NameHumaira Athar
Date of Birth30.05.1989
E-mailhumaira [at], humairaathar30 [at]
Present DesignationScientist
DivisionBuilding Materials & Environmental Sustainability
Humaira photo

Educational Attainments

Degree / DiplomaMain SubjectUniversity/Institution with DistinctionCountryYear of Passing
B.Tech, Civil EngineeringCivil EngineeringZakir Hussain College of Engineering & Technology, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), AligarhIndia2012
M.Tech, Building Engineering and Disaster MitigationCivil EngineeringAcademy of Scientific & Innovative Research (AcSIR), CSIR-CBRI, RoorkeeIndia2015


a) Main Area of SpecializationCarbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS), Waste material valorization
b) Sub-area of SpecializationTranslucent concrete, Geopolymer concrete rigid pavement

Countries visited in connection with higher studies, research training, employment and other scientific assignments:

Country visitedPurposeFromTo
Publications and Patents
  • Current Publications (2009 onwards):
    1. Humaira Athar and B.Singh, Use of Pretreated Plastic Optical Fibers for MakingTranslucent Concrete-Based Architectural Panels, Journal of Architectural Engineering, ASCE, 2025, 31(2): 04025008.
    2. Kumar A, Pippal A, Agarwal R, Kumar R, Srinivasaraonaik B, Athar H, Kushwah S., Thermo-Physical study of Biochar Mixture into The Cement Based Material for Thermal Comfort, Journal of Building Design and Environment, 2023;2(2):21478,
    3. Rachit Agrawal, Pradeep Kumar, Devendra Rai, Humaira Athar, Srinivasarao Naik Bhanavath, Phase change materials for energy efficiency in building components – Overview, Energy, Environment and Storage Journal, 2(2), pp. 23-29 2022.
    4. Athar, M., Naaz, F., Athar, H., “Effects of locations of Spur Dyke on bed and scour around bridge pier in meandering channel”, Journal of Hydro Science and Marine Engineering, Vol.04, Issue 01, pp.1-7, Apr, 2022.
    5. Athar, M., M.K. Sabiree., Athar, H., “Effects of meander on bridge pier scour”, Journal of Hydro Science and Marine Engineering, Vol.03, Issue 02, pp.20-31, Oct, 2021.
    6. Athar, M., Athar, H. & I.S. Saluja, “Experimental study of flow field in geometric type -I vortex chamber at low water abstraction ratio, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol.26, Issue 2, pp. 228-235, 2020.
    7. Athar, M., Athar, H., “Effect of water abstraction ratio on flow behavior in vortex chamber, International Journal of Constructive Research in Civil Engineering”, 6(2), pp.1092-1102, 2018.
    8. Athar, M. and Athar, H., “Velocity Distribution in Vortex Settling Basins”, U.G.C. Approved International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research (IJETSR), ISSN 2394 3386, Vol. 5, Issue 3, 2018.
    9. Athar, M., Adil, M. and Athar, H., “Study of Submersible Hydraulic Structures, A critical Review”, U.G.C. Approved International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and  Research (IJETSR), ISSN 2394 2386, Vol. 4, Issue 11, Nov. 2017.
    10. Athar, M., Adil, M. and Athar, H., “Experimental Studies of Scour and Deposition around Causeways”, International Journal of Constructive Research in Civil Engg., ISSN 2164 – 8698, Vol. 3, Issue No. 4, 2017.
  • International and National Conferences
  1. Humaira Athar, Deepika Saini, Kishor S. Kulkarni, L.P. Singh, Usha Sharma, Srinivasarao Naik B, Madhusudhan Bolla, Mineral carbonation of artificial lightweight aggregates developed from municipal solid waste incinerated ashes through autoclaving process, NCCBM, Ballabhgarh, 26-27th Nov, 2024.
  2. Humaira Athar, L.P. Singh, Usha Sharma, Shaswattam, A.K. Das, Pranay Sharma, Vani G.D., Srinivasarao NB, Pradeep Rawat, Deepika Saini, Carbon dioxide sequestration in artificial lightweight aggregates developed through autoclaving process: a sustainable approach to enhance environmental performance, International conference on sustainable energy and environment (ICSEE-24), MANIT, Bhopal, July, 2024
  3. Deepika Saini, Humaira Athar, Kishor S. Kulkarni and Pradeep Rawat, Sustainable Construction Materials: Harnessing CO2 Sequestration in Municipal Solid Waste Incinerated Ash Aggregates, International conference on sustainable energy and environment (ICSEE-24), MANIT, Bhopal, July, 2024
  4. Humaira Athar, L.P. Singh, Usha Sharma, Shaswattam, A.K. Das, Pranay Sharma, Vani G.D., Srinivasarao NB, Pradeep Rawat, Deepika Saini, Carbon dioxide sequestration in artificial lightweight aggregates developed through autoclaving process: a sustainable approach to enhance environmental performance, International conference on sustainable energy and environment (ICSEE-24), MANIT, Bhopal, July, 2024
  5. Deepika Saini, Humaira Athar, Kishor S. Kulkarni and Pradeep Rawat, Sustainable Construction Materials: Harnessing CO2 Sequestration in Municipal Solid Waste Incinerated Ash Aggregates, International conference on sustainable energy and environment (ICSEE-24), MANIT, Bhopal, July, 2024
  6. Humaira Athar*, Prasant Kumar Yadav, Rachit Agarwal, Aarti Solanki, Performance Evaluation of Graphene Incorporated Cementitious System, 13th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-23), 7-9th December, VNIT Nagpur, Maharashtra.
  7. Humaira Athar*, Deepika Saini, Rachit Agarwal, Use of graphene nanocomposites in cementitious system: Dispersion challenges and mechanical enhancement, 18th Uttarakhand State Science and Technology Congress, (UCOST), 8-9th Feb, 2024, Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani.
  8. L.P. Singh, Usha Sharma, Humaira Athar*, Shaswattam, A.K.Das, Pranay Sharma, Vani, G.D., Pradeep Rawat, Deepika Saini, CO2 sequestration in artificial lightweight aggregate developed through autoclaving process: a sustainable approach to enhance environmental performance, International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environment (ICSEE), pp.65, 23-25th March, MANIT Bhopal, Feb, 2024.
  9. Deepika Saini, Kartik Choudhary, Humaira Athar*, Sustainable construction materials: Harnessing CO2 sequestration in municipal solid waste incinerated ash aggregates, pp. 72, 23-25th March, MANIT Bhopal, Feb, 2024.
  10. Pradeep Rawat, Deepika Saini, Kishor Kulkarni, Humaira Athar, Reyazur Rahman, A study on fly ash replacement in cement mortar with accelerated carbonation, pp.135, 23-25th March, MANIT Bhopal, Feb, 2024. (Best Poster Award)
  11. Abhijit Sau, Prasant Yadav, Humaira Athar, Srinivasarao Naik B., “Potential use of Biochar as green additive as Environment abatement”, International Conference on Energy Sustainability and Advanced Materials-2022 (ICESAM-2022), UPES Dehradun.
  12. Prasant Kumar Yadav, Abhijit Sau, Humaira Athar and Srinivasarao Naik B, “Potential Use of Phase Change Material as Thermo-Storage for Building Application”, International Conference on Energy Sustainability and Advanced Materials-2022 (ICESAM-2022), UPES Dehradun.
  13. Humaira Athar, Pradeep Rawat, Srinivasarao Naik B, Aarti Solanki, “Effect of dual materials on the cementitious system: Mechanical and Thermal properties”, International Conference on emerging materials for sustainable development (EMSD-2022), Oct 9-11, 2022.
  14. Athar H,  L. Singh, P. Rawat, U. Sharma, “Development of CO2 Sinking Aggregates from Municipal Solid Waste”, published in proceedings on Innovative and sustainable Construction materials and Technologies by CSIR – Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee (2023) ISBN: 978-93-91355-50-0 (eBook).
  15. Sharma, A. Solanki, Supriya, H. Athar, L.P. Singh, Hydration Studies of Tricalcium Silicate with the Incorporation of silica nanoparticles, published in proceedings on Innovative and sustainable Construction materials and Technologies by CSIR – Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee (2023) ISBN: 978-93-91355-50-0 (eBook).
  16. Athar M, Bhardwaj A, and Athar H, “Effect of spur dykes on scour in meandering channel”, 27th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources, Environmental and Coastal Engineering (HYDRO 2022 INTERNATIONAL), Punjab Engineering College Chandigarh, India, December 22 -24, 2022, pp. 37 – 47.
  17. Athar, H. Athar, M.K. Sabiree, “Bridge Pier Scour in Meandering Channel: A Model Study” 27th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources, Environmental and Coastal Engineering (HYDRO 2022 INTERNATIONAL), Punjab Engineering College Chandigarh, India,  December 22 -24, 2022, pp.48 – 59.
  18. Athar M, Saluja I.S., Athar H, “Velocity Distribution in Meandering Channel”, 27th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources, Environmental and Coastal Engineering (HYDRO 2022 INTERNATIONAL), Punjab Engineering College Chandigarh, India, December 22 -24, 2022, pp.89 -99.
  19. Athar M, Noushad M A, and Athar H, “Flow structures in vortex chambers”, 27 thInternational Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources, Environmental and Coastal Engineering (HYDRO 2022 INTERNATIONAL), Punjab Engineering College Chandigarh, India, December 22 -24, 2022, pp.110 -120.
  20. Aman, M., Athar M., I.S Saluja, Athar H., “Scour and deposition around causeways and bed bars”, Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering”, Engineering Research and Innovations in Civil Engineering, ERICE-2019, pp.327-332, Feb. 2019.
  21. Athar, H. and Singh, B.“Enhancing efficiency of building through translucent concrete”, International Conference on Translucent concrete Research, pp. 2491, 25-26th Mar, Tokyo, Japan, 2019.
  22. Athar, H., Deshwal, S., Khan, J. & Ganesan, I., “Investigations on improving water permeability of concrete through crystalline admixture”, Structural Engineering Convention, pp.70, 19- 21st Dec, Kolkata, India, 2018.
  23. Singh, B., Ganesan, I., Rahman, R., Paswan, R., Athar, H., Khan, J., “Green Power-Challenges & Innovation” In: Proceedings, International R&D Conference, Noida, 8-9th June, 2017.
  24. Singh, B., Athar, H. & Bhattacharyya, S. K. “Mechanical and illumination properties of plastic optical fiber reinforced translucent concrete”. In: Proceedings International Conference 9th Rilem      BEFIB, 19-21st Sep, Vancouver, Canada, 2016.
  25. Singh, B., Athar, H. & Bhattacharyya, S. K., “Translucent concrete: An emerging green building material”. In: Proceedings International Seminar, Building Materials Technology and Promotion Council, pp.48-52, 22-23rd Mar, New Delhi, India, 2016.
  26. Athar, H. & Singh, B., “Enhancing efficiency of buildings through translucent concrete”, In: Proceedings, Green energy, National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, 7-11th Dec, 2016.
  27. Singh, B., Athar, H. & Bhattacharyya, S. K. “Characterization of plastic optical fibers and their use in translucent concrete”. In: Proceedings International Conference on Advanced Materials and Process Engineering, 14-15th Dec, Karachi, Pakistan, 2015.
  • Publications previous to 2009: NIL
  • Tech. Reports:
    1. Evaluation of new 4th generation technology concrete, Bawri Group, Kolkata, Apr-Aug, 2022.
    2. Evaluation of Asian brand Smartcare quartz crystalline admix and coating for concrete mixes in  waterproofing application”, Feb-Jul, 2018.
    3. Evaluation of Asian brand Smartcare quartz crystalline admix and coating for concrete
      mixes  in waterproofing application”, Feb-Jul, 2018.
    4. Application of fly ash-based geopolymer concrete road construction at NTPC, Dadri,  2016- 17.
    5. Demonstration research project on laying of geopolymer concrete road stretch at NTPC, Dadri, 2017-18.
  • Scientific Books / Book Chapters: 

Book Chapter

    1. Athar M, Saluja I,S., Athar, H., “Effects of bend on scour and deposition around causeways”, Chapter 32, River Hydraulics, pp.1-10, 2022, Springer Nature, Switzerland AG.
  • Articles:
    1. “Translucent concrete: A step towards sustainable future”, Nirmanika, pp.44-47, 2016-17, CSIR- Central Building Research Institute.
  • Patents filed / granted:
    1. Development of CO2 sequestered sintered lightweight aggregates from industrial wastes and a process thereof, Date of filing: 18-12-2024, Application number- 202411100356
    2. Translucent concrete composition using pre-treated plastic optical fibers for making building panels, facades and blocks and a process thereof, 2016, 0257NF2016 (Granted).
    3. A room temperature cured fly ash based geopolymer pave mix for roads and a process thereof, 2018, 201811031862.
  • Processes Developed: NIL
  • Process Under Utilization: NIL

Awards and Distinctions (including fellowships of the learned societies):.

Name of AwardAwarded byAwarded forYear
Director’s Diamond Jubilee Technology AwardDirector, CSIR-CBRI, RoorkeeUtilization of geopolymer concrete in road applications2018

 Lecture Delivered

  • Translucent Concrete: An Emerging Green Building Material, Department of Civil Engineering, Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Amity University, Noida 22 March,
  • Beneficial role of Nano-silica and its use in cementitious materials”, One Week One Theme Program on “Chemicals (Including Leather) & Petrochemicals”, 18th July, 2024, CSIR-CBRI, Roorkee

R&D Projects

  • Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS): CO2 Utilization in Building Construction, April 2023- March 2026 (HCP-048)
  • Development of CO2 Sequestered Engineered Aggregates from Fly ash and Industrial Wastes, NTPC-NETRA, Greater Noida, 2022-2024. (SSP-0702).
  • Development of COSequestered Artificial Aggregate Using Fly Ash And Lime Sludge (OLP 2201), CSIR-CBRI, Roorkee.
  • Development of sustainable building material using Biochar (OLP 2216) CSIR-CBRI, Roorkee.
  • Evaluation of Concrete mixes through made New 4th Generation Technology, Bawri Group, Kolkata, May-Aug, 2022 (SSP-0112)
  • Evaluation of Smartcare crystalline waterproofing admixes coating Asian Paints, Mumbai, Mar-Oct,
  • Evaluation of Arvind Brand FRP pultruded composite section, panels, and their use in warehouse construction, June 2018-Apr
  • Development of cement –admixture system for low temperature concreting, 2018-2020.
  • Evaluation of Asian brand Smartcare quartz crystalline admix and coating for concrete mixes in water proofing application, Asian Paints, Mumbai, Feb-Jul,
  • Demonstration research project on laying of geopolymer concrete road stretch at National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC), Dadri, 2017-18.
  • Application of fly ash based geopolymer concrete road construction at National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC), Dadri, 2016-17.

Poster Papers

  • Humaira Athar, Rachit Agarwal and Pradeep Rawat, “Energy Generating Smart Construction Materials”, Futuristic Ideas by Young Scientists- A poster presentation under CSIR” One Week One Lab (OWOL) program, 6-13th Jan, 2023.
  • Yasmin Qureshi, Niharika Pawar and Humaira Athar, “Polymer Nanofiber based aerosols for thermal insulation in buildings” Futuristic Ideas by Young Scientists- A poster presentation under CSIR” One Week One Lab (OWOL) program, 6-13th Jan, 2023.
  • Effect of dual materials on the cementitious system: Mechanical and Thermal properties, International Conference on emerging materials for sustainable development (EMSD-2022), Oct 9-11, 2022.
  • Potential Use of Phase Change Material as Thermo-Storage for Building Application, ICESAM-2022 (International Conference on Energy Sustainability and Advanced Materials-2022)
  • Potential use of Biochar as a green additive for environment abatement, International Conference on Energy Sustainability and Advanced Materials-2022 (ICESAM-2022), 21-23 Nov 2022, UPES, Dehradoon.
  • Presented a poster paper entitled “Green Energy” in India International Science Festival, IISF held in National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi,
  • Presented a poster paper entitled “Sustainable concrete” on National Science Day, CSIR- CBRI, Roorkee,
  • Participated in poster making competition on World environment day, CSIR-CBRI, Roorkee, June 2015.
  • Presented a poster paper entitled “Sustainable Energy Technologies” in International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Environment, ICETSE, Aligarh,

Training/ Seminars Attended

  • Attended “Workshop on Enhanced Energy Efficiency for Green Buildings” Indian Green Building Council (IGBC), Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Chandigarh 14th March, 2018.
  • Delivered seminar in Building materials and Technology Promotion Council (BMTPC), New Delhi, 22-23rd Mar,
  • Participated in India International Science Festival (IISF), NPL, New Delhi, 7-11th Dec,
  • Attended training program on “Design of Disaster Resistant Housing & Risk Mitigation”, CSIR- Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee, 24-26th Feb,
  • Attended workshop on “Advances in Repair and rehabilitation of concrete structures”, CSIR- Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee, 22-23rd Sep,
  • Attended symposium on “Smart Society”, FICCI Auditorium, New Delhi, 28th Nov,
  • Attended training program on “Research Methodology and communication” Human Resource Development Centre, Ghaziabad, 28th Dec, 2013-8th Jan,
  • Attended workshop on “Advances in Geotechnical and Transportation Engineering”, Centre for Disaster Management Studies of the Department of Civil Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, 9th Mar,
  • Attended workshop on “Natural Disaster (Earthquake and cyclone) and their Mitigation”, Geotechnical Engineering Section under Tequip II, Department of Civil Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 12th May,
  • Attended workshop on “Geovista-Civil”, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, 26-28th Mar,
  • Attended training program on “Spotlight-Civil”, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, 26-28th Mar, 2010.
  • Attended workshop on “Disaster Management”, Department of Civil Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 8-10th Oct,
  • Attended International conference on “Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Environment”, Department of Civil Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 29-30th Oct, 2010.

Certifications and Accreditations

  • Indian Road Congress accreditation for Geopolymer concrete, 2018
  • Geopolymer concrete road published in CSIR’s 4-year achievement from CBRI, 2018
  • Best paper award, BMTPC, New Delhi, 2016
  • First ranker in Masters of Technology
  • Third ranker in Bachelors of Technology
  • Member of American Concrete Institute
  • Selected as Young scientist in ‘Young Science Conclave’ in India International Science Festival (IISF), New Delhi, 2016
  • Participated in India International Trade Fare (IITF) in exhibition of ‘Advanced Building Materials’, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, 2016
  • Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering Qualified, GATE-2011, 2012, 2020