Research Team
Dinesh Kumar
Technical Officer
- Construction Robotics
- Construction Mechanism and Automation
- IoT, Sensor Development and Instrumentation
- Additve Manufacturing
- Structure Health Monitoring
- Acoustics & Waste Management
- Affordable and Modern Machinery
- Retrofitting and Rehabilitation of Buildings
- Welding and fitting of steel sections
- Drilling and cutting of steel sections
- Brick, Block, Panel making machines
- FBG Data acquisition system
- NI – 8 channel data acquisition system
- Impact Hammer, PCB accelerometer, short and long FBG strain sensors
- Eddy Current Flaw Detector
- 3D Printer with bed size 300X300X300 for Polymer material
- AC-DC Power supply
- High end Micro-controller board for IoT applications
- SMD/Through Hole rework station
- Microscope for electronics components
- PCB printing Machine
- Signal generator and Oscilloscope
- Splice machine for fiber optics
- Bench top Multi-meter
- Benchtop LCR meter
- Viscometer
- Motorized test stand
- Positector Paint Thickness measuring instrument
- Ultrasonic Flaw Detector
- Acoustic impedance tube
- Sound level meter
Industry funded:
Government funded:
CSIR Funded:
- Improvement and field demonstration of in-house developed machinery for automation in building construction and services
- IoT-Enabled Snow Avalanche Monitoring and Early Warning System
- Predictive Energy Management System Using IoT and Machine Learning for Energy-Efficient Living.
- Construction automation of climate resilient building components
- Design and development of wall sticking drone
- Development and trials of a gantry robot for 3D concrete printing
- A multi-usable self-rescue descent device to escape from high rise buildings during disasters
- Design and development of thermoelectric module system for conditioning a 1m x 1m model space with improved coefficient of performance
- Study and development of agro-waste based gypsum blocks for non-load bearing application
- Service robot for building and other structures
- Glass façade cleaning robotic system
- Development of a boring machine based on trenchless technology
- Development of robotic inspection and mechanized sewage cleaning system
- Detailed condition assessment of steel and concrete structure at coal handling plant, NTPC Sikri.
- Instrumentation at Central vista project for health monitoring
- Structural health monitoring of tall buildings using Vibration based techniques
- Mechanization in construction process for mass housing
- Mechanization in production of building components and wall plastering for mass housing
- Upgraded version of C-Brick making machine
- Development of mini DOS (dedicated outdoor system)/ mini heat pump for house hold application
- In-situ monitoring of interlayer bonding of 3D printed concrete using piezoelectric transducer
- Design and development approach of a prototype climbing robot in building industry applications
- Active structural acoustic control of building service equipment at the source
- Mechanization in the housing construction sector
- Development of mobile sensing device for complex working environment of civil structures
Last Updated on January 31, 2025
For further details please contact:
Dr. S. K. Panigrahi
Construction, Automation & Robotics Group
Phone : +91-1332-283340
Fax : +91-1332-272272
Email : skpanigrahi [at] cbri.res.in