NameMd. Muslim Ansari
Date of Birth12.12.1986
E-mailmmansari [at]
Present DesignationSenior Scientist
DivisionStructural Engineering

Educational Attainments

Degree / DiplomaMain SubjectUniversity/Institution with DistinctionCountryYear of Passing
Ph.D.Structural EngineeringIIT RoorkeeIndia2017
M.Tech.Structural EngineeringAMU AligarhIndia2012
B.Tech.Civil EngineeringAMU AligarhIndia2010


a) Main Area of SpecializationConcrete-filled cold-formed Steel Tube, Impact and Blast Analysis, FRP Composite structure, beam-column joint
b) Sub-area of SpecializationImpact and blast analysis and Testing, ballistic impact, Progressive collapse of structure, Building demolition, Seismic analysis, Tall building, Structural Testing

Countries visited in connection with higher studies, research training, employment and other scientific assignments:

Country visitedPurposeFromTo
NepalPost-Earthquake Reconstruction of Schools/Health Buildings in Nepal8/12/202218/12/2022
NepalPost-Earthquake Reconstruction of Schools/Health Buildings in Nepal23/05/202305/06/2023
Publications and Patents
      Current Publications (2009 onwards):

  1. Md. Muslim Ansari and Ajay Chourasia, Performance of FRP bar reinforced concrete Beam Column Joint, Structural Engineering and Mechanics (2024), 90(1), 71-81. DOI:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        (Techno-Press, IF= 3.52)
  2. M. Shoeb, SA Khan, T Alam, M A Ali, N K Gupta, M M Ansari et al. Dynamic stability analysis of metro tunnel in layered weathered Sandstone, (2023), Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 102258,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       (Elsevier, IF= 4.79)
  3. M.M. Ansari, A. Chakrabarti and M. A. Iqbal. An experimental and finite element investigation of the ballistic performance of laminated GFRP composite target. Composite Part B, 125 (2017) 211-226. DOI:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            (Elsevier, IF= 12.7)
  4. M.M. Ansari, A. Chakrabarti. Influence of projectile nose shape and incidence angle on the ballistic perforation of laminated glass fiber composite plate, Composite Science and Technology, 142 (2017) 107-116. DOI:                                                                                                                                                                                                       (Elsevier, IF= 8.3))
  5. M.M. Ansari, A. Chakrabarti. Impact behavior of FRP composite plate under low to hypervelocity impact. Composites Part B, 95 (2016) 462-474. DOI:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (Elsevier, IF= 12.7)
  6. M.M. Ansari, A. Chakrabarti, Impact behaviour of GFRP and Kevlar/epoxy sandwich composite plate: Experimental and FE analyses, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 31(2) (2017), 771-776.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (Springer, IF= 1.6)
  7. M.M. Ansari, A. Chakrabarti, Behaviour of GFRP composite plate under ballistic impact: Experimental and FE analyses, Structural Engineering and Mechanics 60(5) (2016) 829-849. DOI: 829                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              (Techno-Press, IF= 3.52)
  8. M.M. Ansari, A. Chakrabarti. Progressive damage of GFRP composite plate under ballistic impact: experimental and numerical study. Polymers and Polymer Composites, 24(7) (2016) 579-586.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      (SAGE, IF= 2.3)
  9. M.M. Ansari, A. Chakrabarti M.A. Iqbal. Effects of impactor and other geometric parameters on impact behaviour of FRP laminated composite plate. AMSE Journal Series: Modelling A 89(1) (2016) 25-44.                    (AMSE Spain) (ISI)
  10. M.M. Ansari, A. Chakrabarti, M.A. Iqbal, Dynamic response of laminated GFRP composite plate under impact: Experimental and Numerical study. Procedia Engineering, 173 (2017) 153-160. DOI:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      (Elsevier, SJR=0.28)
  11. M.M. Ansari and A. Chakrabarti. Ballistic performance of unidirectional glass fiber laminated composite plate under normal and oblique impact. Procedia Engineering, 173 (2017) 161-168. DOI:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          (Elsevier, SJR=0.28)
  12. M.M. Ansari and A. Chakrabarti. Effect of boundary condition and impactor nose angle on impact behaviour of FRP composite: Experimental and FE analyses. Materials Today: Proceeding, 4, (2017) 9645-9649.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             (Elsevier, SJR=0.3)

         International and National Conferences

  • International Conferences:   (abroad)
  1. Md Muslim Ansari and Anupam Chakrabarti. Impact performance of GFRP composite plate and shell target. 20th International Conference on Composite Structures, (ICCS-20), September 4-7, 2017, Paris, France, pp-224. DOI: 10.15651/978-88-938-5041-4                                                                                                                        
  •  International Conferences:      (in India)
    1. Ansari M.M., Chourasia A. and Hiya Battu. Blast performance and residual strength of concrete-filled cold-formed built-up (CFCFST) and RC columns. National Conference on Futuristic Structural Engineering “StructE NatCon 2024,PHD House, New Delhi, 2024.
    2. Ansari M.M., Chourasia A. Impact behaviour and residual strength of concrete filled cold formed (CFCFST) built-up column. Recent Advances in Infrastructure Development (RAID 2024), (RAID-2024), NIT Calicut, 2024.
    3. Ansari M.M., Chourasia A. Investigation of residual strength of RC column subjected to blast loading. 13th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2023), VNIT Nagpur, 2023.
    4. Ansari M.M., Sharad K., Dhayanidhi J., Manju S., Raja S. An investigation of damage of aircraft composite structure caused by Foreign Object Debris impact. International Symposium on Plasticity and Impact Mechanics, (IMPLAST-2022), IIT Madras, 2022.
    5. Md Muslim Ansari and Anupam Chakrabarti. Analysis of impact induced damage in glass fibre laminated composite plate. International Conference on Advances in Construction Materials and Structures (ACMS-2018) IIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India, March 7-8, 2018.
    6. M. Ansari and A. Chakrabarti. Ballistic performance of unidirectional glass fiber laminated composite plate under normal and oblique impact. 11th International Symposium on Plasticity and Impact Mechanics, (IMPLAST-2016), December 11-15, 2016, IIT Delhi, India. pp. 1-8
    7. M. Ansari, A. Chakrabarti, M.A. Iqbal, Dynamic response of laminated GFRP composite plate under low velocity impact: Experimental and Numerical study. 11th International Symposium on Plasticity and Impact Mechanics, (IMPLAST-2016), December 11-15, 2016, IIT Delhi, India. pp. 9-15
    8. Md Muslim Ansari and Anupam Chakrabarti. Ballistic impact response of laminated GFRP composite plate: Experimental and FE analyses. Sixth International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS- 2016), June 27 -July 1 2016, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India. pp. 144-147
    9. Md Muslim Ansari and Anupam Chakrabarti. Effect of boundary condition and impactor nose angle on impactor behavior of GFRP composite. International conference on recent trend in engineering and material science, (ICEMS-2016), March 17-19, 2016, Jaipur, India. pp. 42
    10. Md Muslim Ansari and Anupam Chakrabarti. Progressive damage of GFRP composite plate under ballistic impact: Experimental and Numerical study. International Conference on Civil, Mechanical and Environmental Engineering and Technology, (ICCMEET 2016), February 26-27, 2016, Coimbatore, India. pp. 69
    11. Md Muslim Ansari and Anupam Chakrabarti. Effect of bullet shape and h/a ratio on ballistic impact behaviour of FRP composite plate. International conference on innovation in structural engineering, (IC-ISE 2015), December 14-16, 2015, Hyderabad, India. pp. 599-608
    12. Md Muslim Ansari and Anupam Chakrabarti. Progressive damage behaviour of FRP composite plate under ballistic impact. 33rd IRF international conference, October 4, 2015, Chennai, India. pp. 25-288
  • Publications previous to 2009: NIL
  • Tech. Reports: 07 No.
  1. Gopinath, Md Muslim Ansari, Gaddikeri Kotresh, Manju S, (2022) Design on continuity of structural elements in-between metallic center fuselage and composite rear fuselage of SARAS Mk II, PD-STT/2022, CSIR-NAL, Bangalore.
  2. M. Ansari, R. Vinoth Raj, Shreejawahar and S. Manju, (2022) Design and Analysis of Ventral Fin of SARAS Mk-II TV 4.8.5, PD-STT/2022/1001, CSIR-NAL, Bangalore.
  3. M. Ansari, R. Vinoth Raj, Shreejawahar and S. Manju, (2022) Configuration layout of service door of SARAS Mk-II TV 4.8.5, PD-STT/2022/1002, CSIR-NAL, Bangalore.
  4. M. Ansari, S. Manju et al. (2021), Design and Analysis of Fuselage for SARAS Mk-II Version TV4.7.2, SARAS Mk-II, Vol-03, DR-05, Jan 2021, CSIR-NAL, Bangalore.
  5. M. Ansari, S. Manju et al. (2021), Report on PDR Action Points of SARAS Mk-II TV4.7.2 Fuselage, Vol-03, DR-25, Issue-01, Dec. 2021, CSIR-NAL, Bangalore.
  6. M. Ansari, S. Manju et al. (2021), Preliminary Design Review (PDR) of Airframe for SARAS Mk-II Version TV4.8.4, Part 8: Design and Analysis of Fuselage, SARAS Mk-II, Vol-03, DR-18, Issue-01, Dec. 2021, CSIR-NAL, Bangalore.
  7. M. Ansari, S. Manju et al. (2020), SARAS Configuration Review – Airframe Design, Report No: SARAS MK-2/STT/001, May 2020, CSIR-NAL, Bangalore.
  • Scientific Books / Book Chapters: 01 No.
  1. Ansari, M.M., Sharad, K., Dhayanidhi, J., Manju, S. (2024). An Investigation of Damage and Residual Strength of Aircraft Composite Structure Caused by Foreign Object Debris Impact. In: Velmurugan, R., Balaganesan, G., Kakur, N., Kanny, K. (eds) Dynamic Behavior of Soft and Hard Materials Volume 1. IMPLAST 2022. Springer Proceedings in Materials, vol 34. Springer, Singapore.
  • Process Under Utilization: NIL

Awards and Distinctions (including fellowships of the learned societies):.

Name of AwardAwarded byAwarded forYear
Member of Editorial board of “Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research” ISSN: 2630-4945(Online) Bilingual Publishing Co. Singapore.
Associate member, IRED (Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors), USA USA member ID: AM101000582186
Ministry of Human and Resource Development (MHRD), Research Grant Government of IndiaPhD2013-2017
Ministry of Human and Resource Development (MHRD), Research Grant Government of IndiaMTech2010-2012

Professional Experience:

Position EmployerDutiesDuration
Senior ScientistCSIR-Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee, IndiaResearch, Design and DevelopmentAugust 2023-Present
ScientistCSIR-Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee, IndiaResearch, Design and DevelopmentJune 2022- August 2023
ScientistCSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories Bangalore, IndiaResearch, Design and DevelopmentAugust 2019- June 2022
Postdoctoral Fellow Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Kanpur) Kanpur , IndiaResearch on high strain rate characterization of interlaminar shear strength of CFRP laminateMay 2019- Aug. 2019
Postdoctoral Fellow Indian Institute of Science(IISc) Bangalore , IndiaResearch on Boeing (USA) project; fatigue strength of CFRP using InfraRed Thermography, Influence of manufacturing defects (air pockets, fiber waviness) on compressive behaviour of CFRPMay 2018- May 2019
Assistant ProfessorCivil Engineering Department, BML Munjal University, GurgaonRCC, Structure AnalysisJuly 2017-May 2018

Any Other:

Motivated and interested candidates may approach for M.Tech. and Ph.D. supervision.

Reviewer in reputed Journals:

  1. Construction & Building Materials (Elsevier, SCI)
  2. Nuclear Engineering and Technology (Elsevier, SCI)
  3. International Journal of Impact Engineering (Elsevier, SCI)
  4. Thin Walled Structure  (Elsevier, SCI)
  5. Structures (Elsevier, SCI)
  6. Case Studies in Construction Materials (Elsevier, SCI)
  7. Materials Today Communications (Elsevier, SCI)
  8. Journal of Composite Materials (Sage, SCI)
  9. Mathematical Problems in Engineering (Hindawi, SCI)
  10. Journal of Mechanical Sciences and Technology (Springer, SCI)
  11. International Journal of Damage Mechanics (Sage, SCI)
  12. Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures  (SCI)
  13. Engineering Science   (Engineering Science publishers, Scopus)