NameDr. Debdutta Ghosh
Date of Birth11.04.1989,,
Present DesignationPrincipal Scientist & Co-Coordinator
DivisionHeritage and Special Structures (HSS)

Educational Attainments

Degree / DiplomaMain SubjectUniversity/Institution with DistinctionCountryYear of Passing
B.Tech.Civil EngineeringJalpaiguri Government Engineering CollegeIndia2010
M.Tech.EIDM (Enginnering of Infrastructure and Disaster Mitigation, Building)AcSIR, New DelhiIndia2013
Ph.D. Structural Engineering IIT Delhi , New New Delhi ( 2020


a) Main Area of SpecializationCivil Engineering
b) Sub-area of SpecializationHeritage Structure, Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), Non Destructive Testing and Evaluation (NDT&T), Special Structures, Earthquake Engineering, Structural Dynamics, Concrete Technology, Tall Buildings, Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI), Disaster Resistant Building Systems, Intelligent Buildings

Countries visited in connection with higher studies, research training, employment and other scientific assignments:

Country visitedPurposeFromTo
Berlin, GermanyWorkshop on Advanced Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation in Civil Engineering27/06/2018 03/07/2018
Male, MaldivesInvestigation of Hukuru Misky (Friday Mosque)12/03/202316/03/2023
Publications and Patents
  • Current Publications (2012 onwards):
  • Articles: 60

International Journal papers:-

  1. Kuchipudi, Sai Teja, and Debdutta Ghosh. “Automated detection and segmentation of internal defects in reinforced concrete using deep learning on ultrasonic images.” Construction and Building Materials 411 (2024): 134491. (Impact Factor: 7.4)
  2. Kuchipudi, Sai Teja, Sergey Pudovikov, Herbert Wiggenhauser, Debdutta Ghosh, and Ute Rabe. “Imaging of vertical surface-breaking cracks in concrete members using ultrasonic shear wave tomography.” Scientific Reports, Nature, 13, no. 1 (2023): 21744. (Impact Factor: 4.3)
  3. Agarwal, Saurabh, Surendra Beniwal, and Debdutta Ghosh. “Monitoring Stress Concentration using Ultrasonic Signals.” Journal of Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation (JNDE) 20, no. 3 (2023): 39-49.
  4. Yumnam, Mahesh, Debdutta Ghosh, and Hina Gupta. “Empirical mode decomposition based techniques for imaging of shallow delamination in concrete using impact echo.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 184 (2023): 109668. (Impact Factor: 8.934)
  5. Kuchipudi, Sai Teja, and Debdutta Ghosh. “An ultrasonic wave‐based framework for imaging internal cracks in concrete.” Structural Control and Health Monitoring: e3108. (Impact Factor: 6)
  6. Mayakuntla, Prasanna Kumar, Debdutta Ghosh, and Abhijit Ganguli. “Classification of Corrosion Severity in Concrete Structures Using Ultrasonic Imaging and Linear Discriminant Analysis.” Sustainability 14.23 (2022): 15768.  (Impact Factor: 3.889)
  7. Kuchipudi, Sai Teja, Debdutta Ghosh, and Hina Gupta. “Automated Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Elements using Ground Penetrating Radar.” Automation in Construction 140 (2022):    104378. (Impact Factor: 10.517)
  8. Mayakuntla Prasanna Kumar, Debdutta Ghosh, and Abhijit Ganguli. “Nondestructive evaluation of rebar corrosion in concrete structures using ultrasonics and laser-based sensing.” Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation (2021): 1-18. (Impact Factor: 2.1)
  9. Yumnam Mahesh, Hina Gupta, Debdutta Ghosh, and Jayaprakash Jaganathan. “Inspection of concrete structures externally reinforced with FRP composites using active infrared thermography: A review.” Construction and Building Materials 310 (2021): 125265. (Impact Factor: 7.69)
  10. D Ghosh, R Kumar, A Ganguli, A Mukherjee, (2020) “Nondestructive Evaluation of Rebar Corrosion Induced Damage in Concrete through Ultrasonic Imaging.” Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0003398. (Impact Factor: 3.65)
  11. Behera, D. Ghosh, A.K. Mittal, Y. Tamura, and W. Kim (2020) “The effect of plan ratios on wind interference of two tall buildings” The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 29(1), p.e1680. (Impact Factor: 2.76)
  12. D Ghosh, H. Gupta, A. Mittal (2020) “Imaging of civil structures using Thermography”  Journal of Non-Destructive Testing & Evaluation, ISNT. June, 2020.
  13. P Kumar Mayakuntla, D Ghosh, A Ganguli (2020) “Non-contact and Contact -based Detection of Corrosion induced damages in concrete structures using Ultrasonic Imaging” Journal of Non-Destructive Testing & Evaluation, ISNT. June, 2020.
  14. D Ghosh, S Beniwal, A Ganguli, A Mukherjee. (2019) “Simulation of Ultrasonic Rayleigh Wave Based Damage Detection in Concrete Structures” Journal of Non-Destructive Testing & Evaluation, vol.16, no.16. (Won ISNT-IXAR Best Paper Award in Research & Development for the year 2019).
  15. Ghosh, D., Beniwal, S., Ganguli, A., & Mukherjee, A. (2018). Reference free imaging of subsurface cracks in concrete using Rayleigh waves. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, e2246.  (Impact Factor: 6)
  16. D. Ghosh, H. Gupta, A. Mittal, R. Shekhar (2018) “Inspection of Heritage Structure using Infrared Thermography”, The e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing, Vol.23 No.04 -ISSN 1435-4934
  17. D. Ghosh, K. Rahul, D. Roy, A. Ganguli, S. Tuli, A. Mukherjee (2018) “Combination of thermal and ultrasonic imaging techniques for detection of sub-surface defects in concrete”, The e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing, Vol.23 No.04 -ISSN 1435-4934.
  18. Gupta H, Ghosh D, Behera S, Mittal AK. (2018) “Comparative study between ERS Sensors and VWSG”, The e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing, Vol.23 No.04 -ISSN 1435-4934
  19. D. Ghosh, A.K. Mittal, S.K. Bhattacharyya, “Multiphase Modeling of Tsunami Impact on Building with Openings”, The Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows, 8(2), 2016, 85–94. (Impact Factor: 0.55 / 2016)
  20. Surendra Beniwal, Debdutta Ghosh, and Abhijit Ganguli, “Ultrasonic imaging of concrete using scattered elastic wave modes.” NDT & E International, 82, 2016, 26-35. DOI: 10.1016/j.ndteint.2016.04.003. (Impact Factor: 4.68)
  21. D. Ghosh, S. Behera and A.K. Mittal, “Numerical Simulation of Wind Effect on a Rooftop Solar Array”, Journal of Energy and Power Sources, 2(8), 2015, 317-322.

International Conference papers:-

  1. Pudovikov, Sergey, Sai Teja KUCHIPUDI, Debdutta GHOSH, Herbert Wiggenhauser, and Ute Rabe. “Bewertung der Tiefe von senkrechten Rissen mit Restwandstärke in Beton mit Ultraschall-Tomografie.” (2024).
  2. D. Ghosh, S Beniwal, Rahul, A. Ganguli, A. Mukherjee (2019) “Monitoring of Corrosion in Concrete Structure using Ultrasonic Waves”, 5th International Conference on Bridges (5IBC2019), 17-18 Dec. 2019, Tehran, IRAN.
  3. K Mishra, H Gupta, D Ghosh, A K Mittal (2019) “Comparative numerical simulation of Masonry arch with different interlocking patterns”, COMSOL Conference 2019, Bangalore, 28-29 November.
  4. B. Thamizhinian1, D. Ghosh, Hina Gupta, AK Mittal (2018) “Seismic pounding effect on buildings and its control” 16th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, 20-22 December 2018, IIT Roorkee, India.
  5. D. Ghosh, Rahul, A. Ganguli, A. Mukherjee (2018) “Ultrasonic Imaging as a Diagnostic Tool for Detection of Rebar Corrosion” 7th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring November 12-15, 2018 Hong Kong SAR, P.R. China.
  6. Debdutta Ghosh , Hina Gupta, AK Mittal (2018) “Imaging of Concrete Structures using Active Thermography” Confernce on Non Destructive Evaluation, Dec. 2018, Mumbai.
  7. Debdutta GHOSH , Surendra BENIWAL, Abhijit GANGULI , Abhijit MUKHERJEE, Shashank BISHNOI “Cross-correlation based Imaging of Defects in Plate using Ultrasonic Lamb Waves” Confernce on Non Destructive Evaluation, Dec. 2018, Mumbai.
  8. A. K. Mittal, S. Behera, D.Ghosh, Y. Tamura, W. Kim (2017), “The Effect of plan ratios on wind interference of two tall buildings”, 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering, Auckland, New Zealand, 3-7 December 2017.
  9. Ghosh, D., Beniwal, S., Ganguli, A., and Mukherjee A. (2016), “Near Surface Defect Detection in a Concrete Slab Using Ultrasonic Rayleigh Wave – A Numerical Study,” ISSS National Conference on MEMS, Smart Materials, Structures and Systems, Kanpur, September.
  10. Debdutta Ghosh, Hina Gupta, Dr. A. K. Mittal (2016), “Non-destructive evaluation of heritage structures for smart cities”, Young Scientist Conclave, India International Science Festival at NPL, New Delhi, November, 7-10.
  11. Debdutta Ghosh, Surendra Beniwal, and Abhijit Ganguli, (2015), “Detection of Delamination in Concrete Medium Using Rayleigh Waves”, IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, October 21-24. 10.1109/ULTSYM.2015.0338.
  12. Debdutta Ghosh, Siddharth Behera, Achal Kr. Mittal (2015), “Pressure Reduction Strategy of Tsunami Wave for Buildings” India International Science Festival, New Delhi, 4-7 Dec.
  13. Ghosh, A.K. Mittal, S. Behera and A. Gupta (2013), “Wind Flow Characteristics around Rooftop Solar Array – A Numerical Study”, Proc. of 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering (APCWE-8), Chennai, India, Dec. 10-14, 674-681.
  14. A.K. Mittal, D. Ghosh, S. Behera, I.A. Siddiqui and D Dharmshaktu (2013), “Wind Flow Simulation in the Vicinity of Tall Buildings Through CFD”, Proc. of 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering (APCWE-8), Chennai, India, Dec. 10-14, 682-690.
  15. S Behera, A.K. Mittal, S.K. Bhattacharyya, A. Gupta and D. Ghosh (2013), “Wind Forces on Inclined Solar Panels on Flat Roofs”, Proc. of 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering (APCWE-8), Chennai, India, Dec. 10-14, 527-532.

National Conference papers:-

  1. Debdutta Ghosh, Hina Gupta, Raj Shekhar, A K Mittal (2017), “Advanced Non-Destructive Techniques for Mass Housing” Workshop on Mass Housing and Rapid Construction, Institute of Engineers (India), Roorkee Center, Chapter, Roorkee, 13-14 Nov, 2017.
  2. A. K. Mittal, S. Behera, D. Ghosh, H. Gupta (2016), “Earthquake Failures and Mitigation”, Seminar on Construction Techniques in Earthquake Prone Areas, Chief Engineer Siliguri Zone, MES, May 27.
  3. A. K. Mittal, S. Behera, Y. Tamura, W. Kim, D. Ghosh (2016), “The Effect of plan ratios on wind interference of two tall buildings”, 8th National Conference on Wind Engineering (NCWE), IIT BHU, Varanasi, Dec. 16-17.
  4. D. Ghosh, S. Behera, A. K. Mittal (2014), “Assessment of Wind Flow around Rooftop Solar Array – A Case Study”, 7thNational Conference on Wind Engineering (NCWE), Patiala, India, Nov. 21-22, 213-220.
  5. A. K. Mittal, S. Behera, D. Ghosh, S. K. Bhattacharyya (2014), “Design Issues of Tall Building due to Wind Forces-A Case Study”, 7th National Conference on Wind Engineering (NCWE), Patiala, India, Nov. 21-22, 53-60.
  6. A. K. Mittal, S. Behera and D. Ghosh (2014), “Role of Tall Buildings in Urban Infrastructure: Research Issues”, National Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure Development (NCSID), Civil Engineering Department National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTR), Chandigarh and Chitkara Univesity, Himachal Pradesh, March 13-14, 43-50.
  7. D. Ghosh and A. K. Mittal (2012), “A Review on Pedestrian Wind comfort criteria around Tall Building”, 6thNational Conference on Wind Engineering (NCWE), New Delhi, India, Dec. 14-15, 491-506.
  • Publications previous to 2009: NIL
  • Tech. Reports: 20 (approx)
  • Scientific Books / Book Chapters: 11
  1. Ghosh, D., Gupta, H., & Mittal, A. K. (2022). Non-destructive Evaluation of Historic Masonry Structures Using Infrared Thermography and GPR. In Advances in Non Destructive Evaluation (pp. 315-327). Springer, Singapore. DOI:
  2. Gupta, H., Ghosh, D., & Mittal, A. K. (2022). Identification of Defects in Masonry Structure Using Infrared Thermography. In Advances in Non Destructive Evaluation (pp. 329-340). Springer, Singapore. DOI:
  3. Kuchipudi, S. T., Ghosh, D., Yumnam, M., & Gupta, H. (2022). Detection of Debonds in Reinforced Concrete Using Ground Penetrating Radar. In Advances in Non Destructive Evaluation (pp. 219-232). Springer, Singapore. DOI:
  4. Yumnam, M., Gupta, H., & Ghosh, D. (2022). Imaging of Delamination in Concrete Slab Using Impact Echo. In Advances in Non Destructive Evaluation (pp. 187-202). Springer, Singapore. DOI:
  5. Debdutta Ghosh, Hina Gupta, Achal K. Mittal, Kishan Mishra, Gagan Gahlaut (2019) “Subsurface Feature Detection of a Historic Hydraulic Structure Using GPR” Proceedings of 1st INSG Conference and Exhibition, New Delhi, India.
  6. CBRI Team and D.Ghosh A book on superiority features of Indian heritage structures (2019) including features like acoustic effects, earthquake resistant construction, cooling effect, venturi effect, pinhole camera effect, ancient construction materials and techniques.
  7. CBRI Heritage Group Team and D.Ghosh “A compendium of Training Program BHAGVAN- A SEARCH”
  8. H Gupta, RS Bisht, D Ghosh, RS Chidambaram and AK Mittal (2020) “Health Safety Guideline for Construction Site during COVID-19”.
  9. Ghosh, D., Mittal, A. K., Bhattacharyya, S. K., & Behera, S. (2019). The Effect of Macroroughness in Front of Building for Tsunami Pressure Dissipation—A Numerical Study. In Recent Advances in Structural Engineering, Volume 1 (pp. 1013-1024). Springer, Singapore. (Book Chapter Springer)
  10. Gupta, H., Ghosh, D., & Mittal, A. K. (2019). Seismic Performance of a Heritage Rubble Stone Masonry Building—A Case Study. In Recent Advances in Structural Engineering, Volume 2 (pp. 317-328). Springer, Singapore. (Book Chapter Springer)
  11. D. Ghosh, A. K. Mittal, and S. K. Bhattacharyya (2015), “The effect of opening for the reduction of wave pressure on building during Tsunami” Proceedings of Mechanics of solids, fluids and materials, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 212-218.
  • Patents filed / granted: NIL
  • Technology Developed and Commercialized: 04 
  • Technology under Development: 02
  • Software Developed: 02 
  • Processes Developed: NIL
  • Process Under Utilization: NIL

Awards and Distinctions (including fellowships of the learned societies):.

Name of AwardAwarded byAwarded forYear
Quick Hire Scientist (Trainee)CSIRM.Tech.2011
Teaching AssistantshipMHRDPhD2014
Best Presentation AwardIISFIn young scientist conclave2016
Excellence awards 2019 in Academics / ResearchThe Institution of Engineers (India), RLCContribution in Research and Academics2019
ISNT-IXAR Best Paper Award in Research & Development for the year 2019Indian Society of Non-Destructive Testing (ISNT)For the best technical paper which appeared in Journal of Non-Destructive Evaluation (JNDE) March, 2019 issue (Volume 17 Issue 16)2019
Directors Platinum Jubilee Awards for Best Paper in the Institute for the year 2020CSIR-Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee Best Publication in American Society of Civil Engineering Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering2021
Promising Young Structural Engineer of the Year Award 2021Indian Association of Structural EngineersIAStructE National Award Competition for the contribution in Structural Engineering2021-2022
IEI YOUNG ENGINEERS AWARD 2022-23The Institution of Engineers (India)IEI-YEA National Award for outstanding contribution in the area of Civil Engineering2022-2023
PhD Student Mr. NV Sai Teja Kuchipudi received IGSTC PhD Industrial Exposure Fellowship (PIEF) - 2022Indo-German Science & Technology Centre to persue research at Fraunhofer Institute for Nondestructive Testing, Germany for a period of 6 monthsTo persue research at Fraunhofer Institute for Nondestructive Testing, Germany2022
ISNT National NDT Award for Excellence in Contribution in R & DIndian Society for Non-Destructive Testing (ISNT) & M/s. Electronic & Engineering Co. (I) Pvt. Ltd., MumbaiOutstanding contribution in the area of Non Destructive Testing and Evaluation 2022
ICI-Young Scientist Award 2023Indian Concrete Institute (India)Contributions to the Concrete Industry2023
INAE Young Associate 2024Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE)Contributions to Civil Engineering2024

Professional Experience:.

S. No.Name of EmployerFromToDesignation
1 CSIR-Central Building Research Institute29/03/2020-Till Date-Senior Scientist
2CSIR-Central Building Research Institute29/03/2016-28/03/2020-Scientist
3Indian Institute of Technology Delhi 21/07/201428/03/2016Teaching Assistant
4CSIR-Central Building Research Institute 08/08/201118/07/2014Quick Hire Scientist (Trainee)
5McNally Bharat Engineering Company Limited01/07/201107/08/2011Associate Manager
6McNally Bharat Engineering Company Limited01/07/201031/06/2011Executive Trainee

Any other:

Editorship in reputed journals

  • Editor, Scientific Reports, A Nature Portfolio Journal
  • Associate Editor (September 2023 Issue) for the Indian Journal of Non Destructive Testing and Evaluation (JNDT&E) published by Indian Society of Non Destructive Testing (ISNT)

Reviewer of the following journals:

  •   Current Science
  • Journal of Ocean Engineering
  • Journal of Tall and Special Buildings
  • Cement and Concrete Composites
  • Structural Health Monitoring
  • International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials
  • International Journal of Postharvest Technology and Innovation
  • Structural Engineering & Mechanics
  • Modelling and Simulation in Engineering
  • Journal of Building Engineering
  • Ultrasonics
  • IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
  • Automation in Construction
  • Petroleum Science and Technology
  • Journal of Non-Destructive Evaluation
  • Construction and Building Materials
  • Structural Control and Health Monitoring
  • Measurement


Motivated and interested  students may approach for MTech and Ph.D. supervision