Innovative Materials & Technologies for Next Generation Green Buildings
Task – 3.6:
Development of Robust Foundation for Difficult Soils
Task Leader:- Dr Pradeep Kumar
To identify & evaluate the significant parameters responsible for influencing the behavior of the Granular Anchor Pile (GAP) System.
Development of a technology package for design of foundation in difficult (weak) soils capable of resisting Compressive & Tensile
Forces based on the deliberations of proposed project.
Field Implementation of the Technique.
Scope of Work:
Strengthening of weak ground through viable, economical technique(s) is unavoidable for present practices.
Granular Piles is a practical solution to provide adequate bearing capacity & controlled settlement compared to other ground improvement techniques, which are uneconomical & difficult, particularly in the Indian context.
Credibility of Granular Piles is supported with proper documentation & applicability to improve weak grounds.
Granular Anchor Pile (GAP) proposed in the present study is a modified form of granular piles with additional advantage of providing resistance to compressive and tensile forces.
Laboratory facility for testing the GAP(s) under varying and controlled soil conditions is established in CBRI.
Significant parameters influencing the behaviour of GAP (single & groups) shall be studied initially in the Laboratory followed by its Field implementation subsequently.