Details of training programmes conducted during FY 2024-25

S. NoTitle of the ProgrammeDurationCourse CoordinatorNo. of ParticipantsTraining Details
1.Training Programme on Design, Construction and Systematic Operating Procedures of High Draught Brick KilnJun 09, 2024Dr. Neeraj Jain, Dr. Soumitra Maiti150Click Here
2.Training Programme on Latest Trends in Building Technologies – Batch IJun 27-28 & Jul 01, 2024Dr. Tabish Alam34Click Here
3.Workshop/ Lecture Series on Nano JathaJul 13, 2024Dr. S.R. Karade120Click Here
4.Training Programme on Latest Trends in Building Technologies – Batch IIJul 24-26, 2024Dr. Tabish Alam40Click Here
5.Training Programme on IP Filing Activity Review Meeting by CSIR-URDIP & CSIR-IPUAugust 12-13, 2024Er. Vineet Saini50Click Here
6.Training Programme on Safe Construction Practices in Earthquake Engineering – Batch IAug 19-23, 2024Er. Ashish Pippal33Click Here
7.Training Programme on Safe Construction Practices in Earthquake Engineering – Batch IISep 02-06, 2024Er. Ashish Pippal38Click Here
8.Training Programme for Retrofitting & Rehabilitation of RCC Structures for the Engineers of Coal India Ltd.Sept. 23-27, 2024Er. Ashish Pippal10Click Here
9Hands-on Training on IoT and Data ProcessingOct 09-11, 2024Er. Chandrabhan Patel / Er. Kanti L. Solanki / Dr. S.K. Panigrahi20Click Here
10Second Indo-Swiss Workshop on ‘Modelling Rock-ice Avalanches, RockFalls, and Debris Flows’Nov 20-22, 2024Dr. D.P. Kanungo/ Dr. Rajesh Dash33Click Here
11.Training Program on "Disaster Resilient Building Construction in Hills" for JE & TA of HPSDMA Jany 27- 31, 2025Er. Ashish Pippal25Click Here
12.Training Program on "Disaster Resilient Building Construction in Hills" for JE & TA of HPSDMA Feb 24- 28, 2025Er. Ashish Pippal27Click Here

Details of training programmes conducted during FY 2023-24

S. NoTitle of the ProgrammeDurationCourse CoordinatorNo. of ParticipantsTraining Details
1.Training Programme on General Pest Management - TechnicianApr 17-21, 2023Dr. B.S. Rawat , Sr. Pr. Scientist23Click Here
2.Training Programme on Repair & Retrofitting of BuildingsMay 08-12, 2023Ar. S.K. Negi, Chief Scientist32Click Here
3.Training Programme on Building Construction Systems (Trainees Batch-I)June 14-16, 2023Mr. Nadeem Ahmad, Sr. Pr. Scientist31Click Here
4.Training Programme on Building Construction Systems (Trainees Batch-II)July 05-07, 2023Mr. Nadeem Ahmad, Sr. Pr. Scientist40Click Here
5.Advance Training Programme on Repair & Retrofitting of BuildingsJuly 10-14, 2023Ar. S.K. Negi, Chief Scientist33Click Here
6.Training Course on Conservation and Restoration of Heritage StructuresJuly 19-21, 2023Dr. Achal Mittal, Chief Scientist30Click Here
7.Training Course on Landslide Disaster Mitigation with Special Reference to InfrastructuresAug 02-04, 2023Dr. D.P. Kanungo, Chief Scientist23Click Here
8.Hands-on Training on IoT Implementation in Civil Engineering: Bridging the GapAug 10-11, 2023Er. Chandrabhan Patel & Er. Kanti Solanki27Click Here
9.Training Programme on Issues, Challenges and Way Forward for Burnt Clay Brick IndustryAug 21-22, 2023Dr. Neeraj Jain, Principal Scientist62Click Here
10.Indo-Swiss Workshop on Modelling Rock-ice Avalanches, Rock Falls, and Debris FlowsSep 19-20, 2023Dr. D.P. Kanungo, Chief Scientist120Click Here
11.Training Programme on Design of Fire Protection MeasuresSep 25-27, 2023Er. Sohrab Jain, Sr. Pr. Scientist60Click Here
12.Training Programme on Master Trainers for MasonsSep 25-29, 2023Ar. S.K. Negi, Chief Scientist26Click Here
13.Training Programme on Durability and Repairs of RC StructuresOct 16-18, 2023Dr. S.R. Karade, Chief Scientist35Click Here
14.Workshop on Prevention and Control of Buildings from Harmful TreesOct 27, 2023Dr. R.K. Verma, Sr. Pr. Scientist23Click Here
15.Training Program on Building Construction: Village Problems – A Solution JourneyNov 02, 2023Er. Ashish Pippal, Sr. Scientist76Click Here
16.Training Programme on Design, Construction and Operation: SOP & Advances in Burnt Clay Brick IndustryNov 03-04, 2023Dr. Neeraj Jain, Principal Scientist56Click Here
17.Training Programme on Master Trainers for MasonsNov 20-24, 2023Ar. S.K. Negi, Chief Scientist31Click Here
18.Training Programme on Building Construction PracticesDec 21-22, 2023Dr. R. Dharmaraju, Chief Scientist08Click Here
19.Training Programme on Behaviour and Control Measures of LandslideSJan 29-31, 2024Ar. S.K. Negi, Chief Scientist24Click Here
20.Training Programme on Innovative Building Construction SystemsMar 13-15, 2024Dr. R. Dharmaraju, Chief Scientist24Click Here

Details of training programmes conducted during FY 2022-23

S. NoTitle of the ProgrammeDurationCourse CoordinatorNo. of ParticipantsTraining Details
1.Training Programme on Transparency & office Management : Leading to Good GovernanceApr 05-07, 2022Dr. R. Dharmaraju, Chief Scientist33Click Here
2.Training programme on Structural Pest ManagementMay 09-13, 2022Dr. B.S. Rawat , Sr. Pr. Scientist35Click Here
3.Construction of PMAY-G Demonstration Units & Technical Guidance to Willing Beneficiaries for Construction of Houses in AssamJun 27-28, 2022Ar. S.K. Negi, Chief Scientist15
4.Construction of PMAY-G Demonstration Units & Technical Guidance to Willing Beneficiaries for Construction of Houses in Uttar PradeshJul 11-12, 2022Ar. S.K. Negi , Chief Scientist12
5.Advanced Training Programme on Structural Pest ManagementAug 01-06, 2022Dr. B.S. Rawat , Sr. Pr. Scientist32Click Here
6.Residential Capacity Building Programme on Good Construction PracticesAug 08-09, 2022Prof. S.K. Singh, Chief Scientist25Click Here
7.Training programme on Rural Housing - Appropriate Construction TechniquesAug 22-26, 2022Dr. R. Dharmaraju, Chief Scientist15Click Here
8.Training Programme on Orientation of CSIR-CBRI Activities, Policies and GuidelinesOct 12-14, 2022Dr. R. Dharmaraju, Chief Scientist19Click Here
9.Training Programme on Disaster Resilient Building Construction PracticesNov 14-16, 2022Dr. R. Dharmaraju, Chief Scientist28Click Here
10.Training programme on Landslide Risk Mitigation & Control MeasuresNov 28-30, 2022Dr. R. Dharmaraju, Chief Scientist29Click Here
11.Training programme on Landslide Risk MitigationDec 22-23, 2022Dr. Manojit Samanta, Principal Scientist28Click Here
12.Hands on Training Programme on Simulia Abaqus SoftwareFeb 07-10, 2023Dr. Kishor Kulkarni, Sr. Scientist36Click Here
13.Webinar on Urban Underground SpaceMar 13-14, 2023Dr. M. Vinoth, Sr. Scientist98Click Here
14.Training programme on Construction of Rural Housing for Village - Problem & Solution JourneyMar 25, 2023Mr. Nadeem Ahmad, Sr Pr Scientist90Click Here