NameGovind Gaurav
Date of Birth22.06.1990
E-mailgovindgaurav [at]
Present DesignationScientist
DivisionAdvanced Concrete, Steel & Composites (ACSC) Group
Google Scholar Link
Govind Gaurav

Educational Attainments

Degree / DiplomaMain SubjectUniversity/Institution with DistinctionCountryYear of Passing
Ph.D. Structural Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee India 2019
M.Tech. Earthquake Engineering (Structural Dynamics) Indian Institute of Technology RoorkeeIndia 2015
B.Tech. Civil Engineering Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) India 2012


a) Main Area of SpecializationStructural Engineering
b) Sub-area of SpecializationConstruction materials and Sustainable Concrete, Recycled Aggregate Concrete, Geopolymer, Analysis and Design of Concrete Structures, Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Testing of Concrete in Structures

Countries visited in connection with higher studies, research training, employment and other scientific assignments:

Country visitedPurposeFromTo
Publications and Patents
  • Current Publications (2009 onwards):
  • Google Scholar Link:
  • Journals (SCI, Q1)
    1. Gaurav, S.C. Kandpal, D. Mishra, N. Kotoky, A comprehensive review on fly ash-based geopolymer : a pathway for sustainable future, J. Sustain. Cem. Mater. 0 (2023) 1–45. (Q1 Journal; I.F. of 6.29)
    2. Gaurav, N. Kotoky, V. Jittin, A. Bahurudeen, Performance assessment of recycled aggregate concrete and its variability, Struct. Concr. (2023) 1–12. (Q1 Journal; I.F. of 3.26)
    3. Gaurav, B. Singh, Experimental investigation for splice strength of deformed steel bars in normal-, medium- and high-strength recycled aggregate concrete, Constr. Build. Mater. 266 (2021) 121185. (Q1 Journal; I.F. of 8.06)
    4. Gaurav, B. Singh, Analytical investigation in bond of deformed steel bars in recycled aggregate concrete, J. Sustain. Cem. Mater. 9 (2020) 191–217. (Q1 Journal; I.F. of 6.29)
    5. Gaurav, B. Singh, Experimental investigation of bond behavior with tension lap splice for deformed steel bars in recycled aggregate concrete, J. Sustain. Cem. Mater. 7 (2018) 99–121. (Q1 Journal; I.F. of 6.29)
    6. Singh, A. Vimal, G. Gaurav, Whither Transverse Reinforcement in Bottle-shaped Struts?, Structures. 14 (2018) 43–55. (Q1 Journal; I.F. of 4.23)
    7. J.R. Prince, G. Gaurav, B. Singh, Splice strength of steel reinforcement embedded in recycled aggregate concrete,    Constr. Build. Mater. 160 (2018) 156–168. (Q1 Journal; I.F. of 8.06)
    8. J. Robert Prince, G. Gaurav, B. Singh, Splice strength of deformed steel bars embedded in recycled aggregate concrete, Structures. 10 (2017) 130–138. (Q1 Journal; I.F. of 4.23)
    9. Gaurav, B. Singh, Bond strength prediction of tension lap splice for deformed steel bars in recycled aggregate concrete, Mater. Struct. Constr. 50 (2017). (Q1 Journal; I.F. of 3.48)

    Scopus Indexed

    1. Swarnam, G. Gaurav, T. Meena, Materials Today : Proceedings Bond behaviour with tension lap splice for deformed steel bars in normal-strength concrete, Mater. Today Proc. (2023).
    2. Singh, V. P., Shekhar, S., Kotoky, N., & Gaurav, G.. Influence of Ground Motion Characteristics on the Seismic Vulnerability of Bridges. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. (2023)
  • Publications previous to 2009: NIL
  • Tech. Reports: NIL
  • Scientific Books / Book Chapters: NIL
  • Articles: NIL
  • Patents filed / granted: NIL
  • Processes Developed: NIL
  • Process Under Utilization: NIL

Awards and Distinctions (including fellowships of the learned societies):.

Name of AwardAwarded byAwarded forYear
Professional Experience:
1.Assistant Professor (June 2019 to Jan 2022) at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala, Punjab
2.Graduate Engineer Trainee (July 2012 to August 2013) at Punj Lloyd Limited