivas, Nawal Kishor Banjara, “Development of procedure and methodology for 24” HTPL during replacement of 2.5m pipe spool at Vashi Bridge (Kmch 29.11)”, Technical report No. R&D02-SSP25041-SR-01, October 2019, CSIR-SERC.
- V. Srinivas; Saptarshi Sasmal; S. Parivallal; K.Kesavan; K.Saravana Kumar; Nawal Kishor Banjara; B.S Sindu, “Condition assessment and performance evaluation of four number of bridges at VPT and formulation of remedial measures (Bowstring Girder Bridge on IBP Road)”, Technical report No. R&D 05 – SSP240–VPT – 04, September 2019, CSIR-SERC.
- V. Srinivas; Saptarshi Sasmal; S. Parivallal; K.Kesavan; K.Saravana Kumar; Nawal Kishor Banjara; B.S Sindu, “Condition assessment and performance evaluation of four number of bridges at VPT and formulation of remedial measures (Sardharvallabai Patel Parallel Bridge)”, Technical report No. R&D 05 – SSP240–VPT – 03, September 2019, CSIR-SERC.
- V. Srinivas; Saptarshi Sasmal; S. Parivallal; K.Kesavan; K.Saravana Kumar; Nawal Kishor Banjara; B.S Sindu, “Condition assessment and performance evaluation of four number of bridges at VPT and formulation of remedial measures (Nehru Centenary Flyover Bridge)”, Technical report No. R&D 05 – SSP240–VPT – 02, August 2019, CSIR-SERC.
- V. Srinivas; Saptarshi Sasmal; S. Parivallal; K.Kesavan; K.Saravana Kumar; Nawal Kishor Banjara; B.S Sindu, “Condition assessment and performance evaluation of four number of bridges at VPT and formulation of remedial measures (Ambedkar Centenary Flyover Bridge)”, Technical report No. R&D 05 – SSP240–VPT – 01, July 2019, CSIR-SERC.
- V. Srinivas, Saptarshi Sasmal, K. Saravana Kumar, and Nawal Kishor Banjara, “Structural design for cantilever Foot Bridge connecting existing piers of Rakhi bridge of Obra Thermal Power Station”, Report No.: R&D 05 – SSP238– OTPS-01, January 2019.
- V. Srinivas, Saptarshi Sasmal, K. Saravana Kumar, and Nawal Kishor Banjara, “Investigation of structural vibration of the DCU lift supporting structure of Gujarat Refinery”, Report No.: R&D 05 – SSP224– IOCL-01, November 2018.
- V. Srinivas, Saptarshi Sasmal, Nawal Kishor Banjara, and B.S.Sindu, “Checking the structural adequacy of bridge across Renuka river for carrying additional ash pipe lines from Obra Thermal Power Station”, Report No.: R&D 05 – SSP224– IOCL-0 R&D 05 – SSP222– OTPS-011, August 2018.
- V. Srinivas, Saptarshi Sasmal, Nawal Kishor Banjara, and B.S.Sindu “Investigation on Structural Resonance of Unit#1 TG foundation for 2x600MW Thermal Power Plant of UPCL”, Report No.: R&D 05 – SSP218– UPCL-01, June 2018.
- B. H. Bharatkumar, K. Ramanjaneyulu, P. Srinivasan, S. Bhaskar, Sapatrshi Sasmal, Nawal Kishor Banjara and B.S. Sindu, Technical evaluation of the under construction office building and residential-cum hostel building for Defence Estate Organization at Chennai and recommendation for possible remedial measures, R&D 05-SSP19141-SR-01, December 2016.
- Nawal Kishor Banjara, V. Srinivas and M. Jayanthan, Application of acoustic and image based techniques for health assessment of structure-An overview, R&D02–MLP185– RR – 01, July 2015.
- Nawal Kishor Banjara and V. Srinivas, “Experimental and analytical studies on life predication of concrete structures”, R&D02–MLP167– RR – 11, February 2015.
- Nawal Kishor Banjara and V. Srinivas, “Studies on structurally deficient reinforced concrete beams towards integrity assessment and fatigue life evaluation”, R&D02–MLP167– RR – 09, July 2014.
- Ramanjaneyulu K., V. Srinivas, Saptarshi Sasmal, K. Saravana Kumar, Nawal Kishor Banjara, et al., “Performance evaluation of reinforced concrete I-girder railway bridge No. 44(DN) near Ennore under increased axle loads of freight wagons (Cycle-IV Measurements)”, Sponsored Research Project Report No. R&D04-SSP076-SR-020, June 2014.
- Ramanjaneyulu K., V. Srinivas, Saptarshi Sasmal, K. Saravana Kumar, Nawal Kishor Banjara, et al., “Performance evaluation of reinforced concrete I-girder railway bridge No. 44(DN) near Ennore under increased axle loads of freight wagons (Cycle-III Measurements)”, Sponsored Research Project Report No. R&D04-SSP076-SR-019, May 2014.
- K. Ramanjaneyulu, V. Srinivas, Saptarshi Sasmal, Nawal Kishor Banjara, B. S. Sindu, A. Kanchana Devi, “Analytical and experimental investigations on typical span of bridge No. 7DB at Mokameh to evaluate the response of road cross girders and formulate remedial measures”, R&D 06-SSP0134-ECR-01, February 2014.
- Nawal Kishor Banjara and V. Srinivas, “Experimental and Numerical Studies on Shear Deficient Reinforced Concrete Beams”, R&D02–MLP167–RR – 07, Jan 2014.
- K. Ramanjaneyuly, V. Srinivas, Saptarshi Sasmal, K. Saravana Kumar, Nawal Kishor Banjara, S. Saibabu, R. Manisekar, K. Ravisankar and Nagesh R. Iyer, “Performance evaluation of reinforced concrete I-girder railway bridge No.44 (DN) near Ennore under increased axle loads of freight wagons (Cycle-I Measurements)”, R&D04-SSP076-SR-17, December 2013.
- Nawal Kishor Banjara and V. Srinivas, “Studies on Fatigue behavior of Plain Concrete under Compression Loading”, R&D04–MLP167– RR – 05, July 2013.
- K. Ramanjaneyuly, V. Srinivas, Saptarshi Sasmal, K. Saravana Kumar, Nawal Kishor Banjara, S. Saibabu, R. Manisekar, K. Ravisankar and Nagesh R. Iyer, “Performance evaluation of prestressed concrete bridge under increased axle loads of freight wagons (Cycle-IV Measurements)”, R&D 04-SSP076-SR-16, June 2013.
- K. Ramanjaneyuly, V. Srinivas, Saptarshi Sasmal, K. Saravana Kumar, Nawal Kishor Banjara, S. Saibabu, K. Ravisankar and Nagesh R. Iyer, “Performance evaluation of railway plate girder bridge No. 145A(DN) under increased axle loads of freight wagons (Cycle-IV Measurements)”, R&D 04-SSP 07641-SR-14, May 2013.
- V. Srinivas, Saptarshi Sasmal, S. Saibabu, K. Saravana Kumar, Nawal Kishor Banjara, J. Annie Peter and Nagesh R. Iyer, “Fatigue strength evaluation of precast prestressed concrete beams”, R&D 04–SSP0109–SR–01, April 2013.
- Nawal Kishor Banjara and V. Srinivas, ”Studies on Fatigue Damage Models for Concrete Structures”, R&D04–MLP167–RR–04, Jan 2013.
- V. Srinivas, Saptarshi Sasmal, K. Saravana Kumar, Nawal Kishor Banjara, S. Saibabu, K. Ramanjaneyulu, Nagesh R. Iyer, “Structural Health Assessment and Management of Bridges”, R&D04–MLP146–RR–01, June 2012.
- Nawal Kishor Banjara and V. Srinivas, “An overview on Damage Prognosis and Mitigation of Reinforced Concrete Bridges”, R&D04-OLP167-RR-02, June 2012.
- Nagesh R. Iyer, K. Ravisankar, K. Ramanjaneyuly, V. Srinivas, Saptarshi Sasmal, K. Sarvana Kumar and Nawal Kishor Banjara, “Performance evaluation of prestressed concrete bridge under increased axle loads of freight wagons”, R&D 04-SSP076-SR-03, June 2012.
Awards and Distinctions (including fellowships of the learned societies):.
Name of Award | Awarded by | Awarded for | Year |
International travelling grant | CSIR | Foreign visit | 2011 |
Quick hire scientist trainee | CSIR | PGRPE | 2009 |
Professional Experience:.
Position held | Institute/Organization | Duration |
Pr. Scientist | CSIR-CBRI, Roorkee | 21st May 2022 – till date |
Pr. Scientist | CSIR-SERC, Chennai | Nov. 2020 – 20th May 2022 |
Sr. Scientist | CSIR-SERC, Chennai | Nov. 2016 – Oct. 2020 |
Scientist | CSIR-SERC, Chennai | Nov. 2011 – Oct. 2016 |
Any other: | ||
Conducted Advanced or Certificate courses as a team member