Task 3.3: Protective coating for improved energy efficiency in buildings
Task Leader(s): Dr. P.C. Thapliyal
- To develop eco-friendly protective coating for RC prefab building components with improved performance against corrosion, thermal heat transfer and better durability
Description of Task:
Existing coatings have the volatile organic compounds (VOC) emission issues (legislative) and are based on rapidly depleting non-renewable resources. Energy efficiency in building can be achieved through cutting down both consumption and embodied energy. Embodied energy can be reduced by the use of renewable and locally available materials. Consumption can be reduced through the redesign of appliances such as water heaters and lighting sources. However, there is significant room for energy efficiency through the improvement in protective coating, which will improve the thermal heat transfer of the RC prefab building components with durability enhancement. In this task protective coating will be developed using renewable materials along with other materials.
- Eco-friendly protective coating for RC prefab building components to be used in sustainable mass housing