- Current Publications (2009 onwards):
- Google Scholar Link: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=ia8BuwIAAAAJ&hl=en
- Journals (SCI, Q1)
- Gaurav, S.C. Kandpal, D. Mishra, N. Kotoky, A comprehensive review on fly ash-based geopolymer : a pathway for sustainable future, J. Sustain. Cem. Mater. 0 (2023) 1–45. https://doi.org/10.1080/21650373.2023.2258122. (Q1 Journal; I.F. of 6.29)
- Gaurav, N. Kotoky, V. Jittin, A. Bahurudeen, Performance assessment of recycled aggregate concrete and its variability, Struct. Concr. (2023) 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1002/suco.202200794. (Q1 Journal; I.F. of 3.26)
- Gaurav, B. Singh, Experimental investigation for splice strength of deformed steel bars in normal-, medium- and high-strength recycled aggregate concrete, Constr. Build. Mater. 266 (2021) 121185. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.121185 (Q1 Journal; I.F. of 8.06)
- Gaurav, B. Singh, Analytical investigation in bond of deformed steel bars in recycled aggregate concrete, J. Sustain. Cem. Mater. 9 (2020) 191–217. https://doi.org/10.1080/21650373.2019.1709997 (Q1 Journal; I.F. of 6.29)
- Gaurav, B. Singh, Experimental investigation of bond behavior with tension lap splice for deformed steel bars in recycled aggregate concrete, J. Sustain. Cem. Mater. 7 (2018) 99–121. https://doi.org/10.1080/21650373.2017.1344589 (Q1 Journal; I.F. of 6.29)
- Singh, A. Vimal, G. Gaurav, Whither Transverse Reinforcement in Bottle-shaped Struts?, Structures. 14 (2018) 43–55. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.istruc.2018.02.003. (Q1 Journal; I.F. of 4.23)
- J.R. Prince, G. Gaurav, B. Singh, Splice strength of steel reinforcement embedded in recycled aggregate concrete, Constr. Build. Mater. 160 (2018) 156–168. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2017.11.007. (Q1 Journal; I.F. of 8.06)
- J. Robert Prince, G. Gaurav, B. Singh, Splice strength of deformed steel bars embedded in recycled aggregate concrete, Structures. 10 (2017) 130–138. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.istruc.2017.03.001. (Q1 Journal; I.F. of 4.23)
- Gaurav, B. Singh, Bond strength prediction of tension lap splice for deformed steel bars in recycled aggregate concrete, Mater. Struct. Constr. 50 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1617/s11527-017-1101-z. (Q1 Journal; I.F. of 3.48)
Scopus Indexed
- Swarnam, G. Gaurav, T. Meena, Materials Today : Proceedings Bond behaviour with tension lap splice for deformed steel bars in normal-strength concrete, Mater. Today Proc. (2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2023.06.433.
- Singh, V. P., Shekhar, S., Kotoky, N., & Gaurav, G.. Influence of Ground Motion Characteristics on the Seismic Vulnerability of Bridges. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. (2023) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-1604-7_25
- Publications previous to 2009: NIL
- Tech. Reports: NIL
- Scientific Books / Book Chapters: NIL
- Articles: NIL
- Patents filed / granted: NIL
- Processes Developed: NIL
- Process Under Utilization: NIL