P. C. Thapliyal
Chief Scientist
Research Team
- Advanced Concrete – Geopolymer, Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Recycled aggregate concrete, Geopolymer concrete, Fiber Reinforced Composites, Agro Waste Concrete, Nano Fibers in Concrete Composites, Cold Weather Concreting, Polymer Concrete and its Application, Composite Cements, Lightweight concretes, Low Carbon Cement, Limestone Calcined Clay Cement, Statistical modelling, Clinker Synthesis, Accelerating admixture and recovery of aggregates from waste concrete, Cement admixture system for low temperature concreting.
- Structural Steel, Concrete / Composites – Precast RCC Elements & Structures, Textile Reinforced Concrete & Composites, Concrete Filled Steel Tube sections, Unreinforced Masonry structures, Static/Cyclic Behaviour of RC Structures, High Performance Innovative Retrofitting Techniques, Affordable Damper for Structural Applications, Collapsible Structure, Make Shift Structure, Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Health assessment of existing structures and preventive measures for service life enhancement.
- Corrosion Control & Waterproofing – Corrosion control materials & techniques, Protective and decorative coatings and finishes, Water proofing systems for building applications, Health assessment of existing structures and preventive measures for service life enhancement, Suitability assessment of materials for specific end applications, Paints, Protective Coatings, Corrosion inhibitors, Synthesis, Corrosion, Pigments, Dyes, Resins, Polymers, Composites, Nanomaterials, Repair Materials.
- Waste Utilization – Agro-industrial Waste Utilization, C&D Waste based Building Products, Sustainable Materials in Construction, Structural and Non-structural product from Stone Waste.
Industry funded:
- Development of Low carbon composite cement using performance improved thermo-mechanical activated pozzolanic red mud for sustainable development
- Performance Evaluation of Sandwich Rigid Polyurethane Insulated Panel
- Performance Evaluation of Polyurethane Sandwich Panel
- Performance Evaluation of Polyisocyanurate (PIR) Foams for Thermal Insulation.
- Health Assessment & Remedial Measures For G+5 Super-Specialty Block Of S.P Medical College In Bikaner
- Rehabilitation Of Heritage Structure And Quality Assessment Of Ongoing Rcc Structures Construction Work In Mahakaleshwar Temple Complex
Govt. Funded
CSIR funded
- Development of light weight glass foam utilizing waste glasses for insulation and construction and application
- Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS): CO2 Utilization in Building Construction; Task 2: CO2 Sequestration in Recycled Aggregates from construction and demolition waste (C&D waste) and Utilizing in Building products (MMP)
- Innovative Precast Sandwich Panels using Valorized Recycled Concrete Aggregate and Newer Connection Systems.
- Development of Innovative Composite Beam-column Connections to Resist Critical Loading in the Hybrid Construction System.
- Development of accelerating admixture and recovery of aggregates from demolished concrete.
Lab Projects
- Solid/hollow blocks from CO2 mineralized alkali-activated binder (OLP)
- Performance Evaluation of IP Net Paints to be used in Southern Railways
- Assessment Of Physico-Mechanical, Microstructural & Durability Parameters of Concretes Incorporating Crystalline Durability Enhancing Admixture
- Performance evaluation of crystalline waterproofing admixture on the mechanical properties of concrete
- Studies on Mechanical and Durability Properties of Normal and High Strength Concrete with Graphene
- To Improve the technology of expanded clay aggregate- Thermal insulated mortar
- Development of low energy- low carbon ECO cementitious binders via synergistic use of low graded industrial wastes for sustainable development
- Development of performance improved Precast concrete sandwich/composite materials using solid wastes
- Development of Structural Interlocking Masonry Blocks using Industrial / Agro Industrial Wastes
- Utilization of marble waste to develop cost-effective sustainable building products
- Development of compatible repair materials for stone masonry in heritage structures (Task 6B)
- Development of Flooring/ Wall Tiles-Paver blocks & Lightweight blocks using Kota stone waste
- Recyclability of Marble Waste in Concrete Production and other Building Products
- Studies on mechanical and durability properties of Normal and High Strength Concrete with Graphene
- Detailed Analysis of Developed Cracks in World HQ Building at Sector-29, Gurugram, and Suggesting Remedial Measures
- Evaluation of Physico-Mechanical Properties of Agro Crete
- Structural stability assessment and remedial measures for compression Moulding Building
- Testing of Cores for bond strength determination between epoxy and concrete substrate.
- Performance Evaluation of 32 mm Diameter Rebar with Crimped Rebar Coupler under Static / Tensile Loading
- Investigation of Seepage Issues in Antara Buildings and Recommendations for Appropriate Remedial Measures
- Development of Strengthening and Retrofitting Techniques for RC Structures using Hybrid Textile Reinforcement
- Application of fly ash based Geo-Polymer concrete in road Construction at NTPC- Dadri
- Evaluation of Aravind Brand FRP Pultruded Composite Section Panels in Warehouse Construction
- Mix Proportioning of Geopolymer Concrete for DLC and PQC Including Monitoring Concrete Road along Boundary Wall in NETRA Campus
- Evaluation of materials & Mix Proportioning of SCC-M45
- Process technology development of geopolymer concrete with varying classes of fly ash for use in precast building components.
- Development of self-compacting recycled aggregate concrete for precast building components
- Development of cement-admixture system for low temperature concreting.
Last updated on January 29, 2025
For further details contact:
Dr. P. C. Thapliyal
Advanced Concrete, Steel & Composites Group
Phone : +91-1332-283425
Fax : +91-1332-272272
Email : pcthapliyal [at] cbri.res.in